Salvagables and such?
As we slowly count the hours towards release, I'm curious if anyone has a link to a somewhat exhaustive guide about what types of drops should be salvaged? I've only played in one BWE, and played exclusively with PvP characters, so when I start this game come release, i'll be as green as pre-searing... so, what kind of stuff should we ID, salvage, and expert salvage, to get the most out of the money those things cost? Anyone know, or have a link to some guide or FAQ?
Here is a link to some salvage things. Hope it helps. Click Here
Thats not a list of savalgables :P
Originally Posted by JeshterDaggerfury
Thats not a list of savalgables :P

I also noticed that I can't spell, hehe.
I found out you can salvage weapons and such, not quest items or beginner items but mostly everything is salvageable o.O;
Kinda handy if you dont' feel like selling a sword for one gold, transform it into something you may actually need, or if not, sell it for four more gold or something, every little bit helps...
Kinda handy if you dont' feel like selling a sword for one gold, transform it into something you may actually need, or if not, sell it for four more gold or something, every little bit helps...
This is the method I use for salvaging.
If it's a colored item, ID it. Make sure you ID everything, even early on. I spend my first 100g on an ID kit. The value of the items will easily pay off the kit and help you buy new armor faster.
If a colored item shows anything that I am not interested in using, I salvage it with an expert salvage kit. (Early on, before I get to expert kits, I may sell them if they are worth a lot of gold.)
If it does show something that I can either use or sell for a lot, I will probably keep it.
If it's a regular non-colored item, I salvage most of it but sell some extras for cash as I need it. Basically, salvage everything you can get your hands on, though. You want to stock up piles of hundreds of bones, iron, cloth, wood, scales, etc. These things will probably sell for more than the items you salvaged them from would have, and they can stack while salvagable items cannot.
By doing this, you'll have plenty of materials to upgrade your own armor, and plenty of money to spend should you need it.
Edit: I guess I should make it more clear. Always ID colored items even if you're going to salvage them. It may unlock new items for your PvP character, and it will increase the odds that you salvage something good.
You'll want to use the expert kit on colored things, but just the regular kit on basic items.
If it's a colored item, ID it. Make sure you ID everything, even early on. I spend my first 100g on an ID kit. The value of the items will easily pay off the kit and help you buy new armor faster.
If a colored item shows anything that I am not interested in using, I salvage it with an expert salvage kit. (Early on, before I get to expert kits, I may sell them if they are worth a lot of gold.)
If it does show something that I can either use or sell for a lot, I will probably keep it.
If it's a regular non-colored item, I salvage most of it but sell some extras for cash as I need it. Basically, salvage everything you can get your hands on, though. You want to stock up piles of hundreds of bones, iron, cloth, wood, scales, etc. These things will probably sell for more than the items you salvaged them from would have, and they can stack while salvagable items cannot.
By doing this, you'll have plenty of materials to upgrade your own armor, and plenty of money to spend should you need it.
Edit: I guess I should make it more clear. Always ID colored items even if you're going to salvage them. It may unlock new items for your PvP character, and it will increase the odds that you salvage something good.
You'll want to use the expert kit on colored things, but just the regular kit on basic items.
After playing a bit you'll learn yourself quite easy what yo uwant to salvage and what you don't. Don't worrry if you end up wasting a few hundred gold (that's the very high estimation, BTW), it will give you insight as to how salvaging works.
I found it's best to keep items in your inventory, and sell them instead of salvaging them, due to the materials prices last beta (selling to merchant, I was too lazy to find buyers, which would then maybe make it more valuable to salvage), but especially at low level, it's hard to do that, sicne you have little inventory space. Last beta I didn't do that due to my inventory being full.
Overall, you can't really take anyone's advice for too certain, because they may have modified quite majorly the economy and/or salvaging, liek I said, it's not too bad finding out yoruself.
I found it's best to keep items in your inventory, and sell them instead of salvaging them, due to the materials prices last beta (selling to merchant, I was too lazy to find buyers, which would then maybe make it more valuable to salvage), but especially at low level, it's hard to do that, sicne you have little inventory space. Last beta I didn't do that due to my inventory being full.
Overall, you can't really take anyone's advice for too certain, because they may have modified quite majorly the economy and/or salvaging, liek I said, it's not too bad finding out yoruself.
a spin-off question on this, is when do I want to use a salvage kit vs. an expert kit? For instance, if it's a rune, I always use an expert kit, for a higher chance of getting the rune, but if it's, say, colored but not runed, what do I use? and if it's been ID'd as highly salvageable, which kit do i use?