So, who will powerlevel or who will take the time?
I plan on taking my time and enjoying the game, who else plans this or plans powerleveling
i intend to take my time, explore and do every quest at least with my first character
def taking my time
Ya, I'll probably take my time with my first build, since I kinda rushed it in March. My other builds, I will probably power level them so I can use them in PvE groups with my Guild.
i will be the last out of presearing
Lazek Phoenix
I actually really want to powerlevel this time. All the Beta weekends I have spent most of my time exploring and doing things, but i did hit level 20 in the BWEs. So I don't want to explore the land I have already explored. I want to hit level 20 as fast as posivle so I can go into the new area asap. (Also I sorta want to be one of the first few people to get to Lions Arc). So unless they put a lot of new things in Ascalon I will go through it as fast as possible, same with Kryta. i may spend a little more time in magguma jungle. But, I will spen d a lot of time exploring the new areas.
I'll prob do a lot of exploring and questing, but still get to 20 pretty fast, just because I plan to play until I pass out sometime on friday.
I was going to take my time, run up against every invisible wall I can find. I want the PvE content to last me most of the 6 months until the next Chapter.
I power leveled most of the Betas so I'm going to take my time.
Well, you know, I'd like to explore every little thing, but I get a little impulsive....
There is a difference between taking my time and Power Leveling. I will be playing nonstop tomarrow so I won't exactly be taking my time. But I will be going through the game at a normal rate. Doing one mission and then the next. Not stopping to kill the Charr army 500 times.
i think this game is great because there is really no need to rush so you can go out with your friends and then come home play the game for an hour or two and feel like you've accomplished something
Well I am thinking, I will also take my time, My friend has school so I am going to wait for him, since I have other rl commitments that will keep me away monday and tuesday so I am thinking, I will do most of the quests, I really still dont know what really cuased the searing so I am not skipping that movie. I figuire to see everything before the searing, then working before I go to lions arch to register our 2 man guild. Then hopefully once I get used to everything I will be in the PvP scene pretty heavy and doing PvE to get the diversion, hopefully I will slowly emerse myself into the game and understand the story as it unfolds.
I plan to take my time... I want to make sure with my main character I do most of the quests and get the bonus missions... after that I will just work on lvling my other characters and test builds for PvE and PvP...
Svetlana Doomgiver
Definitely take my time. I really didn't feel like I knwe what I was doing rreally in the PvE in the BWEs, so I'm gonna talk to everyone and go slow
Wyld Kard
I plan on taking my time but I do plan on hitting level 20 within 5 or so days. In the last few betas i participated in I really didnt just explore I just powermissioned and that was that. didnt even spend time getting new armor till lions arch if that tells u anything.
take my time. is 20 the max level? awww man.
Originally Posted by Canook
take my time. is 20 the max level? awww man.
I'll be taking my time, because I only played the E3 sneek peek like a year ago, so I'm to enjoy and learn.
haha i guess your right in some ways. i really hope this game is noob friendly. im going in this blind, lmao. for the past 24 hours, ive been doing so much power reading on this site. haha.
I'm totally taking my time. I'm ready to ENJOY a new game, not plow through it and be bored again.
March Hare
I will be taking my time, but I think it will end up being power leveling, I'll kill everything, and do every Quest avalable, by default I'll end up leveling fairly fast, but I will be close to lavitar in leaving Pre-Searing... it's a visual feast, I haven't been there for the last two BWE and will look forward to see what is different from my last visit.
Chewbacca The Hutt
I'm gunna take my time.. im gunna explore ALL of the pre-searing ascalon.
If you mean take my time in the sense that I won't feel obligated to rush through the missions, then yes.
However, I'm also not one for wasting time. I want skills, and I want them quickly!
However, I'm also not one for wasting time. I want skills, and I want them quickly!
Me and my friend are gonna try and duo the whole thing. So definately taking time.
On the inside I want to level by means of doing any and everything. But past experiences tell me I will be doing the grind on my first player.
Robos Stavanis
Originally Posted by Wildfire
I plan on taking my time and enjoying the game, who else plans this or plans powerleveling
I am definately taking my time with my first character, and maybe the same for the other characters under my account. I want to get the fullness of this game in all it's glory.
I will be taking my time and enjoying the game...especially after this boring wait!
I will be poking along, in no rush.
It will be nice to be able to take our time, we haven't really had that option yet. In past BWE's, you almost felt rushed because you only had a 2 day time window to try and see and do as much as possible.
I'll definitely be taking my time. It almost seems too good to be true, since everything up to this point has been on a pretty strict time limit.
I'll definitely be taking my time. It almost seems too good to be true, since everything up to this point has been on a pretty strict time limit.
Wandering, dancing, laying on sunset, enjoying the views...I think im not in powerlvln
Definately taking my time, Im not rushed to do everything in a single weeked
i think its a matter of who wants to play pvp and who doesn't, and who knows where to level and who doesn't, me personaly i don't know much about the game yet so can't see mysellf powerleveling
Powerleveling... I will still explore and stuff, but I want to save it for Level 20 so I have more to do then !
Auntie I
I am going to spend my time exploring, checking out the differences between the BWE and actually having the game for longer that 3 days.
I'll probably blow through it and collect only the skills I plan on using for PvP. Once I have some decent PvP setups I'll start a new character and beat every quest and mission and cover every inch of the map. My priority right now is to get set up for PvP.
Rizzen Khalazar
Originally Posted by Loviatar
i will be the last out of presearing
Originally Posted by Wildfire
I plan on taking my time and enjoying the game, who else plans this or plans powerleveling
I'll see everything to see and also see if I can "climb every mountain." What is the command to get unstuck from terrain anyways ? JK Why pay $50 for something you burn through?