4 of the 7 15k Warrior Suits (above ground sets)

Van the Warrior

Van the Warrior

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

In Yak's Bend like always...


from left to right are

15k Plate Mail from Granite Citadel in Teal (Blue + green)
15k Gladiator's from Marhan's Grotto in Silver (Silver)
15k Ascalon from Marhan's Grotto in Black with Silver (Black body Silver helmet)
15k Dragon from Granite Citadel in Orange (Orange)

the Plate and Dragon are Superior Sword Rune Sets i use them for swords due to the Strenth Helmets

the Gladiator is my "Farming Suit" its for Superior Axes and i use it for "Farming" because of the extra energy it gives me

the Ascalon is my Superior Hammer Rune Set the extra damage reduction it gives helps out a bit because i cant use a shield while using hammers

currently working on the ecto to get the 3 Fissure Sets from the land below

if anybody has ecto to donate feel free to lol j/k

Sentao Nugra

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Crystal Lake, Illinois

Grenths Rejects [GR]

i like your collection!!

p.s.: i will take ecto donations too



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

All 3 sets of fisure armor are the same. Just diffrent stats.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


yeah, and as you already have all the stats in the armors you have now, i'd only buy one of the fissure sets, just for the looks (best buy the one with the stats you use most).