I'm amping my computer up. I currently have a 2.6ghz, 64mb, and 64mb graphics card. The graphics on Guild Wars are... well they're not good at all. On highest setting the game screws up and everything. Hell, Guild Wars doesn't even support my card. So i'm amping up my RAM to 512 and my graphics to 128. Will I get the whole dreamy glowy effec tthat is shown in the Guild Wars box? (Open the velcro cover with the archer shooting at the bone dragon) I love the way it looks and I want that. Also will I lag? I have 256 and the lag is ridiculous.
Thanks in advance!
Dreamy/Glowy Guild Wars Effect.
Uh...I think the dreamy, glowy effect is from the advertising department. But Dwarven Ale goggles work wonders!
I mean will the graphics look the best they can?
You should read my thread ^
The only thing good about your current system is the processor, and yes the upgrade will help
You should read my thread ^
The only thing good about your current system is the processor, and yes the upgrade will help
Does graphics help with load times? That's all I want and its why i'm upgrading because of LAG. It takes tooo long to upgrade. Could sombody take a sceeny of a 128 mb graphic card at work?
A specific area? so you can compare the image? *i have a 256 meg card*
Id be happy to help
Id be happy to help
It's not really so much of the memory on the card as it is the GPU. The 128MB 6800 will perform many, many times better than the FX5200 with 256. In any case, I'm using a 6600GT, full settings, 1024x768, 2xAA/8xAF, runs really smooth (except in big fights when it drops to 30 frames or so) and supports that "dreamy/glowy effect."
30fps is good man! The best I can squeeze out is 15 fps. I'd die of happiness if I could pump out 30. Ace take a screen for me? I'm looking to order things when my dad comes home.
It loses a lot of the quality with the JPEG compression, and for some reason, my screens don't capture the AA effects, but you get the idea.
It loses a lot of the quality with the JPEG compression, and for some reason, my screens don't capture the AA effects, but you get the idea.
Woah, even with quality loss it looks much better then mine! My game looks piss poor even on the highest setting. Thanks!
the "post-process effect" is what gives the glowy look, turn it on and see your performance