Selling Max damage Gold Flamberge
Max damage, Requiring 11 Swordmanship. +13% damage while in a stance, zealous hilt and 17% chance for +1 Swordmanship using skills.
IGN: Metis Greyblade. You can send me offer there, or post it here. I won't be selling in game, and there's no buy out. Starting bid is 5k, subject to lowering if there's no interest. Hoping to close on Saturday.
C/O Nil
My superior Axe rune has been removed due to the change in the rune economy
Cecil Thornbarrow
Bid Retracted. I misread the auction.
I'll close in 24 hours after this post unless there's a bidding war (doubtful)
I'll close in 24 hours after this post unless there's a bidding war (doubtful)