Newb RP! 7slots open
Never tried this before so I think I'm gonna try to get a small group of newbs! Post your Char. After we have 6 start (and we need 1 boss) so 7 altogether. I'll call for extra bosses as we kill them
Char: Rashadda Swint
Proffesion: N/Mo
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Description: About 5'9" and black hair. His green eyes, with a fire in the middle are his best feature. Passionate, calm, amusing, and deadly.
Background: Rashadda Swint, or Rosh as he is affectionately known by his friends, was never one for fighting and this being the case he never went very far away from his manor untill the searing. What a tragic day that was. He was walking back from the river and just as his home came into view a fiery sphere of destruction landed on his house. Frought with panic he sprinted to his smouldering home only to confirm his worst fear. Both of his parently lie among the rubble, with his younger sister nowhere in sight.
Tears began to slide down his cheeks when, without warning, another orb of destruction landed fairly close to him. The explosion sent him back almost 15feet and flames left a scar on his face in the shape of a dwayna. This mark is one which he proudly display claiming that her favor rests upon his shoulders.
And so it does... his injuries were so extensive that noone expected him to sirvive. Yet not two days later he was walking about practicing his arts to remove the suffering from those in the hospital next to him, often by placing them upon himself. The day he awoke he swore an oath of healing to dwayna. She had protected him, so he would protect her chosen. But woe to those who kinde his wrath, for he may also call upon dwayna to smite those who hurt his companions.
His brush with death has only strengthened his understanding of death he absorbes even more energy when his enemy dies.
He uses the death of his enemies to bring healing to his friends.
:::I'll check this forum about every other day so don't get bent out of shape if I don't get right back to you:::
(NE1 wanna be his sister? )
Please, Posts related to the story use the pages icon but everything else should use something different. Easy filter for storyline.
Char: Rashadda Swint
Proffesion: N/Mo
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Description: About 5'9" and black hair. His green eyes, with a fire in the middle are his best feature. Passionate, calm, amusing, and deadly.
Background: Rashadda Swint, or Rosh as he is affectionately known by his friends, was never one for fighting and this being the case he never went very far away from his manor untill the searing. What a tragic day that was. He was walking back from the river and just as his home came into view a fiery sphere of destruction landed on his house. Frought with panic he sprinted to his smouldering home only to confirm his worst fear. Both of his parently lie among the rubble, with his younger sister nowhere in sight.
Tears began to slide down his cheeks when, without warning, another orb of destruction landed fairly close to him. The explosion sent him back almost 15feet and flames left a scar on his face in the shape of a dwayna. This mark is one which he proudly display claiming that her favor rests upon his shoulders.
And so it does... his injuries were so extensive that noone expected him to sirvive. Yet not two days later he was walking about practicing his arts to remove the suffering from those in the hospital next to him, often by placing them upon himself. The day he awoke he swore an oath of healing to dwayna. She had protected him, so he would protect her chosen. But woe to those who kinde his wrath, for he may also call upon dwayna to smite those who hurt his companions.
His brush with death has only strengthened his understanding of death he absorbes even more energy when his enemy dies.
He uses the death of his enemies to bring healing to his friends.
:::I'll check this forum about every other day so don't get bent out of shape if I don't get right back to you:::
(NE1 wanna be his sister? )
Please, Posts related to the story use the pages icon but everything else should use something different. Easy filter for storyline.
Damion the Dakentor
Damion Soldur was born near the ring of fire, to a group of naturally gifted dark mages known as the Dakentor, who lived a secluded life of zealous dedication to their studies.
When the wars broke across Tyria, Damion was sent across the continents to the legendary Tel'Kret Academy, also known as the Academy of Shadows. Said to be the greatest school of magic in the world, Tel'Kret was hidden from society for centuries with only a handful allowed to enter its hallowed grounds. Their teachings were of complete devote to the practice of magic, to reject all other martial forms and push the limits of possibility.
There, Damion learned to use his innate control over the unholy magics in combination with his fascination and love for domination magic. Raised at the Academy, Damion grew to be a respected and powerful spellcaster, earning the title of Archmage. Though no caster at the Tel'Kret had ever left once taught the highests forms of magical practice, Archmage Damion decided to venture to Ascalon. He left two days before the entire Academy was destroyed.
A refined, sophisticated and brilliant individual, Damion the Dakentor is marvelously diplomatic, but he hides a distate for many who he sees as beneath him. He spends most of his days focusing on his magic, discovering new applications and levels of command. Though widely considered a wise and powerful man, few know what his limitations are as he rarely engages in frivilous combat.
When the wars broke across Tyria, Damion was sent across the continents to the legendary Tel'Kret Academy, also known as the Academy of Shadows. Said to be the greatest school of magic in the world, Tel'Kret was hidden from society for centuries with only a handful allowed to enter its hallowed grounds. Their teachings were of complete devote to the practice of magic, to reject all other martial forms and push the limits of possibility.
There, Damion learned to use his innate control over the unholy magics in combination with his fascination and love for domination magic. Raised at the Academy, Damion grew to be a respected and powerful spellcaster, earning the title of Archmage. Though no caster at the Tel'Kret had ever left once taught the highests forms of magical practice, Archmage Damion decided to venture to Ascalon. He left two days before the entire Academy was destroyed.
A refined, sophisticated and brilliant individual, Damion the Dakentor is marvelously diplomatic, but he hides a distate for many who he sees as beneath him. He spends most of his days focusing on his magic, discovering new applications and levels of command. Though widely considered a wise and powerful man, few know what his limitations are as he rarely engages in frivilous combat.
Originally Posted by Damion the Dakentor
Damion Soldur
Ummm... Race? class? age? description? Can we get more than just a background?
ownage of teh elite
Boss: Vanatiel The Fallen
Race: Mursaat
Proffesion: Elementalist
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Description: Vanatiel wears red robes, which symbolize his spite and hate against his own race. Vanatiel roams the land, seeking the old and the powerful ones, who have knowledge of the FlameSeeker Prophecies and the whereabouts and items of power. He is a spiteful isolater of his people, and renegade, known to all as The Fallen One.
