WTS sundering long sword

the dragon king

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

in teh meep

Gods Of Koas


sundering long sword 10% armor penetration 9% chance
14% more damage when enchanted
and 19% chance of +1 swordsmanship
12 swordsmanship req

i dont have a pic because i dont know how to crop :P

this is a auction bidding starts at 5k minimum increase 500


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

5k, plez show pic



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Ultimate Chaos Legion


Jm Equinoxx


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

before we know req, let us treat it as salvage client.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Ultimate Chaos Legion


Jm Equinoxx



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21599
Trade thread general guidelines:

* Post your in game name clearly.
* What time will you be availble to sell your items in game.
* List of the items with their prices. Screenshots are ok here.
* If people are interested in your items, they will post and say so. If they don't, ask THX for a hug.
* You're entitled to one active thread at a time.
* If you wish to create a new thread, let your current active one die then wait for 12 hours. Creating new ones to sell more items will be considered spam inside of those 12 hours, forcing us to lock the thread and possibley deleting it depending on the concenus of the mod.
* Your thread title must not promote your sales above others. As an example of what I mean:
- Awesome sword 4 sale!
- Wicked damage bow!
- Best sword in the game!
- Godly
* Keep it simple and to the point:
- Sword, Bow, Runes
- Red, Yellow, Green Dye, Axes
* Edit your post as items are sold. Do not repost in your thread until 24 hours has passed since the last post or the auction is over.
* Make sure people know if your running an auction or a first come first serve type of deal.
* You may only edit messages already posted in your thread until those 24 hours has passed.
* If you are going to post a picture, don't post a giant screen shot of your entire HUD and everything else going on around you. A 10 second Paint job can really help.
* Price checks are no longer allowed in these forums. They must stay in ONLY the buy forum. I will straight out delete the thread. Read the bolded part.

the dragon king

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

in teh meep

Gods Of Koas


oh sorry i didnt kno its just that its a good sword without the sundering :|
umm how do i change the topic title??? i changed it in the edit post but it didnt do any thing


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

you can't change thread title, that is why it became frustrated sometimes.



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu] www.teamlove.us

Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping.