New Skill instead of water!
Ok every1 agrees with me that water isnt a good idea right? If so there should be a skill that a character can get or an item that does 1 of the following. (Both should be available but 1 at a time). Idea is this. In Dark Age of Camelot a Bard or Druid or even a Warden have the ability that lets the whole party run at 1.5-3 Times faster! Thats right i mean if your going somewhere to explore or at least somewhere to a mission i think there should be an item or a character with the skill of speed. Because its a pAiN iN tHe fU**iNg @sS running back and forth. Like the skill a ranger has dodge? or what ever that speeds them up. Or an item that lets the whole party FLOAT on air so the movement is faster. BUT once in combat if you hit something or if something hits you, you cannot use the skill or item for 10-20 seconds depending on what ur doing. That way you cannot just run fast as hell and avoid everything. Plzz consider this as i think it will help ppl allot! I also think it should cost something like
Mana: 10
Recast: 10-20 seconds (no need to recast unless you die or sumtin or change areas)
Skill type: Automatic (cast it once and if you get hit or hit sum1 it still works but takes time after so you cant cheat out of battle)
Also i think recast should be automatic and lasts for 20 minutes. In town it has no effect. Once 20 mins passes you need to recast. Im NOT stealing this idea from DAoC its just an idea! Then GW would be perfect!
Mana: 10
Recast: 10-20 seconds (no need to recast unless you die or sumtin or change areas)
Skill type: Automatic (cast it once and if you get hit or hit sum1 it still works but takes time after so you cant cheat out of battle)
Also i think recast should be automatic and lasts for 20 minutes. In town it has no effect. Once 20 mins passes you need to recast. Im NOT stealing this idea from DAoC its just an idea! Then GW would be perfect!
Does anyone have any clue what this guy is talking about?
Has he even played GW? I think not.
Has he even played GW? I think not.
This really isn't necessary.
Originally Posted by MCS
Does anyone have any clue what this guy is talking about?
I do agree that water isn't a good idea. It keeps all the whiners alive. Let's get rid of it! Of course it will affect everyone else, but it's only a minor side effect...
Whether he is playing Gw or not, let the guy give his suggestions. This is afterall a suggetion board.
Ok....umm i have played GW and i cant now cuz my computer is messed up! So it will be a few months b4 i get back on! But i think there should be a faster way of getting around....cuz sumtimes missions r far away....
Does anyone have any clue what this guy is talking about? Has he even played GW? I think not. |
This thread makes entirely no sense to me. There are speed boosts in the game and I don't even what understand what hes saying about water.
Apparently everyone else understands that so whatever :\.
Apparently everyone else understands that so whatever :\.
well, see hes saying he wants to add speed boosts. i know, whole entire new concept. adding something. you get it, right? and i think hes saying, he wants the skill to be in water so the water spec line has some value to it... although water isnt too bad imo.
I think the speed boosts we have are quite sufficient(although I would like it if there was at least one for every profession).
Tellani Artini
Windborne Speed is a fine speed boost for elementalists, and you don't even have to remove water magic. Wasn't that easy?
i think he wants a speed skill that lasts 20 minutes....
i can sum this suggestion up with 3 words "Moronic Forge Runner"....
i can sum this suggestion up with 3 words "Moronic Forge Runner"....
Eles already have speed, the guy makes no sense. I don't speak broken English, excuse me.
"For 8-13 seconds, you move 25% faster."
"Also i think recast should be automatic and lasts for 20 minutes" that is the difference between a realistic skill and a non-realistic skill...
"Also i think recast should be automatic and lasts for 20 minutes" that is the difference between a realistic skill and a non-realistic skill...
...*slaps himself in the face and slides hand across* ok u guys dont get it. First of all, rangers have this thing called dodge is it? I dont remember but my ranger had a skill letting her move 50% faster for like 8 seconds. My friend has the same thing and his Char is named The Beef. Dont believe me? LoOk hEr uP. Only problem is they last for like 10 seconds MAX. I mean i just think it be nice to travel between town to town and mission to mission within minutes. Or even seconds if its close. It took me just to go from 1 place to another in Ascalon the starter town like 10 minutes to get to where i needed. Another thing is i was exploring...that took me almost an hour acually about 50 minutes. I dunno y but its nice going fast....or at least if rangers were like assasins and had speed boosts in damage. Like swim 3-5 times a second. But obviously my ranger nor my friends has that....
And i havnt mentioned this but ELEMENTALISTS DO NOT EXIST! Nor do Necromancers in real life! So thinking that there is magic in GW its not a bad idea having boosts in speeds....dont tell me whats not realistic i know games and this game is not something that you would call "realistic" Worms the size of tremors dont pop out of the frikin ground and chew your ass up! And neither do run away bulls that put a horn up ur back. Oh and let me tell you about Dragons and Elementals. They arnt supposed to be pieces of rock stuck together with magical glue! What about undead? They arnt "undead" they arnt supposed to move since they got half arm gone and no head! Think a little about this b4 u post whats "REALISTIC" and think of pets....u dont summon them because where they come from? A rock that pops out of the ground maybe but a pet that flies from sky into controll? No! Summoning isnt pop a rock and bash em up! U gotta come to animal and use charming on it and take WEEKS to train it. Im just saying, if magic exists i dont see why Boosts to speeds dont exist. Or enchantments for speed. Or assasin speed of 3-5 hits per second...