Unlike the rest of his race, he was sickened by the Man Sal D'Allesio. When he had first arrived at the gate of the Mursaat city, he was a drunk and a fool. Slowly, Vanatiel realized that his people were going to lead this pitiful human, to help him in his own personal affairs.
Enraged, Vanatiel called upon the entities of the god's. Using their power, he destroyed the Mursaat empire, in revenge of their betrayal to himself and the good of the mursaat. Vanatiel figured that if he could destroy all the mursaat people, the human's would never rise to his glory.
But to his anger, the mursaat race survived, although their rich, empires of gold, fell to the ground, landing in a crumbling heap. His people turned against him, as he did to them, and binded him down to a sacred stone. Just as his lead Empress, Marshalia, was about to kill him for high treason, the god's took pity on him, whilst having only rage for the other mursaat.
Vanatiel was lifted into the air, in a mass of whirring colors. His body shaked with the awesome power that the gods were giving to him. Spinning at a speed that would kill a normal mursaat in seconds, Vanatiel became one of the Fallen Ones. The Fallen Ones were the ultimately lowest rank that a Mursaat could have. The Fallen Ones were hated, disliked, turned away from society, and were never spoken to by the ordinary Mursaat People.
Once Vanatiel had stopped spinning, he floated in mid-air. His robes were now red, his eyes the same color. The look of a crazed maniac crossed his facial features. It was there that he raised his hand, and fell 300 mursaat in a single spell.
And it was there, that he left the bodies to lie, in undying peace.
For the bodies of the mursaat, never withered.
And so, the acts of Vanatiel Of The Fallen remain.
The bodies of 300 mursaat, the ultimate truth, and proof.
Race: Mursaat
Proffesion: Elementalist
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Description: Vanatiel wears red robes, which symbolize his spite and hate against his own race. Vanatiel roams the land, seeking the old and the powerful ones, who have knowledge of the FlameSeeker Prophecies and the whereabouts and items of power. He is a spiteful isolater of his people, and renegade, known to all as The Fallen One.
Unlike the rest of his race, he was sickened by the Man Sal D'Allesio. When he had first arrived at the gate of the Mursaat city, he was a drunk and a fool. Slowly, Vanatiel realized that his people were going to lead this pitiful human, to help him in his own personal affairs.
Enraged, Vanatiel called upon the entities of the god's. Using their power, he destroyed the Mursaat empire, in revenge of their betrayal to himself and the good of the mursaat. Vanatiel figured that if he could destroy all the mursaat people, the human's would never rise to his glory.
But to his anger, the mursaat race survived, although their rich, empires of gold, fell to the ground, landing in a crumbling heap. His people turned against him, as he did to them, and binded him down to a sacred stone. Just as his lead Empress, Marshalia, was about to kill him for high treason, the god's took pity on him, whilst having only rage for the other mursaat.
Vanatiel was lifted into the air, in a mass of whirring colors. His body shaked with the awesome power that the gods were giving to him. Spinning at a speed that would kill a normal mursaat in seconds, Vanatiel became one of the Fallen Ones. The Fallen Ones were the ultimately lowest rank that a Mursaat could have. The Fallen Ones were hated, disliked, turned away from society, and were never spoken to by the ordinary Mursaat People.
Once Vanatiel had stopped spinning, he floated in mid-air. His robes were now red, his eyes the same color. The look of a crazed maniac crossed his facial features. It was there that he raised his hand, and fell 300 mursaat in a single spell.
And it was there, that he left the bodies to lie, in undying peace.
For the bodies of the mursaat, never withered.
And so, the acts of Vanatiel Of The Fallen remain.
The bodies of 300 mursaat, the ultimate truth, and proof.
Name: Selerious Taren
Age: 19
Class: Engineer/Ranger
Appearance: Selerious (Silent in the old tounge(Latin) is around 6ft tall, of medium build with dark red almost black hair reaching to his sholders in a tail. Selerious normally wears the garb of Rangers (Druids armour), but has replaced the wood with steel. He carries a shocking Composite bow and has a pet stalker named Ebon.
Background: Selerious's family lived in Surmia and were part of the Nobility that ruled the city. Having Two older brothers his family left him alone to fill his time with whatever he wanted, which helped in the end as Selerious was extremely intellegent from very young filling his time studying and pursuing his love of building. By age ten he had created a ballista from scratch in the stables and was soon recognised for his Engineering skills (for bowing the back of the stables down and trashing a road, thanks to a misfire.) At age 14 he was chosen to attend the engineering academy situated near King's Watch, which while respected wasn't as famous as the magic academies of Nolani and Drascir.
Selerious was in his senior year when the searing happened and most of ascalon was destroyed, Kings watch and the academy taking many of the crystal meteors quite close together, flatening every building of the academy, leaving less of it standing than Nolani. Fortunately Selerious was doing weapons testing near the wall and took cover during the malestorm. After it ended Selirious tried to join the artillery corps, but being a cadet by his word only (the documents being lost) the millitary would only take him as a footman, not liking the deal he went out and helped people to try and rebuild their homes and any broken machinery he could.
Age: 19
Class: Engineer/Ranger
Appearance: Selerious (Silent in the old tounge(Latin) is around 6ft tall, of medium build with dark red almost black hair reaching to his sholders in a tail. Selerious normally wears the garb of Rangers (Druids armour), but has replaced the wood with steel. He carries a shocking Composite bow and has a pet stalker named Ebon.
Background: Selerious's family lived in Surmia and were part of the Nobility that ruled the city. Having Two older brothers his family left him alone to fill his time with whatever he wanted, which helped in the end as Selerious was extremely intellegent from very young filling his time studying and pursuing his love of building. By age ten he had created a ballista from scratch in the stables and was soon recognised for his Engineering skills (for bowing the back of the stables down and trashing a road, thanks to a misfire.) At age 14 he was chosen to attend the engineering academy situated near King's Watch, which while respected wasn't as famous as the magic academies of Nolani and Drascir.
