Edit by Billiard. Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping. Do not post until a full 24 hours have past since your original post or most recent post. Edit your post instead to add information or answer a question. We do this so that everyone has an equal opportunity on the sell forum.
Minor smiting prayers
Minor domination magic X2
Minor protection prayers
Major Water magic
Major inspiration magic
Major vigor X3
Supirior water magic
Axe grip of shelter +7(vs. physical damage) (Martinw 2k)
Axe grip of dreath bane dmg. +10%(vs. undead)
Vampiric bow string 5:1
Sword Pommel of fortitude
Halth +24
Shield of the wing(gold)
Armor:15( req. 8 tactics)
Health +32(while hexed)
Quick recovery from blind
Hammer grip of warding
Armor +4(vs. ele attacks)
Hammer grip of fortitude
Health +20
Axe frip of defense
Armor +5
Scales X50
I am also selling lots of dye of all colours but black, post if intrested and i will sell for 20% under current market price.
IGN: Dracion the great
Goodies here(runes, upgrades, dye)
10k Vamp Bow String
it's 5:1, not 4:1 min is 50k.
k posted ur price done, i will sell to u at about 1pm if no one else puts down a bet.(srry for the spelling mistakes)
Shift Bunit
this is going to get closed by the sell nazi's
and why is that?
Laetitia of Yenemi
Because of yer excessive bumping. One post per 24 hours.