Brace yourselves for the new plague of monks in Tyria
Xue Yi Liang
Since the econo-fix today monk sup runes have come crashing down to below 10k each. So, the one deterrent to everybody making 105 health (or 55) UW solo monks has been eliminated.
This means that nearly everyone and their grandma is gonna make uber-monks on the hopes of fortune and fame - at least that's what I foresee. On one hand it's one remedy for the shortage of monks in the game. But, on the other hand, the new plague of monks will likely be smiter-solo monks instead of healers/protectors. In fact, I fear that- even many existing healers/protectors may defect to solo farm.
In the end UW will be farmed to pieces. Expect Ectos and Stormbows to flood the market - and their prices to drop accordingly. I have no problem with that - but I fear that ToA will become even more knee-deep in monks dressed in Acetic's Tattoos.
Doesn't that seem the case?
This means that nearly everyone and their grandma is gonna make uber-monks on the hopes of fortune and fame - at least that's what I foresee. On one hand it's one remedy for the shortage of monks in the game. But, on the other hand, the new plague of monks will likely be smiter-solo monks instead of healers/protectors. In fact, I fear that- even many existing healers/protectors may defect to solo farm.
In the end UW will be farmed to pieces. Expect Ectos and Stormbows to flood the market - and their prices to drop accordingly. I have no problem with that - but I fear that ToA will become even more knee-deep in monks dressed in Acetic's Tattoos.
Doesn't that seem the case?
But if ectos and storm bows flood the market then there'll be no point in being an UW soloing monk because you'll make no money.
Let me guess. You already have a 105 monk and don't like people muscling in on your market?
It seems far more likely to me that they'll just put some disenchanters in the UW, that's what they've done everywhere else.
Let me guess. You already have a 105 monk and don't like people muscling in on your market?

It seems far more likely to me that they'll just put some disenchanters in the UW, that's what they've done everywhere else.
I for one, am not going to stoop that low. I'm keeping my healing monk. Even if it means I make no money. I firmly believe that build is due to be nerfed, as it upsets the balance of the game by a high margin. And when it does, people have no right to complain about the money they wasted on runes. They should have seen it coming.
Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by SJG
Let me guess. You already have a 105 monk and don't like people muscling in on your market?
![]() |
.... but that's beside the point.
I got ran to droknars earlier with my new character (and account
) and the warrior ending up running no less than 4 monks, myself included.
Yes, the bus ride here was full of them.
Your hypothesis is correct.
Yes, the bus ride here was full of them.
Your hypothesis is correct.
Ah, I'm making a 105 monk purely for the purpose of getting some ecto for my ele. The spare stuff I'll sell off at cheap prices to fund for the shards and contribute to balancing out the economy.
But I'll have a seperate peice of armour for the 105 thing so I can use a healing/protector/smiter for PvP that is actually meant for one of those.
But I'll have a seperate peice of armour for the 105 thing so I can use a healing/protector/smiter for PvP that is actually meant for one of those.
hey, u're very correct, sir! As soon as I came to after my shock of seeing new superior rune prices I immidiately bought all 4 of em and made meself a uw solo monk. However, just like Sekkira here, I am planning on getting a second set of armor for PvP and PvE. Oh, and I really hope they don't make UW soloing impossible; I think that as the demand for superior runes increases, their prices will reach more appropriate, less affordable level.
And how on earth am I supposed to get enough money and materials for my 4 characters' 15k armor (I'm not even dreaming of fissure armor) without sinking as low as UW solo farming?
And how on earth am I supposed to get enough money and materials for my 4 characters' 15k armor (I'm not even dreaming of fissure armor) without sinking as low as UW solo farming?
I do not see how this "fix" will let everybody own a storm bow. I mean, it's still a rare drop from UW after all, unless they made it common or something. please explain this to me.
I do not see how this "fix" will let everybody own a storm bow. I mean, it's still a rare drop from UW after all, unless they made it common or something. please explain this to me.
More people farming, greater chance of drop, more storm bows to go around. Simple really.
I prefer to stick with my 7-13dmg bow with +5 Energy.
I prefer to stick with my 7-13dmg bow with +5 Energy.
Gah.. I can't buy a flippin Monk Sup anymore.
Just great.
And no one wants to sell a Prot rune.
Just great.
And no one wants to sell a Prot rune.
I started to build a monk for soloing, and then realised I could do it well enough with my E/Mo and the price of monk superiors made it just not worthwhile.
Now I'm working on my necromancer, whom I already have a solo build planned for.
Now I'm working on my necromancer, whom I already have a solo build planned for.
Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
but I fear that ToA will become even more knee-deep in monks dressed in Acetic's Tattoos.
And who wants FoW armour anyways, its not like it helps me any.
Old Dood
Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
Since the econo-fix today monk sup runes have come crashing down to below 10k each. So, the one deterrent to everybody making 105 health (or 55) UW solo monks has been eliminated.
This means that nearly everyone and their grandma is gonna make uber-monks on the hopes of fortune and fame - at least that's what I foresee. On one hand it's one remedy for the shortage of monks in the game. But, on the other hand, the new plague of monks will likely be smiter-solo monks instead of healers/protectors. In fact, I fear that- even many existing healers/protectors may defect to solo farm. In the end UW will be farmed to pieces. Expect Ectos and Stormbows to flood the market - and their prices to drop accordingly. I have no problem with that - but I fear that ToA will become even more knee-deep in monks dressed in Acetic's Tattoos. Doesn't that seem the case? |
This is my build after buying two Superior Runes in addition to other stuff.
12 Healing
11 Smitting
9 Protector
12 Divine Favor
Now I can do what I want as a Healer/Smitter/Prot Monk.
I had 3 Attribute points left and put them in to Air magic just so I can get something out of Whirlwind.
Gonna have a time with energy ^^
I made a Monk in hopes of farming a bit, yes, but also to try and reel in my final few skills left to capture by having this character change secondaries when needed. Not too many people jump at the chance to use an Earth - Protection E/Mo (Main character) even though it does contribute much to a group.
doing solo smite runs so far haven't proved beneficial financially, i just do it for the fun of it anyway
here's a hint ANet, instead of nerfing smites, put mindblades infront of the ice vale. boom, no more solo monks!
here's a hint ANet, instead of nerfing smites, put mindblades infront of the ice vale. boom, no more solo monks!
I don't plan to change my Monk. Straight Healer. It is a great PvP build not to mention an excellent PvE build. I can't see solo UW runs being profitable because the cost doesn't always balance out the price to keep going in.
Last I heard, ArenaNet doesn't have anything against farmers. They have everything against botters though. I'm guessing UW is something that either can't be or is extremely hard to bot, so I doubt we'll see nerfing for this 105 build at all. I mean, yeah, the build is kinda useless to actually travel around as you'll encounter mesmers every now and then and PvP is also just as bad as domination mesmers will shut you down immediately and you're no good in a TEAM situation.
Night Daftshadow
i just notice that ANet also added a new spell for the flesh golems. it's a spell that shatters enchantments. these flesh golems didnt have this spell before.
Mark of Rodgort
NOOOO. everything happens to me. i justascdned my monk and they gonna nerf it.
plz dont, nerf it after i abuse uw to death =D
plz dont, nerf it after i abuse uw to death =D
Originally Posted by Night Daftshadow
i just notice that ANet also added a new spell for the flesh golems. it's a spell that shatters enchantments. these flesh golems didnt have this spell before.
monks are becoming so greedy now *glares*.....(Mo/W) wont even join a normal 8 player FoW or UW team.....Anet should just make it you need 8 players to enter either FoW or UW.....but hey if I had a monk I would exploit the system ^_^
Share the wealth monks!
Share the wealth monks!
I'll never stoop to that low. To make that cookie-cutter build, yuck. Besides, ecto are staying a steady 9k now at the traders, and I can make 9k with my warrior in no time. Why spend the time to make a monk and get him that high a level when in that time I could just do it as my warrior?
Algren Cole
I bought my 5 runes last night for nearly 100 plat