Selerious was in his senior year when the searing happened and most of ascalon was destroyed, Kings watch and the academy taking many of the crystal meteors quite close together, flatening every building of the academy, leaving less of it standing than Nolani. Fortunately Selerious was doing weapons testing near the wall and took cover during the malestorm. After it ended Selirious tried to join the artillery corps, but being a cadet by his word only (the documents being lost) the millitary would only take him as a footman, not liking the deal he went out and helped people to try and rebuild their homes and any broken machinery he could.
SWEET! Still need 4 more (unless Damion wants to give us a little more info on his char) then 3 more!
Ownage==> Are you a bad guy or a good guy?
Selerious==> Nice.
SRY Ownage, didn't see "Boss" at the top.
SWEET! Still need 4 more (unless Damion wants to give us a little more info on his char) then 3 more!
Ownage==> Are you a bad guy or a good guy?
Selerious==> Nice.
SRY Ownage, didn't see "Boss" at the top.
Storm Crow
meh. Ownage made a char, I mite's well too
Name: Alicia Stormcrow
Age: 18
Profession: Lone Elementalist
Gender: Female
Bio: Abandoned as a child, Alicia was left to fend for herself in the wilds of the snowy Shiverpeaks. She came across many towns, and grew friendly with many of the dwarven merchants and collectors. They told her of the Summit and the centaurs.
The one thing they did not tell her of, was the Mursaat.
These creatures were vile and ruthless, but she quickly found a way to help lessen their attacks. The Seer infused her armor with the only essence that could deminish their attacks.
She killed these beasts for mere entertainment. Simply to mess with the heads of the Mursaat bosses.
But one day, while exploring outside Thunderhead Keep, she found something very odd.
A boss with no minions.
She made sure the area around the lone boss wasnt full of traps or any of his hidden allies, then moved closer. She came within 80 feet, a sure agression range, but the boss did not charge at her like she thought he would. She looked closer at him, trying to see some of his more detailed features around his glowing red aura. She had heard of this one before. Many tales were there of this one.
"The Fallen," she said under her breath as she moved closer to the one of the tales.
She came within 10 feet of the Fallen boss, yet still he did not attack her. He stood there eyeing her steadily, as if sizing her up, but still he did not attack.
She began to quiver as she felt his gaze upon her, and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.
She kneeled before him, thinking he might want to attack her while she wasnt looking, but he still stood in front of her, looking at her with his rigid, deep set eyes.
"I do not wish you to kneel before me, Alicia." he said, still eyeing her, "Come. You have much to learn of your ways as an elementalist." be continued...
Name: Alicia Stormcrow
Age: 18
Profession: Lone Elementalist
Gender: Female
Bio: Abandoned as a child, Alicia was left to fend for herself in the wilds of the snowy Shiverpeaks. She came across many towns, and grew friendly with many of the dwarven merchants and collectors. They told her of the Summit and the centaurs.
The one thing they did not tell her of, was the Mursaat.
These creatures were vile and ruthless, but she quickly found a way to help lessen their attacks. The Seer infused her armor with the only essence that could deminish their attacks.
She killed these beasts for mere entertainment. Simply to mess with the heads of the Mursaat bosses.
But one day, while exploring outside Thunderhead Keep, she found something very odd.
A boss with no minions.
She made sure the area around the lone boss wasnt full of traps or any of his hidden allies, then moved closer. She came within 80 feet, a sure agression range, but the boss did not charge at her like she thought he would. She looked closer at him, trying to see some of his more detailed features around his glowing red aura. She had heard of this one before. Many tales were there of this one.
"The Fallen," she said under her breath as she moved closer to the one of the tales.
She came within 10 feet of the Fallen boss, yet still he did not attack her. He stood there eyeing her steadily, as if sizing her up, but still he did not attack.
She began to quiver as she felt his gaze upon her, and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.
She kneeled before him, thinking he might want to attack her while she wasnt looking, but he still stood in front of her, looking at her with his rigid, deep set eyes.
"I do not wish you to kneel before me, Alicia." he said, still eyeing her, "Come. You have much to learn of your ways as an elementalist." be continued...
Damion the Dakentor
Very sorry about that...
... Race: Dakentor (Human)
Age: Unknown
Class: Mesmer/Necro
Height: 6'0"
Weight: Approx. 215 lbs.
Eye Color: Gray/Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Damion can often be found in an Archmagi's garb, head to toe in a soft gray trimmings with a dash of red here and there. He never leaves without a staff or at least a wand nearby and is always ready to display his incredible magical prowess if provoked. His skin is dark and hard from years of travel and battle.
Though he almost never without full gear, his arms are marked with the signs of the Academy of Tel'Krat and his hands are his most powerful physical feature. His eyes are sharp and striking, often scanning others from a distance.
... Race: Dakentor (Human)
Age: Unknown
Class: Mesmer/Necro
Height: 6'0"
Weight: Approx. 215 lbs.
Eye Color: Gray/Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Damion can often be found in an Archmagi's garb, head to toe in a soft gray trimmings with a dash of red here and there. He never leaves without a staff or at least a wand nearby and is always ready to display his incredible magical prowess if provoked. His skin is dark and hard from years of travel and battle.
Though he almost never without full gear, his arms are marked with the signs of the Academy of Tel'Krat and his hands are his most powerful physical feature. His eyes are sharp and striking, often scanning others from a distance.
Dhagon of Ascalon
I'd like to join, too. :x
Name: Dhagon Ghent
Profession: Warrior / Necro
Age: ??
Race: Undead
Gender: Male
Description: 6'1" Dhagon has a rotting body, and is dressed in full clad platemail, but much of it blown off.
Bio: Ghent was a soldier in the last guild war. He was an expert swordsman, best among the king's knights. He was also a proud officer of "Ascalon's Chosen".
