Yesterday after playing for a few hours then switching between characters, I got the message saying that "Your account is not authorized currently to play Guild Wars."
Does anyone know of any reason how an account can suddenly become unauthorized? Has anyone experienced this before?
I have already contacted the Guild Wars support. They just asked for my character names and then said that my problem has been "escalated" to a senior member of the team and said they will contact me. But it's been almost 24 hours since their last email. Based from your experiences, do they really take long to come out with a solution? Do they have support on weekends?
Unauthorized key?
Nikos Battlehammer
This is a very serious problem this means either :
A: Someone stole your cd-key and is using it malicously
B: You downloaded the game from a P2P service, and have been caught
Worst case senario you have to buy a new cdkey
A: Someone stole your cd-key and is using it malicously
B: You downloaded the game from a P2P service, and have been caught
Worst case senario you have to buy a new cdkey
Nikos Battlehammer
A) Could be, but I definitely hope not.
B) No I didn't download the game from a P2P service.
I'm in the process of completing/buying all the monk skills (completed ranger and warrior already). I definitely do not want to start from scratch again.
B) No I didn't download the game from a P2P service.
I'm in the process of completing/buying all the monk skills (completed ranger and warrior already). I definitely do not want to start from scratch again.
Bare in mind that it is the weekend and some staff do like to spend time away from work too, lol.
did you download anything lately, Niklos?
there might have been a nasty in it that watches and nicks yer key, so update or grab a anti-spyware and anti trojen and worm program to make sure...
there might have been a nasty in it that watches and nicks yer key, so update or grab a anti-spyware and anti trojen and worm program to make sure...
Dont woryy happened to me 3 times and nothing happened to me. it happened like 4weeks ago or somthin cant remeber at all but it happened to me a long time ago like very time i logged in.
Nikos Battlehammer
rayea: no, didnt download anything. but i'll follow your advice on the antivirus/spyware.
nic008: i really hope that it can be solved soon. been unable to play for the whole weekend. and after been playing for more than 2 months already, well you know, it's already a habit to play!
nic008: i really hope that it can be solved soon. been unable to play for the whole weekend. and after been playing for more than 2 months already, well you know, it's already a habit to play!