Idea, Every man for himself PVP battleground
Im suggesting a brand new fun form of pvp, battleground pvp.
A wide open field where 20+ players have 10 minutes to just duke it out and kill whoever they want.
No DP and instant respawn, i think thatd be muy fun
A wide open field where 20+ players have 10 minutes to just duke it out and kill whoever they want.
No DP and instant respawn, i think thatd be muy fun
Arcanis Imperium
your talking about a last man standing mode. Not a bad idea, but I think the warriors would probably be at disadvantage there. Most people would team up to take out the warriors first, then it'd be come a Caster fight.
The game's balanced for teamwork. Where would this leave monks who usually play support, and such other classes? Without teams of at least 4, this idea will never fly.
monks wouldnt have to play, i hate when people think that every mode should be for every class
I thoroughly support this idea. Maybe my ranger would come out of his box.
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
The game's balanced for teamwork. Where would this leave monks who usually play support, and such other classes? Without teams of at least 4, this idea will never fly. |
Originally Posted by Nizzim
monks wouldnt have to play, i hate when people think that every mode should be for every class
... Oh, Wait. It's called PvE.
i can make taht area, i have the power of the sun
i can make taht area, i have the power of the sun
I personally think it is a bad idea. As stated, a monks would be at a disadvantage, as well as other builds that are meant to handle groups. How would you like it if there were sections of the game were warriors were useless, or rangers were useless, and so on.
In addition, it would be a luck and persuasion contest. Be the lucky person to not get attacked, and the lucky person to get the last hit on a person. Persuade others to attack the targets you choose. No one character can completely dominate others, as they are all essentially equal.
In addition, it would be a luck and persuasion contest. Be the lucky person to not get attacked, and the lucky person to get the last hit on a person. Persuade others to attack the targets you choose. No one character can completely dominate others, as they are all essentially equal.
Arcanis Imperium
Originally Posted by Nizzim
monks wouldnt have to play, i hate when people think that every mode should be for every class
or you could divide the area into 6 sections for each respective class
youd respawn instantly, itd be a free for all for ever itd be awesome
Ensabah Nur
I think it's a great idea, for those that wish to participate, just as PvP/GvG & PvE is for those that wish to participate. If you don't wish to participate, don't what's it matter to you ? Let me reiterate if this isn't something your into, then let others that are be into it, it's not a "BAD IDEA" just because YOU don't like it. Too many GW players get this whole issue of "Everyone should play the way I play". Well news, we're all different and all have our own preferances. "live and let live" - Paul Mcartney
The following was my suggestion in another forum when an Open Map Area for all out fighting was the OP's Idea:
Might I make this suggestion:
Instead of a Town/Outpost with however many players can be crammed in there. I suggest an Arena similar to the ones we have now where 16(current max players per arena) or maybe up to 20 players all pay an entry fee(say umm $50 or $100 gold) Then fight it out King of the Hill/Last Man Standing/Winner Take All style. Last Player to SURVIVE wins the pot,gets fame points etc. Maybe even have a Ladder for it? (No Drops)(Once you're dead you're ejected or lay there and watch the rest of the battle{make that players choice})
Also from same thread when disputed:
"Once "people" start "living" in a world those "people" start to "mold" that world to their liking." - Ensabah Nur
In other words, if many people like a suggestion/idea, Anet deems it feasable with little to no negative affect on the other types/styles of play/players and gives Anet the ability to please a portion of the buying consumer, Then why not?
Oh and before some of you give me the , "But GW was designed/based on the teamwork concept" let me point to the above quote and add this from the same thread:
A) The whole concept of this type of battle is to get away from the "TEAMWORK" concept(As I stated above there is a desire for this,OBVIOUSLY)
B) We're the ones PAYING for it,it's our world therefore we can ATTEMPT to guide it.