On one fateful day, during a guild battle, he went into a berserk rage, killing the enemy, and his guild teammates.
A member of this team managed to escape barely alive. After recieving healing, he was able to descibe the incident, telling officials that it was unlike anything he had every seen.
"It was un-explainable, horrible, and frightening. He was under no hex, nor any abnormalities in his system. And as he slaughtered my friends, there was a sick, maniacal look upon his face, as if he was really enjoying what he was doing. I doubt he was a traitor, he killed the Krytans and our guild mates after."
Dhagon Ghent was sentanced to death.
On the day of his hanging, all he did was laugh, with a sick chuckle, as if his own death was amusing to him. As he was being hung in the air, he continued laugh. It's horrified all who witnessed.
Years later, a few days after the searing, he awoke deep within the catacombs...
"Clang. Shink. Whish."
These sounds filled the dark, damp tomb, filled with bodies and coffins alike. The corpse formorly known as Dhagon Ghent rose out of a coffin, awakened to these noises.
Dhagon, not knowing where he was, who he was, or why he was he. He scanned the room, concluding that he was in the catacombs. He further scanned his surroundings, spotting scattered weapons, armor suits, and shields. He then spotted a woman, fighting off what seemed to be humans, the same time...not. As his eyes studied the surroundings, they came upon a plate, right infront of his bed, it read..
"Here lies Dhagon Ghent, sentenced to death after killing fellow Ascalonians in a battle in the Guild War."
Dhagon chuckled to himself. The next thing he saw, a Fellblade and a broken Aegis lay next to him, which oddly, he hadn't noticed before. And the next thing he knew, as if out of pure impulse, he took up the blade and the aegis, and was charging the woman, whom was now seated on the ground, mending her wounds. The lady-warrior screamed, as Dhagon stabbed her, killing her. Blood spilled all over, and Dhagon laughed, as she dropped dead before him.
Dhagon stood over the dead body, admiring his work..he then got up, and moved for the surface.
Personality: (He's a corpse, not much to tell, but I'll try) Dhagon still has traces of humanity left in him, just intelligence, the ability to speak, fight, and common sense. He's also crazed. Incase you didn't get that.
My char is not evil...just border-line psychotic..
EDIT: to make him look more psychotic.
I have a lot of ideas for this dude, if you would allow a char like this to join. If not, give the word and I'll delete this post. :x
Name: Dhagon Ghent
Profession: Warrior / Necro
Age: ??
Race: Undead
Gender: Male
Description: 6'1" Dhagon has a rotting body, and is dressed in full clad platemail, but much of it blown off.
Bio: Ghent was a soldier in the last guild war. He was an expert swordsman, best among the king's knights. He was also a proud officer of "Ascalon's Chosen".
On one fateful day, during a guild battle, he went into a berserk rage, killing the enemy, and his guild teammates.
A member of this team managed to escape barely alive. After recieving healing, he was able to descibe the incident, telling officials that it was unlike anything he had every seen.
"It was un-explainable, horrible, and frightening. He was under no hex, nor any abnormalities in his system. And as he slaughtered my friends, there was a sick, maniacal look upon his face, as if he was really enjoying what he was doing. I doubt he was a traitor, he killed the Krytans and our guild mates after."
Dhagon Ghent was sentanced to death.
On the day of his hanging, all he did was laugh, with a sick chuckle, as if his own death was amusing to him. As he was being hung in the air, he continued laugh. It's horrified all who witnessed.
Years later, a few days after the searing, he awoke deep within the catacombs...
"Clang. Shink. Whish."
These sounds filled the dark, damp tomb, filled with bodies and coffins alike. The corpse formorly known as Dhagon Ghent rose out of a coffin, awakened to these noises.
Dhagon, not knowing where he was, who he was, or why he was he. He scanned the room, concluding that he was in the catacombs. He further scanned his surroundings, spotting scattered weapons, armor suits, and shields. He then spotted a woman, fighting off what seemed to be humans, the same time...not. As his eyes studied the surroundings, they came upon a plate, right infront of his bed, it read..
"Here lies Dhagon Ghent, sentenced to death after killing fellow Ascalonians in a battle in the Guild War."
Dhagon chuckled to himself. The next thing he saw, a Fellblade and a broken Aegis lay next to him, which oddly, he hadn't noticed before. And the next thing he knew, as if out of pure impulse, he took up the blade and the aegis, and was charging the woman, whom was now seated on the ground, mending her wounds. The lady-warrior screamed, as Dhagon stabbed her, killing her. Blood spilled all over, and Dhagon laughed, as she dropped dead before him.
Dhagon stood over the dead body, admiring his work..he then got up, and moved for the surface.
Personality: (He's a corpse, not much to tell, but I'll try) Dhagon still has traces of humanity left in him, just intelligence, the ability to speak, fight, and common sense. He's also crazed. Incase you didn't get that.
My char is not evil...just border-line psychotic..
EDIT: to make him look more psychotic.
I have a lot of ideas for this dude, if you would allow a char like this to join. If not, give the word and I'll delete this post. :x
Storm Crow
that isnt a very nice avvy Dhagon
Dhagon of Ascalon
Yeah I figured it would've attract some negative attention sooner or later..alright I'll change it.
I just thought it was kinda funny..soo..yeah.
I just thought it was kinda funny..soo..yeah.
Rosh hadn't heard from Alicia for days. It wasn't like her to just dissapear like that.
"What am I thinking" he wondered to himself.
"Alicia is a cunnung Elementalist, she can handle herself." But the more he thought the more worried he became.
"What if something happened to her? She asked me if I wanted to go with her but I just didn't feel like it a couple of days ago." He pondered pacing at an ever increasing rate.
"I must go find her!" And with his mind made up Rosh headed out for what he knew to be Alicia's favorite spot to ambush the Mursaat.
