Healing areana!

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


I just had this idea.. Well, people are talking about 1vs1 areanas but there would be no way for a healing build to participate in that unless they had smites of some sort.

Well, what about an areana that an class with healing spells can join, no offencive allowed, where the objective is to heal a team of NPCs while they fight another team of NPCs.

The healer could not attack or be attacked, as the time goes on the mission gets harder and so forth untill one team is completely dead.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

It sounds like something that would be apart of the normal pvp setup, but this scenario would be part of a multi-staged objecive setup in order to guage overal team effectivness in varied situations. This would be instead of which team can protect its self or kill the other team more effectivly.

A suggestion like this is another means to blend more pve and pvp together into one fluid thought. This game could stand more ideas of this nature to be implemented within the game, in order to create a more diverse environment.

*To avoid the obvious gvg lord argument, ill provide a different spin to the idea.

Have two convoys of npcs traveling to different destinations. Have the areas be mostly open to avoid spirit blocking or excessive trapping. Each side gets rated for the number of npcs in their convoy to reach different locations. Allow the convoys to follow a designated leader, in order to avoid predictable movements. This also serves as a double purpose, as an incentive towards dividing attention and balance between offese and defense between npc and pc targets. Allow for more than one destination to be available per side, in order to avoid taking the npc group and charging with the full body of the pc group, into the other team's npc group. Allow for respawning to occur for both pc and npc characters and rate score for the total sucessful npc to reach each location. This also allows for a bonus to efficiency if npcs are no required to stay at each location, but the capture and hold in multiple locations could be used as a secondary or later element. As an alternative, if the "objective" number of npcs reach a location, then a new group spawns and when all group locations are reached then the game ends. Have the match end due to time out or by score/victory conditions. Limited or no death penalty for pc, but that would require testing to decide if its needed. NPCs may need to be given immunity to changes in run speed, but would also require testing.

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Woooo ~~ I'm just like Thomas Eddison today!

Mugon M. Musashi

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

France (Paris)



good idea
I see that more like a mini-game/test

adding mini-games to the guild hall could be fun