WTS max furious flamberge (10% chance)
Bahamut Zero
only reasonable offer will be accepted, so no minimum bid... I'll set a buyout as soon as I see any trends in bidding on this item.
my IGN: Ororo Munroe, Crazybread Horse
---C/O is 25k but i have done better in-game... buy it somebody!
---B/O on this item is 50k---- I believe this is reasonable, as it is only twice the current bid after less than one day of bidding
********AUTION OVER***********
ludd wins only if he sends me his ign
Gustav Gloomp
IGN: princess fluffy bun, gustav gloomp
IGN: princess fluffy bun, gustav gloomp
Soul Sabre
20k ign soul sabre
If you salvage it and get the furious hilt i'll pay a lot for it. :\
25k from me
Gustav Gloomp
i'll be farming for the next few days then ill put a serious bid on this if its not sold by then
Bahamut Zero
bump #1
added a buyout earlier and this auction is likely to end tuesday or better, so get the bids pumpin'
added a buyout earlier and this auction is likely to end tuesday or better, so get the bids pumpin'
Bahamut Zero
bump #2
just so ya know ends tomorrow...
just so ya know ends tomorrow...
25k. cuz the above guy was banned i guess.