-- 8 hours later
Rosh had found the spot alright but one thing he hadn't counted on was the number of mursaat there. The Mursaat had been losing alot of men at that spot so they sent a troop to investigate. As subtle and quiet as Rosh is, he is not invisible. They closed in around him and attacked.
Even with his concentration in healing arts, Rosh slew all 5 Mursaat in the company, much to his own expense. His wounds were almost as extensive as the time he had aroused one too many moss spiders. With all the blood he lost in the fight, he could barely stand. His world faded to grey and his body slumped to the ground.
"What am I thinking" he wondered to himself.
"Alicia is a cunnung Elementalist, she can handle herself." But the more he thought the more worried he became.
"What if something happened to her? She asked me if I wanted to go with her but I just didn't feel like it a couple of days ago." He pondered pacing at an ever increasing rate.
"I must go find her!" And with his mind made up Rosh headed out for what he knew to be Alicia's favorite spot to ambush the Mursaat.
-- 8 hours later
Rosh had found the spot alright but one thing he hadn't counted on was the number of mursaat there. The Mursaat had been losing alot of men at that spot so they sent a troop to investigate. As subtle and quiet as Rosh is, he is not invisible. They closed in around him and attacked.
Even with his concentration in healing arts, Rosh slew all 5 Mursaat in the company, much to his own expense. His wounds were almost as extensive as the time he had aroused one too many moss spiders. With all the blood he lost in the fight, he could barely stand. His world faded to grey and his body slumped to the ground.
ownage of teh elite
Ownage==> Are you a bad guy or a good guy?
Ownage==> Are you a bad guy or a good guy?
Selerious whipped one of the yak infront of him to make it pick up speed, causing the wagon to creak along a tiny bit faster. The countryside loomed above as Selerious entered the small and relatavely unused pass causing shadow to engulf Selerious and making the tightened canvas dim now that it wasn't reflecting the harsh high altitude sun. The Canvas covered most of the wagon but wasn't flat, a great mound in the middle spoke of something large, and by the speed of the yaks pulling the item up the slight incline, something heavy. But that wasnt the only thing sitting on the wagon, nestled in some folds of canvas lay a Stalker, a seemingly bored expression on it's face, making it seem as if it was a king and Selerious a lowly servant and considering that most nights it fed better scince the Searing than Selerious, maybe it was.
Selerious wasn't quite sure of the pass but it was the only way through to thunderhead keep now that the Stone Summit had taken control of the major pass through from southern ascalon usually guarded by a small keep, but it was ruins now. Selerious had made it to the keep just in time, the Stone Summit surrounding the keep an hour after, catching the deldrimore dwarves by suprise, even more so when bow-snipers took out a good many of the engineers manning the seige equipment on the walls, giving a good chance for practice for Selerious as he climbed and manned some abandoned siege weaponry. The battle was over in a few hours, the Summit being pushed back, but not before breaching the walls in a few places, not enough to make the keep fall to another band of the same size, but to the one that Dwarven scouts had given warning of that was approaching and would be there in two days. For his part in the battle, the Dwarves gave him the yak, wagon, food, directions and a very perculiur prize to many but a select few.
A small Growl escaped the stalker's throat as they started to clear the pass causing Selerious to grab his bow, calling "What is it Ebon" as the Stalker leaped off the wagon and started to scout ahead whilst Selerious made the yak's move even faster into open space. It was better to see who was coming at you from an open spot instead of a limited Field of vision, lesson one Artillery Tactics (the easiest lesson to learn). Ebon was the first to spot the bodies, rushing towards the bodies to check if any lived within the 'things' , the only thing selerious could name them, having never seen Mursatt before in his life, he hadn't even read of such a thing in his library at Surmia and it was one of the biggest in the city, former city. Not taking any chances Selerous hopped up onto the wagon throwing the canvas aside revealing the dwarves prize form the keep, one mint condition Ballista monted on a swivel base, Mobil artillery, a rarity in Tyria to Seleriouses knowledge. Now ready for an assault Selerious wen't over and checked the bodies and noticed the necks of the creature's ripped out, Selerious muttered "Bloody Cat" as he continued through the bodies, whilst Ebon munched on another of the bodies, giving only a quick look seleriouses way as he walked past, that cat would eat bloody anything.
He noticed the body at the end of the line by the look, not one of the things. Moving to and turning the body over Selerious took in the man's condition, not good, only a few more miutes, maybe an hour at most to live. Running back to the wagon and rummaging through one of his bags selerious retrived a signet, before returning to the body and using it. "Gotta love the Res Signet" Selerious said to himself before grimacing at the sound of Ebon having a midday snack, turning to the cat Selerious yelled, "can't you do that somewhere else". The only awnser Ebon gave was to lift his head and give a 'you've got to be kidding' look before moving onto another body.
Bloody Cat!
Selerious wasn't quite sure of the pass but it was the only way through to thunderhead keep now that the Stone Summit had taken control of the major pass through from southern ascalon usually guarded by a small keep, but it was ruins now. Selerious had made it to the keep just in time, the Stone Summit surrounding the keep an hour after, catching the deldrimore dwarves by suprise, even more so when bow-snipers took out a good many of the engineers manning the seige equipment on the walls, giving a good chance for practice for Selerious as he climbed and manned some abandoned siege weaponry. The battle was over in a few hours, the Summit being pushed back, but not before breaching the walls in a few places, not enough to make the keep fall to another band of the same size, but to the one that Dwarven scouts had given warning of that was approaching and would be there in two days. For his part in the battle, the Dwarves gave him the yak, wagon, food, directions and a very perculiur prize to many but a select few.
A small Growl escaped the stalker's throat as they started to clear the pass causing Selerious to grab his bow, calling "What is it Ebon" as the Stalker leaped off the wagon and started to scout ahead whilst Selerious made the yak's move even faster into open space. It was better to see who was coming at you from an open spot instead of a limited Field of vision, lesson one Artillery Tactics (the easiest lesson to learn). Ebon was the first to spot the bodies, rushing towards the bodies to check if any lived within the 'things' , the only thing selerious could name them, having never seen Mursatt before in his life, he hadn't even read of such a thing in his library at Surmia and it was one of the biggest in the city, former city. Not taking any chances Selerous hopped up onto the wagon throwing the canvas aside revealing the dwarves prize form the keep, one mint condition Ballista monted on a swivel base, Mobil artillery, a rarity in Tyria to Seleriouses knowledge. Now ready for an assault Selerious wen't over and checked the bodies and noticed the necks of the creature's ripped out, Selerious muttered "Bloody Cat" as he continued through the bodies, whilst Ebon munched on another of the bodies, giving only a quick look seleriouses way as he walked past, that cat would eat bloody anything.
He noticed the body at the end of the line by the look, not one of the things. Moving to and turning the body over Selerious took in the man's condition, not good, only a few more miutes, maybe an hour at most to live. Running back to the wagon and rummaging through one of his bags selerious retrived a signet, before returning to the body and using it. "Gotta love the Res Signet" Selerious said to himself before grimacing at the sound of Ebon having a midday snack, turning to the cat Selerious yelled, "can't you do that somewhere else". The only awnser Ebon gave was to lift his head and give a 'you've got to be kidding' look before moving onto another body.
Bloody Cat!
Rosh opened his eyes expecting to see the radiance of the afterlife. Instead he was greeted with darkness, the sound of grating metal and wood, the smell of animal dander, a constant pain in his side, and was beyond his comfort level for tempurature.
"This isn't the afterlife," he thought "This is Purgatory!"
It took him a while to realize that he was under four blankets and there was a large feline laying on top of him. With a burst of energy he sprang up, sending the blankets and the cat on a short trip off the back tailgate of the wagon. He spun around only to get caught in the face by a blanket covering a large and very hard object.
Having heard the commotion Selerious stopped the wagon and came to check on what the commotion in the back was.
Under the complete controll of his self-preservation instincts, Rosh hid himself under one of the ramaining blankets and began casting protections on himself.
One of the boards in the floor let out a ScREECk! Then Rosh threw aside the blanket and assailed his captor. H had almost finished asking Dwayna to smite his enemy when that "stupid cat" knocked him down. Rosh barely knew what had hit him untill two sets of sharp teeth enclosed his neck.
"Stop Ebon!" Commanded an unfamiliar voice.
The cat obeyed and let Rosh go. Rashadda then knew he was completely at the mercy of his captor. He sat up expecting to see Stone Summit, or maybe Mursaat, but instead he saw a kind human face.
"I... I... I'm s-s-sorry" Rosh stammered. "I thought you were stone summit."
Selerious just laughed at this... "I'm a might bit tall for the summit, don't you think? My name is Selerious, Engineer of Tyre. Who might you be?"
"I am Rashadda, healer from Ascalon. Oooohh!" He moaned and winced at the pain eminating from his wounds of battle which were kind enough to make themselves apparent. (sarcastic)
"Take it easy Rashadda, you've had quite an ordeal. Five Mursaat all by yourself, not bad for a healer. But next time I suggest you use something like this!" Selerious then grandiously removed the covering from his fine weapon.
"So thats what I hit my head on." observed Rosh now feeling his head for the lump that was sure to be there, "I had only heard rumors of such weapons, I didn't think they actually existed." Bewildered with wonder he ran his fingers down the length of the awsome weapon.
"Who did you steal it from?"
"I stole this from noone, it was a gift of the Deldrimore."
"Wait!" Rosh had just remembered, "I came out here to find a young woman by the name of Alicia Stormcrow. You haven't seen her have you?" Rashadda's eyes glinted with hope.
"This isn't the afterlife," he thought "This is Purgatory!"
It took him a while to realize that he was under four blankets and there was a large feline laying on top of him. With a burst of energy he sprang up, sending the blankets and the cat on a short trip off the back tailgate of the wagon. He spun around only to get caught in the face by a blanket covering a large and very hard object.
Having heard the commotion Selerious stopped the wagon and came to check on what the commotion in the back was.
Under the complete controll of his self-preservation instincts, Rosh hid himself under one of the ramaining blankets and began casting protections on himself.
One of the boards in the floor let out a ScREECk! Then Rosh threw aside the blanket and assailed his captor. H had almost finished asking Dwayna to smite his enemy when that "stupid cat" knocked him down. Rosh barely knew what had hit him untill two sets of sharp teeth enclosed his neck.
"Stop Ebon!" Commanded an unfamiliar voice.
The cat obeyed and let Rosh go. Rashadda then knew he was completely at the mercy of his captor. He sat up expecting to see Stone Summit, or maybe Mursaat, but instead he saw a kind human face.
"I... I... I'm s-s-sorry" Rosh stammered. "I thought you were stone summit."
Selerious just laughed at this... "I'm a might bit tall for the summit, don't you think? My name is Selerious, Engineer of Tyre. Who might you be?"
"I am Rashadda, healer from Ascalon. Oooohh!" He moaned and winced at the pain eminating from his wounds of battle which were kind enough to make themselves apparent. (sarcastic)
"Take it easy Rashadda, you've had quite an ordeal. Five Mursaat all by yourself, not bad for a healer. But next time I suggest you use something like this!" Selerious then grandiously removed the covering from his fine weapon.
"So thats what I hit my head on." observed Rosh now feeling his head for the lump that was sure to be there, "I had only heard rumors of such weapons, I didn't think they actually existed." Bewildered with wonder he ran his fingers down the length of the awsome weapon.
"Who did you steal it from?"
"I stole this from noone, it was a gift of the Deldrimore."
"Wait!" Rosh had just remembered, "I came out here to find a young woman by the name of Alicia Stormcrow. You haven't seen her have you?" Rashadda's eyes glinted with hope.
