05 Aug 2005 at 22:04 - 21
I was in Beacon's Perch the other day when someone offered to run to Droknars for free, so I joined this group and it turns out the supposed runner was a N/R. Interesting, and potentially quite entertaining, so I just waited.
Before long a W/Mo20 joined the group and said that the run was his business, and told the necro that they could make some money out of it. They then said that everyone owed them 600g. It's a standard con, draw them in on a good deal and then slowly get them to hand over their life-savings. I immediately told the whole group that I would never pay up-front for a run and they said fine.
I asked him how he was going to do the run (I do the run myself, so I know what's needed) and he was very vague, I asked him how he was going avoid knockdowns and he mentioned capturing a bear. I have no clue how that was relevant. I asked him how many speed skills he had and he told me to look at his armour, and said it was the full 15K set. It was, but that obviously didn't convince me.
So I just waiting around for this run to start, knowing full well that it's not going to happen but interested to see what was actually going to happen. And it was as funny as I thought it might be. The necro left Beacons by the wrong door and then disconnected. The warrior then took us back in and left by the right door, before immediately disconnecting.
The really funny this is that the rest of the group thought that there had been some awful accident, and that we should try to get the necro back. I told them the whole thing was a joke or a con (I couldn't decide which was more likely) but they still seemed to think this necro was their ticket to Droknar's.
The final twist in the tale comes when I see him advertising to run for free again about 10 minutes later. I ask him what happened and he said did run a group to Droknar's and really quickly because nothing spawned in any of the zones, and he ventured a theory that it must have been lag.
So, free runs, not all they're made out to be. However, I must admit that even though I didn't get a free run, it was quite fun, in a surreal way.