"Although I may disapprove of what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it'' Attributed to Voltaire. arigatou
The following was my suggestion in another forum when an Open Map Area for all out fighting was the OP's Idea:
Might I make this suggestion:
Instead of a Town/Outpost with however many players can be crammed in there. I suggest an Arena similar to the ones we have now where 16(current max players per arena) or maybe up to 20 players all pay an entry fee(say umm $50 or $100 gold) Then fight it out King of the Hill/Last Man Standing/Winner Take All style. Last Player to SURVIVE wins the pot,gets fame points etc. Maybe even have a Ladder for it? (No Drops)(Once you're dead you're ejected or lay there and watch the rest of the battle{make that players choice})
Also from same thread when disputed:
"Once "people" start "living" in a world those "people" start to "mold" that world to their liking." - Ensabah Nur
In other words, if many people like a suggestion/idea, Anet deems it feasable with little to no negative affect on the other types/styles of play/players and gives Anet the ability to please a portion of the buying consumer, Then why not?
Oh and before some of you give me the , "But GW was designed/based on the teamwork concept" let me point to the above quote and add this from the same thread:
A) The whole concept of this type of battle is to get away from the "TEAMWORK" concept(As I stated above there is a desire for this,OBVIOUSLY)
B) We're the ones PAYING for it,it's our world therefore we can ATTEMPT to guide it.
"Although I may disapprove of what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it'' Attributed to Voltaire. arigatou
I think we need some ways to PvP as either teams or solo in an open area with random or preselected opponents (per our choosing. not just one combination of those possibilities)
The PvP in this game gets an A+ when it comes to balance and skill involved to PvP.
The PvP in this game gets an F- for PvP options in setting up matches or open PvP (note : there IS no open PvP. while the game would recieve an F for the lack of this alone, it essentially would also recieve an F for the lack of options in setting up matches. So...maybe a double F would be more appropiate)
The PvP in this game gets an A+ when it comes to balance and skill involved to PvP.
The PvP in this game gets an F- for PvP options in setting up matches or open PvP (note : there IS no open PvP. while the game would recieve an F for the lack of this alone, it essentially would also recieve an F for the lack of options in setting up matches. So...maybe a double F would be more appropiate)
Originally Posted by Ensabah Nur
I think it's a great idea, for those that wish to participate, just as PvP/GvG & PvE is for those that wish to participate. If you don't wish to participate, don't what's it matter to you ?
Since you don't have to participate, you wouldn't mind adding an area with a large TV that you can sit and watch stuff on, or a large car wash where you can clean your characters for a fee. Then maybe we should add a place where the world spins very fast constantly so it is a struggle to walk in one direction, but you wouldn't mind because it doesn't affect you.
People on this forum are always declaring "bad idea" for some reason or another. If you don't like the idea of a battleground don't play there. Some people would like to get a break from the teamwork once in a while, I myself would like to see a 1v1 arena.
"In fact, it DOES affect me. ANet would have to spend time to implement this, time that could be spent on more important issues."
More important in your opinion. Who died and made you king? This kind of thinking is stupid and selfish. As ever, Anet will implement what they want to. More pvp options, including a battleground or a 1v1 arena or something else we haven't even heard of, would be good candidates for expansion content. I seriously doubt whether it would be very difficult to implement, say, a casual 1v1 arena or a 16v16 arena; I'd think a battleground would take less time than a new area to develop.
(Disclaimer: IANAGWC -- I am not a Guild Wars coder, but I have worked on games like this before.)
"In fact, it DOES affect me. ANet would have to spend time to implement this, time that could be spent on more important issues."
More important in your opinion. Who died and made you king? This kind of thinking is stupid and selfish. As ever, Anet will implement what they want to. More pvp options, including a battleground or a 1v1 arena or something else we haven't even heard of, would be good candidates for expansion content. I seriously doubt whether it would be very difficult to implement, say, a casual 1v1 arena or a 16v16 arena; I'd think a battleground would take less time than a new area to develop.
(Disclaimer: IANAGWC -- I am not a Guild Wars coder, but I have worked on games like this before.)
...and the elimentilist squishes the poor herd of W/Mo's beating up on each other with his storms of fire
Originally Posted by Nizzim
monks wouldnt have to play, i hate when people think that every mode should be for every class

The solution for this suggestion is simple.
We already have 6 x 8 player maps in certain Tombs maps.
Why not have big deathmatch arenas with really large and varied maps, with 12 x 4 players? And a full set of henchies to choose from.