Selerious looked at Rashadda thinking what a strange fellow he was, I mean Stone summit, theres no way they would have left him alive. "What were those things anyway?" Rashadda took a small sigh, "They were mursatt." Turning and walking towards the front of the wagon Selerious scanned the country, he had been watchful since he entered the mountains, but these new creatures, whose bodies were now resting in a deep snow drift, worried him. Selerious took scarce notice of the question about Alicia, but he awnsered anyway, "No, I haven't seen another human bar yourself in a week, is it possible some of the Mursatt, is that what you called them took her, do they take prisoners?" A blank look crossed Rashadda's face at the question, enough to tell that the Mursatt normally took no prisoners.
Ebon stalked around the makeshift camp, something had it upset, maybee the mursatt tasted bad. Selerious sat around for a few more minutes, making small talk with his guest when an arrow thunked into the board next to Selerioues head. A growl then a deep throated groan sounded the end of a Summit scout, a brief movement making another one visible to selerious as he grabbed his Composite bow loaded and pulled back the string.
The arrow flew through the air and into the shoulder of the Scout as it aimed at Ebon attacking it's associate. The second shot a pin down took the scout in the leg and threw it to the ground where Ebon finished with the first scout bounded over and assaulted the wounded Summit. It was oven in a minute tops, but that was a valuable minute, Scouts meant a vanguard, a vanguard meant an invasion force, probably the one that had been marching on the fort from lover in the shiverpeaks. They wern't going the main route they were filtering through the smaller passes, these were sneaky Summit, a bad thing to have.
Jumping up to the seat and ushering Rashadda up along side Selerious got the Yak up and moving as Ebon jumped up onto the back of the wagon. looking behind him selerious got the yaks into a sort of canter before turning to Rashadda, "I'm sorry about your lady freind, but it's suicide to stay here for more than a day now it looks like, but luckinly an army moves slower than two people and a cat."
Ebon stalked around the makeshift camp, something had it upset, maybee the mursatt tasted bad. Selerious sat around for a few more minutes, making small talk with his guest when an arrow thunked into the board next to Selerioues head. A growl then a deep throated groan sounded the end of a Summit scout, a brief movement making another one visible to selerious as he grabbed his Composite bow loaded and pulled back the string.
The arrow flew through the air and into the shoulder of the Scout as it aimed at Ebon attacking it's associate. The second shot a pin down took the scout in the leg and threw it to the ground where Ebon finished with the first scout bounded over and assaulted the wounded Summit. It was oven in a minute tops, but that was a valuable minute, Scouts meant a vanguard, a vanguard meant an invasion force, probably the one that had been marching on the fort from lover in the shiverpeaks. They wern't going the main route they were filtering through the smaller passes, these were sneaky Summit, a bad thing to have.
Jumping up to the seat and ushering Rashadda up along side Selerious got the Yak up and moving as Ebon jumped up onto the back of the wagon. looking behind him selerious got the yaks into a sort of canter before turning to Rashadda, "I'm sorry about your lady freind, but it's suicide to stay here for more than a day now it looks like, but luckinly an army moves slower than two people and a cat."
I like it. Hey everyone else just find a spot where your char will fit in! Don't be Shy( ).
Life Knight 32
(ok im new at this so here i go)
Bio:Since he was a young boy he dreamed of becoming the perfect Warrior(doesnt mean proffesion Warrior)to protect his village near Ascalon like his father.One day things changed the sky darkened and people were screaming mostly dying he ran for cover knowing his dad was fighting outside.Foolishly he thought his dad was the best and could never die...after an hour the few when the Charr where gone the few surviivers told him,his father was dead he ran out and practiced evrything he knew and gradually became better untill he was the perfict.He was the nicest person u would ever meet untill he saw a charr warrior,as soon as he did he kinda blacked out and when he woke up he was standing over a dead char coverd in its blood people watching him frightiningly.So he went out to shiverpeaks and vowed to protect any who needed help.
One day as he rode along Shiverpeak mountains he found when he saw a vast army from atop a hill and spent days looking around the mountains looking for a town to warn of the amry that was aproaching.Finnaly he came to a town where he told the gaurds...strangly or so he thought none seemed worried besides the gaurds.So he went to the local tavern and orderd some drinks before finding a small inn.(kinda add me in im not good at that part )
Bio:Since he was a young boy he dreamed of becoming the perfect Warrior(doesnt mean proffesion Warrior)to protect his village near Ascalon like his father.One day things changed the sky darkened and people were screaming mostly dying he ran for cover knowing his dad was fighting outside.Foolishly he thought his dad was the best and could never die...after an hour the few when the Charr where gone the few surviivers told him,his father was dead he ran out and practiced evrything he knew and gradually became better untill he was the perfict.He was the nicest person u would ever meet untill he saw a charr warrior,as soon as he did he kinda blacked out and when he woke up he was standing over a dead char coverd in its blood people watching him frightiningly.So he went out to shiverpeaks and vowed to protect any who needed help.
One day as he rode along Shiverpeak mountains he found when he saw a vast army from atop a hill and spent days looking around the mountains looking for a town to warn of the amry that was aproaching.Finnaly he came to a town where he told the gaurds...strangly or so he thought none seemed worried besides the gaurds.So he went to the local tavern and orderd some drinks before finding a small inn.(kinda add me in im not good at that part )
OOC ( Welcome, if I had more time right now I'd type something up but I am omw to bed. love the bio. Btw/Fyi, when you post something not story related use something other than the paper icon plz.)
[I think we should take on the Vast army, Or perhaps that evil mursaat might be and unknowing ally. "oops I just killed all the guys that were going to kill the other dudes" lol ]
[I think we should take on the Vast army, Or perhaps that evil mursaat might be and unknowing ally. "oops I just killed all the guys that were going to kill the other dudes" lol ]
(OOC sorry about being away, damn uni's been sucking my creative talent. And about the others the person who was posting as the mursaat boss has gone away from a post in the big RP here, as for the others, who knows?)
