Found me strange hammer:
Gold Vampiric Rams Hammer of Enchanting.Max damage Damage +13% Armour -10 while attcking (?) Life Stealing 5/-1 Enchant +17% Req 13 hammer mastery
I can i see its an ok hammer with the life steal 5 and dam +13% with no conditions.
But what is the -10 Armour mean?? have found tons of weapons but noone with -10 armour... What can this be worth??
As a mostly pve player who has 3 toons witch i have gone thru missions with, i havent been taking notice off how insane prizes has become.. (sold some nrly perfect bows etc for a k or two.... stupid me...) saving for a sigil for my 3 man guild.. have saved about 35k and hoped maybe this and a few others good golden i have could help me on the way
Price check vamipiric hamer
if you salvage the 5/1 haft, you could sell that for LOTS 75k+
Why salvage? its alrdy max damage and a 13%+ damage with no requirements (like health above 50% etc) if i was a hammer user i wouldnt change it..
If anyone intersted i can post it in sell forum (im on european server but i guess it possible to trade in the international districts. never tried
If anyone intersted i can post it in sell forum (im on european server but i guess it possible to trade in the international districts. never tried