So you can get 12 teams of 4 duking it out on maps that have a mix of open plains, narrow corridors, etc, sometime free for all, sometimes team vs team in some corner of the map etc. And people who want to play alone can bring 3 henchies in. Or not, they can join by themselves if they want, I guess.
We already have 6 x 8 player maps in certain Tombs maps.
Why not have big deathmatch arenas with really large and varied maps, with 12 x 4 players? And a full set of henchies to choose from.
So you can get 12 teams of 4 duking it out on maps that have a mix of open plains, narrow corridors, etc, sometime free for all, sometimes team vs team in some corner of the map etc. And people who want to play alone can bring 3 henchies in. Or not, they can join by themselves if they want, I guess.
Ensabah Nur
[QUOTE=aB-]In fact, it DOES affect me. ANet would have to spend time to implement this, time that could be spent on more important issues.
Arigatou Jon, you said it all with this simple statement.
Originally Posted by jon__
More important in your opinion. Who died and made you king? This kind of thinking is stupid and selfish.
No weezer is right it's a bad idea.... It wouldn't be balanced for the classes.
Don't like it don't play it? Thats just stupid....
If I were to say lets put in a place where everyone 1 hit KOs everyone! If you don't like it don't play it. You're not allowed to comment on my idea in any negative way because YOU don't have to play it....
Don't like it don't play it? Thats just stupid....
If I were to say lets put in a place where everyone 1 hit KOs everyone! If you don't like it don't play it. You're not allowed to comment on my idea in any negative way because YOU don't have to play it....
Nice strawman argument there MCS. Point is, a "1 hit KO arena" would likely not be very popular with the players. It's not reasonable, and not likely to be implemented. But if enough people wanted a battleground, or one of the other pvp options mentioned in this thread and many others, and the devs put it in, it would not be unreasonable.
Anet has to decide whether spending X amount of time implementing something is worth it for Y number of people. This forum is a place where players can make their feelings known and make suggestions. If you don't like the ideas fine, but don't act like you're the only one who plays the game.
Anet has to decide whether spending X amount of time implementing something is worth it for Y number of people. This forum is a place where players can make their feelings known and make suggestions. If you don't like the ideas fine, but don't act like you're the only one who plays the game.
I think it IS a good idea, I am in favour....
All the reasons have been stated before (saves my fingers from typing the whole lot)
All the reasons have been stated before (saves my fingers from typing the whole lot)
Originally Posted by jon__
Nice strawman argument there MCS. Point is, a "1 hit KO arena" would likely not be very popular with the players. It's not reasonable, and not likely to be implemented. But if enough people wanted a battleground, or one of the other pvp options mentioned in this thread and many others, and the devs put it in, it would not be unreasonable.
Anet has to decide whether spending X amount of time implementing something is worth it for Y number of people. This forum is a place where players can make their feelings known and make suggestions. If you don't like the ideas fine, but don't act like you're the only one who plays the game. |
If I don't like an idea you want me to not comment on it. He posts a suggestion I have the right to comment on it, good or bad. I feel his idea is terrible and is almost an insult to the game.
Senseless killing with no DPs and instant spawn, with no end goal, with no nothing, check strategy at the door as well as half the classes!
Don't yell at me for having an opinion.
I don't like the idea much at all. But at least it's beter then the suggestions for a OneVsOne arena. I'll give you that much.
The main problem is that you'd get "runners". Balanced stance, spell breaker...etc etc. These guys would just run around forever until everyone quit for easy XP. A Wa/Mo with mend ailment, spell breaker, balanced stance, sprint... etc is extremely hard to knockdown or pin-down.
I think this would work better if you earned points based on several factors, with surviving being on of the least important.
For instance, you garner points based on damage dealt in total (Elementalists), hexes maintained (Necros, Mesmers), hitpoints regained (Monks), and just a very large variety of things like that in general, so that you win based on how you play, not on whether you live. Although, the problem there is that some builds aren't made to take damage, so it would encourage everyone to bring builds that can last, simply because whoever lives the longest will have more time to build up points. A good solution to that would be to have fast resurrections, or make it so that you have rounds, and the faster you die in the first round, the more time you have to fight in the second before the last people alive in the first round are allowed into combat.
