hi guys!
i want to sell 3 items. one flamberg one truncheon and one bow grip of marksmanship. u see the items on the picture!
flamberg: buy out: 50p
truncheon: buy out: 15p
bow grip: buy out: 35p
just whisper me ingame and write a comment here! pls whisper me ingame, coz i dont think, that i have much time to see in the forum!
IGN: Gaja Muran
Selling 3 nice items!
Gaja Muran is my IGN
Umm.. prices arent too high. Nice items.
Gaja Muran is my IGN
ok... prices are really too high ^^ i will stop this auction now...
Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping - one post per 24 hours after making the original post. Also you are only allowed one active thread at a time - you must wait 2 days before starting a new one.