I believe my first kill comes about 8 seconds after my first spell is used, then everything is dead at about 30 seconds(too many guys so they came in late or it would have been about 15-20 seconds).
Only 2 purples dropped, and alot of whites so drops were nothing special, but I did get a skill point!
I tried to get the video as small as I could, the size ended up at 41.2 mb, I tried . I guess my compressions skills lack, but I hope people will still dl, it would only be aboute a 3-4 min. dl.
Hope you enjoy the new video in the long list of them! Post feedback as this is my first movie!(not about song though)
Granted that I've heard several times "griffons have been nerfed", and also that there have been several videos made, but I decided it would be fun to post a new one.
Divine Boon
Bonettis Defense
Balthazars Aura
Shield of Justice
Protective bond
Zealots Fire
Balthazars Spirit
Healing Prayers-10+3
Smiting Prayers-7+10
Protection Prayers-12+3+1(Scalp Design)
Divine Favor-4+3
Droknars Ascetic Chest,Arm,Leg,Foot Design, and Defender's Scalp Design
Set 1:
Collecter's Smiting Rod(Droknar's by Armor)
Collecter's Protective Icon(North of Lions Arch by the Tengu)
Set 2:
Collecters Smiting Rod(Droknar's by Armor)
Gold Protective Icon(Anything can go here, doesn't matter at all. Mine only give +8 energy with faster casting speed with healing prayers)
5 Superior Runes(2 Protection(they were cheapest when I bought 2nd one),Smiting,Divine Favor, Healing)
Just not for the runes to get the cheapest one at that time because it won't matter.
After I go outside out Augury Rock I get killed by the 1st devoreur so it brings my health down to 33, meaning I will only take 1 damage. After spawning I cast protective bond(with Set 1 out) until it gets to level 17(you can now by looking at the enchatment and it will so you will only lose 1 energy).
After I cast Balthazar's Spirit, and Mending. After all the enchatments are on I take 5 points out of Protection, and put them into Smiting(makes runs much faster). Then I go heard every possible minotar, and griffon that will follow.
NOTE: I will sometimes avoid Screamclaw since he is a monk and he talks awhile for me to kill. I will always get Featherclaw though.
As soon as I feel ready to attack I stop and cast Zealot's Fire, then Bonetti's, then Shield of Judgement, then Balthazar's Aura, and finally SPAM divine boon. As soon as mana runs out wait for Bonetti's(at this point not awholel lot should be left), once Bonetti's, I use that to get as much energy as possible then spam Divine Boon again(if Balthazar's Aura is ready use it instead). That's it...if there are still guys left just repeat the final step(bonetti's->boon(balthazar's aura).
Granted, UW drops are better, but you can get these runs done in about 3 min, and there is usually a gold every 2-3 runs, and usually 2 purples/run. The best item I've gotten has been a gold Cruel Spatha of Fortitude(15%>50,+30), however it wasn't max and when salvaged I got 2 steel . Over all you can make upwards of 5k/hr(possibly more)).
Yes, this may be nothing impressive with the massive amount of Mo/W's being made lately, but I dunno I thought it could potentially help some people?(I was bored )
But I hope you enjoyed. If there is anyone that wants any help though, my IGN is Fayg Cake! Feel free to ask me any questions.
New Griffions Video
cool, this is why i've been rushing my mo/w
Aw, so it sad bad that one one person watched it?
Hey, where can i get protective bond ?? plz tell me
do some leg work lazy ... there is a SKILL LISTING