[MOVIE] Tengu Caromi slaying !



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



I've just made a movie where you can see me killing 4 groups of Caromi Elites. I hope you like it, here it is:
It's a 5MB movie, so take your time downloading it if your speed isn't that great



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Woot Loops


nice, sucky drops though

that nerfs my mind



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by Nizzim
nice, sucky drops though

that nerfs my mind Nah, since it doesn't take too long you'll get pretty much. Previous run I got a Superior Air Magic rune and a Superior Strength rune, sold them for another 30K In 2 days (about 3 hours) farming I've collectod 100K there, that's really much. Of course this is not about the greatness of the drops, just because of the runes having these high prices at the moment.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Saya Family


Whats Ur Build And Got Any Superior Runes In Armor I Really Want My Monk To Be That Powerful

Seraph Lionheart

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

Northern Ascalon Trooper Outfit


Yes please, post your build and attributes, I'd love to have my monk do that much dmg. I'm guessing from the constant -23 dmg I was seeing that symbol of wrath was on there somewhere, am I right?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

I cant say anything about his build, but I can also do this it's very simple. There are also many guides, and builds on these forums if you search. As far as my build:

Healing Breeze
Bonetti's Defense
Balthazar's Aura
Zealot's Fire
Protective Bond
Essence Bond
Balthazar's Spirit

Healing Prayers:10+3
Smiting: 7+3
Protection Prayers:12+3+1(Scalp Design)
Divine Favor:4+3

I do use 5 superior runes, which are now insanely priced due to people wanting to farm because of it getting out on how to do it. Without Superior runes I'm not entirely sure on how you would do it, major runes would give a total of -250 health, I'm not sure what the base life is at level 20 but Im guesing you wouldn't take 8-10 damage which might make it a little diffucult. But if you can find a focus item that gives -50 health(I think that's what it is) it would help alot or you could die 2-3 times and go from there...I'm not sure if that'll work..if someone can tell me the base health at 20 it could help.

As far as my build, it works really well, I think mine is close to his but i do it with 33 life...so I take 1 damage. I can make a movie as well if your interested.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Seraph Lionheart
Yes please, post your build and attributes, I'd love to have my monk do that much dmg. I'm guessing from the constant -23 dmg I was seeing that symbol of wrath was on there somewhere, am I right?
No you aren't right. He's using balthazars aura and zealots fire for damage. He's got protective bond so he only takes 5% Damage. Essence bond, Bonnettis Defense, and Balthazars Spirit for energy to keep protective bond up, not to mention Bonnettis gives a 75% chance to block. He's for healing breeze to keep him alive, because of the health regen.

He's got some superiors, I'm gonna say 4 with a negative 15% death penalty. That brings his life to 77, I believe.

His protection prayers has to be maxed, so he can get to -2 energy when hit. I know if you have a +1 Protection with a 20% chance, you can get it to -1. His Bonneties only last 3 seconds, so his tactics is low. He's got +6 regen on his Healing Breeze, so whatever that adds up to on Level there. I believe he has a Level 8 Devine Favor, but this could be wrong. Oh, and a decent level smite because he is doing 23 Damage.



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



Here's my build:

Healing Prayers: 7 (4+3)
Smiting Prayers: 13 (10+3)
Protection Prayers: 16 (12+3+1)
Divine Favor: 10 (7+3)

Full Ascetic's set with Defender's Scalp Design (+1 Protection Prayers). Since your armor doesn't affect the damage you take, you should do the same, since the energy bonus is pretty nice. In every armor piece a Superior Rune, that brings your life down to 105.

Smiting Rod
Lightning Dmg: 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Improves skill recharge using Smiting Prayers (chance: 20%)

Protective Icon
Protection Prayers +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Health +30

This Smiting Rod is found in Droknar's Forge from a collector named Ornhelm Brighteaxe, he's collecting 5 Stone Summit Badges. The Protective Icon is found on the right side of Bergen Hot Springs, he's standing next to a windmill. In that area are alot of Tengu, so running to it isn't really easy.

Healing Breeze
Blessed Signet
Balthazar's Aura
Zealot's Fire
Bonetti's Defense
Protective Bond
Essence Bond
Balthazar's Spirit
Balthazar's Spirit

That's basicly my build. On information on how to kill these Tengu Caromi Elites really easily, here's the guide I made for that: