Trainer Question
Where can I find the Earth Elementalist Trainer? (i'm a level 3)
7 days of storm
there is none...
how do I learn it?
Swampgirl Inez
Since you are level 3, I assume you are in pre-searing? You don't get earth skills in pre. In post-searing, you do quests to get skills and there are some skill trainers you can buy skills from as well.
ahhhh I see. ok, thanks!
man, i'm a newb.:P
man, i'm a newb.:P
lol, everybody ask that kinda questions in the begining XD
I have a silly question that is somewhat related...
I saw a website about a week ago that had a list of pre-searing skills for each profession, but for the life of me, I can't find it again. Anyone know which one I mean?
I saw a website about a week ago that had a list of pre-searing skills for each profession, but for the life of me, I can't find it again. Anyone know which one I mean?
err... nevermind. Found another thread. Sorry.