Guild of the Week #4
LoE are good folks. Congratulations to them!
I can't believe they would actually run that build :-/ some of the logic behind it has a bit odd as well.
Originally Posted by tektonik
I can't believe they would actually run that build :-/ some of the logic behind it has a bit odd as well.
I would hope so giving them the benfit of the doubt that is at best a decent guild Tombs build but I would never run that in GvG
lets been honest though...who the hell is going to post their entire full build in public view...
I'm really hoping that what we're seeing here is a dud build...or at least an alpha version of their uber secret ninja one
I'm really hoping that what we're seeing here is a dud build...or at least an alpha version of their uber secret ninja one
ill post a team build once it is nerfed ^_^