No minimum bids BUT I will be keeping a reserve price in my head. I won't mark down your bid until it reaches that bid. Bidding ends per item after 36 hours without another bid. If you wanna try a buy out, please PM or whisper me IG at Laetitia of Yenemi, don't post here. Thanx.
Gold Fiery War Hammer of Shelter (Spiked Version)
req 8 Max Dam
+14% Dam In Stance
Armor +6 vs Physical
Gold Tower Shield
req 12 Str. Max Def
-2 Received Dam while in stance
Gold Spiked Axe of Axe Mastery
req 10 Max Dam
+13% Dam While Enchanted
16% Axe Mastery
Gold Skeleton Shield
req 12 Tactics Max Def
-2 Received Dam while enchanted
Purple Skeleton Shield
req 8 Tactics Max Def
+23 Health while enchanted
Collectors Carapace Shield
req 9 Tactics Max Def
+45 Health in stance
-2 Dam in stance
Clean Shadow Shield
req 11 Str Max Def
Gold Vampiric War Hammer of Fortitude
req 9 Max Dam
+14% Dam In Stance
4:1 Vamp
+25 Health
Bid Away
Laetitia of Yenemi
Gold Spiked Version War Hammer, Gold Str. Shield and more
Laetitia of Yenemi