Here's my build:
Healing Prayers: 7 (4+3)
Smiting Prayers: 13 (10+3)
Protection Prayers: 16 (12+3+1)
Divine Favor: 10 (7+3)
Full Ascetic's set with Defender's Scalp Design (+1 Protection Prayers). Since your armor doesn't affect the damage you take, you should do the same, since the energy bonus is pretty nice. In every armor piece a Superior Rune, that brings your life down to 105.
Smiting Rod
Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Improves skill recharge using Smiting Prayers (chance: 20%)
Protective Icon
Protection Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30
This Smiting Rod is found in Droknar's Forge from a collector named Ornhelm Brighteaxe, he's collecting 5 Stone Summit Badges. The Protective Icon is found on the right side of Bergen Hot Springs, he's standing next to a windmill. In that area are alot of Tengu, so running to it isn't really easy.
Healing Breeze
Blessed Signet
Balthazar's Aura
Zealot's Fire
Bonetti's Defense
Protective Bond
Essence Bond
Balthazar's Spirit
Balthazar's Spirit
That's basicly my build. On information on how to kill these Tengu Caromi Elites really easily, here's the guide I made for that: