There are some things I don't understand with items and what people say they are able to be sold for.
For Example
Hammer Grip : Hammer Mastery +1(20% chance while using skill) can be sold for more then one that is Hammer Master +1 all the time? I don't understand things like that. I know this isn't the "Ect" thing but I am not asking for a PC, this is a question. Trying to better understand things like this.
Question with Items
The reason for that is probably because there is no 100% hammer mastery upgrade. Chances are it was a 10% or something lower
Mugon M. Musashi
20% is the maximum you will find
Originally Posted by Lasareth
The reason for that is probably because there is no 100% hammer mastery upgrade. Chances are it was a 10% or something lower
He's got a point tho, in a way... Like why is it that a +4 staff head ain't worth crap and a +5 staff head is worth like a billion gold? (figuratively speaking of course.) I mean c'mon, plus fricken one? One whole extra energy is gonna mean the difference between life and death?
Mugon M. Musashi
it's because people generally prefer having the BEST OF THE BEST