The wagon squealed through the gate of the fortress town, it's passengers weary with travelling and skirmishing with summit forces for the past few days, having reprive given only when using the artillery piece to ward off an attack and cause a small landslide in the pass they were being followed through, only just missing the great heap of snow rock and splintered trees.
Selerious pulled the wagon up as a Dwarven sentry stepped out from a small wooden guard house holding up his hand to halt the wagon. Selerious stepped down from wagon as the guard made it to his side noticing the lines of weariness under the humans eyes. "You look a bit spent laddie what have you been up to?" Selerious smiled at the question, "Fighting your xenophobic cousins Dwarf, theres an army of them a few days off, they were closer but a small avalanch blocked the main pass a day away." The Dwarf didn't look shocked of the news. "Yes laddie we know, our scouts have been watching them approach, and they even say your display with that artillery there was some good shooting. we were hoping for some reinforcements, but the way they were going it looked like they were going to arrive to late for the seige, but that pass being blocked off might be the time they need to get here, now got rest and get cleaned up, we will need you on the walls, that's if you'r staying for the fireworks." Selerious bowed his head before climbing back up the the top of the wagon before turning to the Sentry just as the yak started to move, "I'll see you on the walls."
Heading to the stables of the Inn, Selerious and Rashadda quickly stabled the Animal's, Ebon staying to enjoy some juick rats in the stables. Stepping through the door Selerious had a look around at the spacious Inn. Well built in the Dwarven way it had a bar at one end a roaring fire in the hearth in the other spashing a red tinge to the stone walls, tables spaced evenly around the centre of the room finished the look but only a few tables were taken most to fighting Dwarves, one to an obvious Blacksmith, the smell of charcole and singed beared eminating from him and one inhabited by another Ascalonian by the looks of him.
Calling for two Ales Selerious and Rashadda sat down at the table next the the fellow Ascalonian with an appreciative sigh before grabbing the ales that were brought over by the Owner, easily recogniasable by the fine merchant garb he wore. Finishing the first mug fairly quickly Selerious signeled for another, taking anougher long gulp as the second was handed him the ales unwinding him from the trip, slowly muttering "so good to relax."
(Ok, it's all set up for anybody to join - go for it people.)
The wagon squealed through the gate of the fortress town, it's passengers weary with travelling and skirmishing with summit forces for the past few days, having reprive given only when using the artillery piece to ward off an attack and cause a small landslide in the pass they were being followed through, only just missing the great heap of snow rock and splintered trees.
Selerious pulled the wagon up as a Dwarven sentry stepped out from a small wooden guard house holding up his hand to halt the wagon. Selerious stepped down from wagon as the guard made it to his side noticing the lines of weariness under the humans eyes. "You look a bit spent laddie what have you been up to?" Selerious smiled at the question, "Fighting your xenophobic cousins Dwarf, theres an army of them a few days off, they were closer but a small avalanch blocked the main pass a day away." The Dwarf didn't look shocked of the news. "Yes laddie we know, our scouts have been watching them approach, and they even say your display with that artillery there was some good shooting. we were hoping for some reinforcements, but the way they were going it looked like they were going to arrive to late for the seige, but that pass being blocked off might be the time they need to get here, now got rest and get cleaned up, we will need you on the walls, that's if you'r staying for the fireworks." Selerious bowed his head before climbing back up the the top of the wagon before turning to the Sentry just as the yak started to move, "I'll see you on the walls."
Heading to the stables of the Inn, Selerious and Rashadda quickly stabled the Animal's, Ebon staying to enjoy some juick rats in the stables. Stepping through the door Selerious had a look around at the spacious Inn. Well built in the Dwarven way it had a bar at one end a roaring fire in the hearth in the other spashing a red tinge to the stone walls, tables spaced evenly around the centre of the room finished the look but only a few tables were taken most to fighting Dwarves, one to an obvious Blacksmith, the smell of charcole and singed beared eminating from him and one inhabited by another Ascalonian by the looks of him.
Calling for two Ales Selerious and Rashadda sat down at the table next the the fellow Ascalonian with an appreciative sigh before grabbing the ales that were brought over by the Owner, easily recogniasable by the fine merchant garb he wore. Finishing the first mug fairly quickly Selerious signeled for another, taking anougher long gulp as the second was handed him the ales unwinding him from the trip, slowly muttering "so good to relax."
(Ok, it's all set up for anybody to join - go for it people.)
Arethine Koan
idk if there is still room,
Yeah theres room, the more the merrier!
Arethine Koan
Name: Dizix Vant
Sex: Male
Evil :$
Race: Dwarf
Bio: At Age 19 the young dwarf Dizix was brought fourth into the dwarfven army, his mission to clear the path to beacons perch, To set the beacon a flame. Him and His Troops 8 of them fought there way there, they met up with king IronHammers forces to try and retake the Fort! They were camping with a small fire to keep them warm "Put that out you Fools they migh see it"said one of the Ironhammer archers Dizix Ran to the fire and put it out. Without the soudn of the fire and the talk of the dwarfs there was a small "wosh" MEN TO YOU ARMS" Yelled Dizix "were Under Fire" Just then a volly of fire tipped arrows flew over the clearing, the men ran to the rocks but the summit archers made sure that they woudn't.
Sex: Male
Evil :$
Race: Dwarf
Bio: At Age 19 the young dwarf Dizix was brought fourth into the dwarfven army, his mission to clear the path to beacons perch, To set the beacon a flame. Him and His Troops 8 of them fought there way there, they met up with king IronHammers forces to try and retake the Fort! They were camping with a small fire to keep them warm "Put that out you Fools they migh see it"said one of the Ironhammer archers Dizix Ran to the fire and put it out. Without the soudn of the fire and the talk of the dwarfs there was a small "wosh" MEN TO YOU ARMS" Yelled Dizix "were Under Fire" Just then a volly of fire tipped arrows flew over the clearing, the men ran to the rocks but the summit archers made sure that they woudn't.
Life Knight 32
(This is really sad i liked the roleplaying forums its completly dead)