"No Respect" Video

Arbiter Khonsu

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

One Life One Chance


I couldn't find an "official move thread" here, so please move this if one exists.

No Respect is my first attempt at video editing. It is a Team Arena movie staring yours truly with a few good members of Dark Horizons [DrkH]. Check it out, I'm pretty impressed with my work. Please refer all comments to the posting on my guild's web page as I will be checking that most often.

But feel free to leave a copy of the response here to bump me ^^



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



Size: 163.39 MB (171323606 bytes)

Erm.. Shouldn't you resize it a little bit (if you didn't already)? You can probably make that file into a 15MB file (if you didn't).