Severe crack down on running question.
ok, so i like everyone else noticed the increased difficulty for the draknors run, understandable. I did it for my final character slot just to use the new armor and not have to buy the stuff anymore. BUT, throughout the game i notice that sprint is not as effective anymore, the badguys keep up with you!!!!!! sprint is a 25% boost and they stay with it so will the rangers 33% boost be the way to out run the baddies? also, even when they are out of your radar range and they STILL follow you after u run past and have to aggro. does everyone notice this or is it me? I understand the crack down on running but geez!!! even when playing legit you cant outrun when needed! Will arenanet end up making the baddies too powerful in an effort to stop runners?
I think it is just you. When running with my ranger, storm chaser works just fine. Its a 25% faster run for like ~18 seconds, and outruns the baddies. It might just be your connection speed, if anything. That might explain why they catch up to you even when off radar. They always leave me alone once they are out of the agro circle for a second or two.
it could be my connection speed maybe...who knows, just my whole guild says this in teamspeak so i thought it was a change. WOW u get an 18 sec. boost! sweetness!
Sorry, but I believe it is just you. Most monsters I've sprinted from chased for a short while but gave up soon after.
I have noticed that some "bosses" tends to follow for quite some time, even when running. Makes it more exiting, hehe.
The 33% boost that Rangers have, is the "Dodge" skill. It is an Expertice skill and only last for five seconds.
The 33% boost that Rangers have, is the "Dodge" skill. It is an Expertice skill and only last for five seconds.