Coming this Tuesday (August 9th) my guild, Black Rose Assassins, will be hosting another item giveaway event. The event will start around 5:00 PM PST (Midnight GMT) and take place in Lion's Arch international district 1.
We've held a couple of these events before, and have had remarkable success with them. We do this to have fun, and help people have fun. We will be hosting wacky contests and games with some nice items as rewards. Some of the items we have ready to give away are pretty good, and I believe most people would be very excited to get. We're talking max damage weapons, weapon upgrades, max armor shields, runes, etc...
I'm posting this here to inform you citizens of GWGuru community and ask that if you would like to participate in this event and have a fun time, enjoy the positive atmosphere, and partake in some great festivites, then make sure to stop by during our event. The events usually last around half an hour to an hour, and typically we like to end them with one huge party worthy of some great screenshots. Last time we had a blast using sychronized emotes, so I hope we can do some more of that.
There will be numerous games and contests to get in on. I like to do a small trivia booth near the fountain, others BRAs do some simon says (who can do the called out emote first), some like to play hard to get (first to open a trade window with them gets a prize while they run away).
Anyways, the bottom line is we're a guild that formed from the betas, so we know how awesome the betas were. This is our effort to bring back the sense of camaradery and fun that existed in the betas (especially at the ends of them, with everyone going crazy having a blast). Even if you never experienced any of the betas, I would like to see you there. We all have a blast, and as they say.... the more the merrier!
Who: Black Rose Assassins [BRA]
What: Item giveaway
Where: Lion's Arch, international district 1
When: Tuesday, August 9th; 5:00 PM PST (8:00 PM EST, 12:00 GMT)
Why: Fun
BRA guild giveaway event
Ahhhhh the empting of the inventories ~ wonderful. Was hoping we were doing this soon =).
As a teaser for an up and coming event there is another BRA giveaway in the mix that we're ironing out all the details for. Accentually the give away will be based around quests/adventures/ missions. We'll have a publicly answered, skill testing (for the low IQ) questions along with a small scavenger hunt to win a few "deemed" major prizes. Most likely they will be an adventure of your choosing (if its a tough mission you cant get through - you can have as many BRA members as you need to get through or maybe you're having troubles completing a quest or getting to an outpost etc.). Most likely the top price will be a adventure/farming/gold/items/experience run in the UW/FOW with yourself and just one of our guildes as your guide.
Like I mentioned, once we iron out the test questions (for sake of ease) and complete the scavenger hunt list (there most likely will be 3 lists - early game stage/ mid game stage/ late game stage - based on where you would be able to collect items. Please also note that these items will not be required for you to turn in - just show us that you've got them; in person, on the day of the actual giveaway). As a favor - there are quite a few "experienced" folks operating on these message boards and our focus is to help those in need while making it a fun time and helping others try to experience "beta fever". So if you're not REALLY in need of the help and you do win something ~ we'd ask that you pass the prize on down the line to someone who does.
This will be coming soon - please keep your eyes peeled for more details~!
Just remember, BRA is gonna cram fun down your pie hole weather you like it or not.
BRA = Beta Revival Agency/ Beta Restoration Activists really should have been our guild name
As a teaser for an up and coming event there is another BRA giveaway in the mix that we're ironing out all the details for. Accentually the give away will be based around quests/adventures/ missions. We'll have a publicly answered, skill testing (for the low IQ) questions along with a small scavenger hunt to win a few "deemed" major prizes. Most likely they will be an adventure of your choosing (if its a tough mission you cant get through - you can have as many BRA members as you need to get through or maybe you're having troubles completing a quest or getting to an outpost etc.). Most likely the top price will be a adventure/farming/gold/items/experience run in the UW/FOW with yourself and just one of our guildes as your guide.
Like I mentioned, once we iron out the test questions (for sake of ease) and complete the scavenger hunt list (there most likely will be 3 lists - early game stage/ mid game stage/ late game stage - based on where you would be able to collect items. Please also note that these items will not be required for you to turn in - just show us that you've got them; in person, on the day of the actual giveaway). As a favor - there are quite a few "experienced" folks operating on these message boards and our focus is to help those in need while making it a fun time and helping others try to experience "beta fever". So if you're not REALLY in need of the help and you do win something ~ we'd ask that you pass the prize on down the line to someone who does.
This will be coming soon - please keep your eyes peeled for more details~!
Just remember, BRA is gonna cram fun down your pie hole weather you like it or not.
BRA = Beta Revival Agency/ Beta Restoration Activists really should have been our guild name
/monday bump
Hopefully this will help more people see this thread. It goes down tomorrow!
Hopefully this will help more people see this thread. It goes down tomorrow!
Aww...I hope I can make this one. Missed the last one.
Tonight is the night! Come one, come all! Tell your friends and guildies! Bring your goodie bags (Halloween is early), your thinking caps and your "fun" spirits (its a new Ranger spirit for AOE fun) and meet us in LA international D1.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
I'll be there, can't miss out on free stuff. :P
Crystal Nightingale
I'll be there as well. Sounds fun

Hope I could make it. I don't get off work until 4PM PST, so it depends on traffic...
ill bring some of my guildies