Edit by Billiard. Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about bumping. Do not post until a full 24 hours have past since your original post or most recent post. Edit your post instead to add information or answer a question. We do this so that everyone has an equal opportunity on the sell forum.
16 armor
Req 11 Strength
-2 dmg while enchanted
-2 dmg while in stance
Rare to see these two mods on the same shield IGN=Nu Freedom
WTS Rare Defender With A Really Rare Pair Of Bonuses
M. Jaden
good shield, but i've seen those 2 mods on other shields also..
B/o 40k btw
I'll buy out at 40k
Laetitia of Yenemi
I will buy out
Edit .... Beat by seconds. Lemme have Trackxyj, my warrior needs a good shield.
Edit .... Beat by seconds. Lemme have Trackxyj, my warrior needs a good shield.
Same here - there may be a secondary auction here pretty quickly - HA!
Actually - I retract that - if someone offers a buyout, we should stick to it...
Actually - I retract that - if someone offers a buyout, we should stick to it...
Originally Posted by Laetitia of Yenemi
I will buy out
Edit .... Beat by seconds. Lemme have Trackxyj, my warrior needs a good shield. Same deal as my tac -2/-2 shield, if you don't resell, I'll lend this to you for free forever or until you get a better one. I just want the nominal title.
Edit .... Beat by seconds. Lemme have Trackxyj, my warrior needs a good shield. Same deal as my tac -2/-2 shield, if you don't resell, I'll lend this to you for free forever or until you get a better one. I just want the nominal title.
Dude - I'll take that deal trackxyj - I'll even give you 40K as collateral.
My shield is TERRIBLE right now. 13 armor, -2 ench, +28 hp in stance...that's pretty bad, but I can't find one that I can afford...until now. HA!
My shield is TERRIBLE right now. 13 armor, -2 ench, +28 hp in stance...that's pretty bad, but I can't find one that I can afford...until now. HA!