Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Wow, what a great motto. Must be fun when everything is exciting. Look, the sun rose again this morning! I hoped it would, but I didn't want to hope too much.
In latin, this concept is called 'carpe diem', and most people like it.
Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Makes it easier at a restaurant - you order something and if it is remotely edible it's a good day - you wouldn't want to aim for something tasty or nutritious, that might get you disappointed.
Depite all the sarcasm, I think you're getting my point.
Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Sorry if I sound harsh, but really the idea of not expecting anything in order to be pleasantly surprised is a bit absurd.
Don't worry about being harsh. I'm used to it. My oppinions about things are not always popular and getting a reply is better than being ignored, like SOME people do.
As there are lots of absurd concepts like doing a summer update in autum
or going farming, it's up to the individual to go with a concept or not.
Living the idea of 'carpe diem' is not easy and I fail a lot. But I'm confident, that I'm getting better at it.
Originally Posted by Epinephrine
It may be a bit of reductio ad absurdum to make it sound like you should be pleased if you get anything to eat at a restaurant, but the point is there - frankly, a little disappointment in life won't kill you, and I'd rather have realistic expectations than try to fool myself into being giddy with crap.
If we all had realistic expectations, this forum would be overloaded with complaints about how bad certain things really are.