Adrenaline Skills Question


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005


Some skills (like Rush, Battle Rage, and Defy Pain) last over a certain time but require adrenaline. Is it possible to re-use them before their time is up?

For example, if I activate Battle Rage and get the required 4Adrenaline again, can I use it again to reset the timer? Or am I not allowed to use the skill while it is currently in effect?



Beta Tester

Join Date: Jan 2005

Carebear Club

In all cases, the timer will simply be reset.

Cyrus the Mighty

Cyrus the Mighty

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2005

The catch with Battle Rage though, is when you re-cast it and reset it's timer; it technically "ends"; so you still gain double adrenaline but you lose all adrenaline at that point.