I smell jealousy....
LOL Yeah i'm a guy and I have a female PVP healer. I went into competition arena and I saw that guy and the girl sitting. She got up for a second and I took her spot. She got so mad. She was doing the emotes like /shoo and the usual,"Go away!" I asked why and she said they were talking... Wow sombody is taking the RPG aspect of the game seriously. I told her that she could easily whisper him from across the map. Its funny messing with people like that.
I think she was doing more than just whispering
they were cyberin lol hahaahhaah hahaahh lol
they maybe are y they next to each other or maybe they bf anf gf just layin around
and you sat down where she was cybering with him? EWWWWWW you need new armor.
Medical Mechanica1
whispering SEX!
Xue Yi Liang
I thought that was a father warrior and his daughter - with mom in the foreground watching them play.
Sir Maddox
I'm sure the guy didn't mind. :P
Puddin Tame
For some reason, I HATE all people who make 2 naked characters dance next to each other and crap like that. DIE
Is there a problem with someone taking the whole RPG thing seriously?
Yes when we were all PVP characters. And RPing people are just nuts. I did a couple of quests with an avid RPer. He said lame stuff like,"Your bravery outmatches my own.." I sat there in my chair laughing soooo hard.
Originally Posted by ExplosiveBadger
Yes when we were all PVP characters. And RPing people are just nuts. I did a couple of quests with an avid RPer. He said lame stuff like,"Your bravery outmatches my own.." I sat there in my chair laughing soooo hard.
Dan Mega
LOL pwned
Originally Posted by ExplosiveBadger
Yes when we were all PVP characters. And RPing people are just nuts. I did a couple of quests with an avid RPer. He said lame stuff like,"Your bravery outmatches my own.." I sat there in my chair laughing soooo hard.
actually pvp players are equally as nuts. when im in a group with an 'obvious' hardcore pvper out of his element in the rp world ... its funny ... see the ele rushing like mad into battle to cast his mad skillz (with a party of 6 in yaks) wondering why he dies, or the avid Im a super warrior who loves to aggro and screw your energy ... i get laughs for hours with the impatient ones. You can tell the rp'ers cause they actually know the game and have likely been through it a few times ... just like throwing in a bunch of rp'ers into a pug tombs team and watch them die before entering the tombs ... the eccentric type that thou art upon the hills of glory crap is funny to but Im lerss likely to engage in drunken humour cause I will likely have too much fun with them
Originally Posted by ExplosiveBadger
Yes when we were all PVP characters. And RPing people are just nuts. I did a couple of quests with an avid RPer. He said lame stuff like,"Your bravery outmatches my own.." I sat there in my chair laughing soooo hard.
Lol i nearly wet myself laughing when i read that, i do some RP but not really in guildwars. Its basically not worth the hassel when all i get is loads of whispers of people saying things like 'shake those titties' *sigh*
Saridley Kronah
Lol yea i was playing with this RP guy just to see if i could do the villainy of galrath just with 2 people but he was sayin things like "Hurry cast thy spell of healing before thou expires" and i almost wet myself so many times.
Funny how I think all the text above me, the quotes that is, are bull.
Mainly because a RPer wouldn't say such a thing. By the time he types that, he could be dead already.
Mainly because a RPer wouldn't say such a thing. By the time he types that, he could be dead already.
Originally Posted by Killion
Funny how I think all the text above me, the quotes that is, are bull.
Mainly because a RPer wouldn't say such a thing. By the time he types that, he could be dead already. I don't know...I play D&D and have met many roleplayers and many are just like that, lol! I can just see them trying to take their roleplaying into a video game like that. Yeah, he might be dead, but this happens in D&D too.
We were in an adventure in D&D where the party was all split up, and most of us were dying (we were all 1st level!), getting wasted by orcs. There was one party member (a paladin) who was still at full health and even on a horse, so he could've had a great fighting advantage to make an attack. Well, he thought it would be cool to roleplay him doing a fancy dismount while drawing his sword and making some lame comment about how they are all doomed, and they should flee this day, etc...well he used up his whole turn doing that stuff that he couldn't even make an attack. Needless to say he got killed and the whole party died. That was the shortest lived character I ever played, lol.
Mainly because a RPer wouldn't say such a thing. By the time he types that, he could be dead already. I don't know...I play D&D and have met many roleplayers and many are just like that, lol! I can just see them trying to take their roleplaying into a video game like that. Yeah, he might be dead, but this happens in D&D too.
We were in an adventure in D&D where the party was all split up, and most of us were dying (we were all 1st level!), getting wasted by orcs. There was one party member (a paladin) who was still at full health and even on a horse, so he could've had a great fighting advantage to make an attack. Well, he thought it would be cool to roleplay him doing a fancy dismount while drawing his sword and making some lame comment about how they are all doomed, and they should flee this day, etc...well he used up his whole turn doing that stuff that he couldn't even make an attack. Needless to say he got killed and the whole party died. That was the shortest lived character I ever played, lol.
U smell jealousy.. i smell adultery (sp?).. that guy is like 20 times bigger than the poor 12-year old girl..