An interesting fire wand
Eadwyn Mirwen
I have never seen this one before. It has even 25% against Charr (5% more than the usual max) or that strange +10% attack speed. Interesting, isnt it?
Eleu said it is from a collector around Kryta (if he remembers right).
3 Char Carvings outside of Nolani will get you that wand. There is a similar air wand somewhere as well.
Can these stats spawn on non-collector items? Could open a new world of what defines the "best" weapon.
Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, they can't.
Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, they can't.
you only have +15% vs charr. The dmg - 10% kills you. never tried it. have fun with it
10% attack speed? oh man that is something
i hope this spreads to longswords, ill gladly pay 700k for a max dmg longsword with 10% speed boost
i hope this spreads to longswords, ill gladly pay 700k for a max dmg longsword with 10% speed boost
Anyone know if it is on any other items? It will just make an IW mesmer that much better if it is a sword.