Originally Posted by Evlesoaits
its a pAiN iN tHe fU**iNg @sS running back and forth
Originally Posted by MCS
Does anyone have any clue what this guy is talking about?
Has he even played GW? I think not. |

Nope, I have no idea what he's talking about. In fact, I think he either posted in the wrong forum or he's got his games seriously mixed up. Well, if you want to get around faster in missions you could bring a Tank that has "Charge!" equiped...that will make everyone go 25% faster for about 10 secs or so.
Yeah i know that! im not stupid. All im saying is sumtimes they r far away. I mean far away. I teleported to the town closest to it and still took me 15 mins to get there. Ok forget about that....I think there just should be a speed thingy where u can hit like 5 times in a second a skill or maybe an enchantement that lasts for 2 mins where you hit 50% faster or sumtin.
But ive had problem b4 where rock eles really got me sarrounded and i died. There were 2 but my hits were SOOOO SLOOOOWWW! Its like writing a messege at the speed of 10 words per minute.....
emil knight
First off, it's obvious that English isn't your first language... coming here and suggestion something, then arguing with people because you think they don't understand accomplishes nothing. Also, you never told us what skill sets YOU have, so we couldn't even BEGIN to suggest a certain build to help you, but I will make an attempt.
Second, you said in your OP:
That skill is called "Charge" and it belongs to Warriors as an Elite skill. For X seconds ALL allies move 25% faster. This skill recharges every 20 seconds. You also suggested a skill that lasts 20 minutes... that's just insane. It wouldn't fit into this game ANYWHERE, would be incredibly overpowered, and would only aid the farming the ANet is trying to eliminate.
Third, you said in a post just above:
Try Berserker's Stance, also a Warrior skill. You can't "spam" this as you are asking, and personally I think spamming a skill like this could really unbalance the game. Having it last as long as you want is not realisitic either because alot of battles don't last 2 minutes.
Please, if you intend to make a suggestion, make it coherent and semi-logical. Also, please do not bring up a point about one thing to explain another. "Since you guys don't like water" has no place in a thread where you are suggesting a speed boost. Leave your previous suggestion threads out of new suggestion threads.
First off, it's obvious that English isn't your first language... coming here and suggestion something, then arguing with people because you think they don't understand accomplishes nothing. Also, you never told us what skill sets YOU have, so we couldn't even BEGIN to suggest a certain build to help you, but I will make an attempt.
Second, you said in your OP:
Originally Posted by evlesoa
In Dark Age of Camelot a Bard or Druid or even a Warden have the ability that lets the whole party run at 1.5-3 Times faster!
Third, you said in a post just above:
Originally Posted by evlesoa
I think there just should be a speed thingy where u can hit like 5 times in a second a skill or maybe an enchantement that lasts for 2 mins where you hit 50% faster or sumtin.
Please, if you intend to make a suggestion, make it coherent and semi-logical. Also, please do not bring up a point about one thing to explain another. "Since you guys don't like water" has no place in a thread where you are suggesting a speed boost. Leave your previous suggestion threads out of new suggestion threads.
Evlesoa, Rangers have at least three speed boosts (Dodge, Storm Chaser, Escape), and if you use all three, you can keep them on almost constantly. Also, this would just make it easier for people to chest farm or rush low-levels.
Pocketmancer Exe
I'm still wondering how water falls into all of this.
emil knight
Originally Posted by Pocketmancer Exe
I'm still wondering how water falls into all of this.
He had an idea for something, alot of people shot him down, then he came up with this idea.
Nash this guy for real?
Sereng Amaranth
Originally Posted by Mo/R9
Thank you emil knight for clearing up this issue (and converting it to English).
I like your avatar BTW
I like your avatar BTW
I don't like this idea or that other idea he came up with.
its not too well thought out, if he wanted to play a underwater area, just go play some other mmo that has that capability.
that said,
underwater/oceanic enviroments could work. We could go and explore the sunken city of Arah on the orrian pennisula- the Guild Hall island used to be part of Orr- which is the lost city of the Gods of Tyria and Arah could have magical secrets that renders Arah being like a normal EA enviroment but, we'd need a quest/mission to be able to go (teleport) to that particular area. anywhere else is iffy at best.
swimming is defintely out of the question. Tyrian humans ain't mermaids.
its not too well thought out, if he wanted to play a underwater area, just go play some other mmo that has that capability.
that said,
underwater/oceanic enviroments could work. We could go and explore the sunken city of Arah on the orrian pennisula- the Guild Hall island used to be part of Orr- which is the lost city of the Gods of Tyria and Arah could have magical secrets that renders Arah being like a normal EA enviroment but, we'd need a quest/mission to be able to go (teleport) to that particular area. anywhere else is iffy at best.
swimming is defintely out of the question. Tyrian humans ain't mermaids.
*reads first post*
*face explodes*
*face explodes*