Last night was the worst lag I have experienced in a long time (Denmark, European servers). It was so bad that we were also disconnected many many times with Error 7 (whatever that is).
Has anyone else around Europe experienced the same? I am wondering if this is due to problems with AreaNets servers, or is it due to a local problem, like a breakdown in the internet communication near where I live?
BTW we have TDC's (danish telepone company) fastest ADSL internet connection (2Mbs download).
A night with lag. Only local?
Yeah, a friend and I (both located in Denmark, both on TDC ADSL) gave up playing last evening because of the "lag". And it is not your connection that are the problem.
But of course, it would be interesting to hear if any other from European countries than Denmark had this experience last evening/night.
But of course, it would be interesting to hear if any other from European countries than Denmark had this experience last evening/night.
It seems to us it may have been Denmark local. When we dared to go out with other people, seems like we were the only ones lagging.
Because of this I played solo (henchmen only) lastnight. Didn't dare go out with others on a quest or mission, and then be thrown out leaving my party with one less member.
Because of this I played solo (henchmen only) lastnight. Didn't dare go out with others on a quest or mission, and then be thrown out leaving my party with one less member.
Well, lag issues involving Europe have popped up all over these forums. Not sure if it was resolved or not, but ArenaNet has been trying to fix it. Best I can offer is getting a few friends that you want to play with, and switching over to America where you should have no lag. (Just keep an eye on how many times you can switch, don't need more Europeans complaining about being trapped in America because they don't look at the big red number)
Hi EverBlue,
seems like the European lag problem had been solved. I am more like wondering if this was a glitch in the local (Denmark) internet, like due to hardware/software failures or overloading. Have a hunch that this time it is not ArenaNet at fault, but was curious to find out.
Don't like the idea of switching to the US servers. We have acquired too many "friends" here. And if the problem is not due to AreaNet but due to the internet, the problem would not be solved by switching servers.
Thx for the suggestion, though.
seems like the European lag problem had been solved. I am more like wondering if this was a glitch in the local (Denmark) internet, like due to hardware/software failures or overloading. Have a hunch that this time it is not ArenaNet at fault, but was curious to find out.
Don't like the idea of switching to the US servers. We have acquired too many "friends" here. And if the problem is not due to AreaNet but due to the internet, the problem would not be solved by switching servers.
Thx for the suggestion, though.
Well, I live in Belgium and yesterday evening the lag was horrible
I have small lags this morning too. Note when doing a tracert, I see that it goes through some telia routers (it is scandinavian provider I think), maybe the problem is linked to yours.
I have small lags this morning too. Note when doing a tracert, I see that it goes through some telia routers (it is scandinavian provider I think), maybe the problem is linked to yours.
Just got a "error 7" this morning and I was standing still in my Guild Hall.
I can assure you that it has nothing to do with the ISP because everything else works fine related to other online games, surfing the internet et cetera.
Strange, because after the last "lag-period" some weeks ago, everything was good and running smooth untill now.
So whatever is causing it I hope things turns normal again. The "serverlag" makes the game unplayable in every way.
I can assure you that it has nothing to do with the ISP because everything else works fine related to other online games, surfing the internet et cetera.
Strange, because after the last "lag-period" some weeks ago, everything was good and running smooth untill now.
So whatever is causing it I hope things turns normal again. The "serverlag" makes the game unplayable in every way.
The error7 message occurs when an entire zone comes down/crashes. This happens whenever they institute a major change because of bugs/patches and whatnot. I've gotten various error7 messages, and each time I zone into an encampment there are some people asking if others had crashed while in Whitman's Folly (for example).
Chances are they have just been fixing some problems with many of the European servers, and pathching the zones. The lag would be explained by the in-game patching, rather than having an out-of-game patcher in, say, EQ. Makes the most sense, and would explain why the lag suddenly stops at one point.
Chances are they have just been fixing some problems with many of the European servers, and pathching the zones. The lag would be explained by the in-game patching, rather than having an out-of-game patcher in, say, EQ. Makes the most sense, and would explain why the lag suddenly stops at one point.
General lag issues have reared their ugly heads again the last couple of days.
pauses, and sudden updates without pauses. i.e at full health then wham 0 health.
pauses, and sudden updates without pauses. i.e at full health then wham 0 health.