Edit by Billiard. Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping. No posts within 24 hours of your original post or most recent post. Edit your post instead to answer questions or add information.
#1: Fiery Dragon Sword, 13-19 Fire DMG, (Req 9 Swordsman)
#2: Runic Hammer, 18-33 Blunt DMG, (Req 7 Hammer)
#3: (Purple)Sephis Axe of Warding, 6-28 Slashing DMG, Armor +5 Against Elemental Damage, (Req 11 Axe)
#4 Storm Bow, 15-28 Piercing DMG, Highly Salvagable , (Req 9 marksminship)
#5 Shocking Shadow Bow of Enchanting, 13-25 Lighting DMG, Enchantments last 10% Longer. (Req 11 marksminhip)
#6 (Gold) Half Moon, 14-27 Peircing DMG, DMG +13% while in a stance, (Req 8 marksminship)
WTS: Dragon Sword, Runic Hammer, Sephis Axe , Storm Bow, Shadow Bow, and Half moon.