I wanted to kno what the rabger FoW Armor looks like... can someone please post a picture? >.<
Thank You!
Anyone have a pic of Ranger FoW Armor?
William The Smasher
i dont know how to post pics, but my ranger has it. its dyed black. my ign is ima snipe you if you want to message me and check it out. also there is a thread on guild-hall.net called armor pictures ascalon to fissure(something like that). it also has all of the required materials for it.
<- clicky
The one on the left
The one on the left
ninja suit ^^
i relly think they should make the rangers more ninja, with awesome running animations and shizzle
i relly think they should make the rangers more ninja, with awesome running animations and shizzle
this guy did a great job gathering screenshots of 15k armor (both regular and fissure)
this guy did a great job gathering screenshots of 15k armor (both regular and fissure)
William The Smasher
thats the link i was talking about. the ranger fow sets in those pics are dyed black as well.