Or something like that. It would require a whole new means of tracking certain things and a new scoring system, so it wouldn't happen.
For instance, you garner points based on damage dealt in total (Elementalists), hexes maintained (Necros, Mesmers), hitpoints regained (Monks), and just a very large variety of things like that in general, so that you win based on how you play, not on whether you live. Although, the problem there is that some builds aren't made to take damage, so it would encourage everyone to bring builds that can last, simply because whoever lives the longest will have more time to build up points. A good solution to that would be to have fast resurrections, or make it so that you have rounds, and the faster you die in the first round, the more time you have to fight in the second before the last people alive in the first round are allowed into combat.
Or something like that. It would require a whole new means of tracking certain things and a new scoring system, so it wouldn't happen.
All those negative statements doesnt in any way make this a bad idea.
I think its time people crawled out of their balanced shells and moved out of their balanced houses and tried something a little different. Break away from the mundane pvp where you need a monk in your team to survive and you need spell breaker mesmers to interupt for you.
Im saying 10 minutes, you can run in and just enjoy fighting, you dont have to think about what your doing really
It would unfold the way it should eventually, it would start with monks mes and necs all running around the outside rim, and warriors in the middle fighting eachother while being nuked by eles. But people would learn over time thats not a good plan.
It would be, dare i say it despite the obvious lack of it in the current form of pvp, fun.
If people cant cope with fun, or having the devs take a bit of time out to implement somthing NEW and FRESH, then have it your way, stick with your same old same old come up with a strat then have it countered the next day pvp, i dont care
I think its time people crawled out of their balanced shells and moved out of their balanced houses and tried something a little different. Break away from the mundane pvp where you need a monk in your team to survive and you need spell breaker mesmers to interupt for you.
Im saying 10 minutes, you can run in and just enjoy fighting, you dont have to think about what your doing really
It would unfold the way it should eventually, it would start with monks mes and necs all running around the outside rim, and warriors in the middle fighting eachother while being nuked by eles. But people would learn over time thats not a good plan.
It would be, dare i say it despite the obvious lack of it in the current form of pvp, fun.
If people cant cope with fun, or having the devs take a bit of time out to implement somthing NEW and FRESH, then have it your way, stick with your same old same old come up with a strat then have it countered the next day pvp, i dont care
Imagine a free for all with 100 players (or whatever max they can get closest to this).
The players that score a kill will go into the next round.
The players that just survive will stay in the first round.
In the second round, it's the same concept. Kill to progress or stay in that round until you do kill.
Eventually, the final round will be a battle of the mightiest two champions for ultimate glory.
The players that score a kill will go into the next round.
The players that just survive will stay in the first round.
In the second round, it's the same concept. Kill to progress or stay in that round until you do kill.
Eventually, the final round will be a battle of the mightiest two champions for ultimate glory.
there can even be ranked and unranked servers
where you can either be rewarded or not
there can even be ranked and unranked servers
where you can either be rewarded or not
All those negative statements doesnt in any way make this a bad idea. |
I think its time people crawled out of their balanced shells and moved out of their balanced houses and tried something a little different. Break away from the mundane pvp where you need a monk in your team to survive |
and you need spell breaker mesmers to interupt for you. |
Im saying 10 minutes, you can run in and just enjoy fighting, you dont have to think about what your doing really |
It would unfold the way it should eventually, it would start with monks mes and necs all running around the outside rim, and warriors in the middle fighting eachother while being nuked by eles. But people would learn over time thats not a good plan. |
It would be, dare i say it despite the obvious lack of it in the current form of pvp, fun. |
If people cant cope with fun, or having the devs take a bit of time out to implement somthing NEW and FRESH, then have it your way, stick with your same old same old come up with a strat then have it countered the next day pvp, i dont care |
Why do I come to these forums, why....?
EDIT: I notice your guild is unranked, why do you bash the current PvP when you've only played a small fraction if it.
Well I have no problems with this idea, really. Sometimes it's just about having fun freaking out in a chaotic and adrenaline pumping mosh pit. As long as it doesn't count for faction, or ranks, heck, why not?
my guild was ranked 300 for a while, then we stopped playing, so were past 1000 now.