Originally Posted by Drakron
Both PvP and PvE players are quiting because they are bored and the game is broken and unfun ... Guild Wars idea of end game is farming grind.
Arena Net is busy digging the grave of this game, I dont think many of us will be staying for the funeral.

no flame intended but quite a few people are not seeing something clearly.
this is not a game that was ever intended to hold a persons attention permanently.
it was intended to provide as much fun as the individual got from it and be put aside for as long as it takes for an update or the next chapter to come out and be played again.
with no monthly fee to force you to play or lose it will work nicely.
the people still seem to think that this is wow or eq free and should provide the continous long playtime of a full MMORPG which has been stated plainly that it is not
we are not expected to set up a virtual life here but to come and play on the neighborhood playground until something else comes along and return as we feel the urge to play again
so people will be coming and going as things are added and when chapter 2 comes out there will be a large number of people who havent played for months looking at what is being added and buy it
for the people who hate the game no they wont be back but that happens with every game
again not a flame and if i offended i apologize in advance