We should have been warned of this merger in trade
(thinks of being in full fissure right now)
(thinks of being in full fissure right now)
Pandora's box
Well, whatver Anet did with monkrunes, it was all but well-considered. As a consequence not a single monk superior rune is for sale anymore at the runetrader. Some smart guys bought them all and try to trade them away for ridiculous prices. And I wonder why Anet only did this to the monk superior runes and not with the Warrior superior absorbtion rune, which price at any stage was *MUCH* higher than any of the monk runes 
As for the solobuilds, one can always switch between the smiter build and the healer build at any time. It only needs 2 sets of armor. And if parties gently ask for monks to join, as long as warriors dont run into the attacking mob like a bunch of lemmings running into the sea, I'm sure enough monks are willing to join
EDIT: The traders are giving an 'out of stock message' frequently, but after refreshing the trading screen several times you may have the luck to buy a Superior monk rune... So dont give in to the black market hehe.

As for the solobuilds, one can always switch between the smiter build and the healer build at any time. It only needs 2 sets of armor. And if parties gently ask for monks to join, as long as warriors dont run into the attacking mob like a bunch of lemmings running into the sea, I'm sure enough monks are willing to join

EDIT: The traders are giving an 'out of stock message' frequently, but after refreshing the trading screen several times you may have the luck to buy a Superior monk rune... So dont give in to the black market hehe.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Ah, I'm making a 105 monk purely for the purpose of getting some ecto for my ele. The spare stuff I'll sell off at cheap prices to fund for the shards and contribute to balancing out the economy.
But I'll have a seperate peice of armour for the 105 thing so I can use a healing/protector/smiter for PvP that is actually meant for one of those. |
Wow, you must be unlucky. I've done about 20 runs to the Underworld and got about 25 ectos so far.
i did my first 2 runs yesterday (1 solo 1 with a nuker and a tanker) with my newly built uw-solo monk (i was one of the lucky few to buy all the sup runes for <10k :P) and i found:
1) purple Eternal Bow 15-28 req 8 +11%, -5 energy, enchants last 11% longer
2) purple ghostly staff - crap mods but looks good
3) blue storm bow 14-25 req 10 precious (lol)'
4) 2 ectos
5) large number of demonic remains and other useless crap
I guess after coming to the same area for a number of times, the rate at which good stuff drops decreases dramatically. But then again, listen to what the frog said - stuff should be much easier to find now.
1) purple Eternal Bow 15-28 req 8 +11%, -5 energy, enchants last 11% longer
2) purple ghostly staff - crap mods but looks good
3) blue storm bow 14-25 req 10 precious (lol)'
4) 2 ectos
5) large number of demonic remains and other useless crap
I guess after coming to the same area for a number of times, the rate at which good stuff drops decreases dramatically. But then again, listen to what the frog said - stuff should be much easier to find now.
Originally Posted by Hookecho
well...I hope you have a lot of time on your hands. In 50 or so runs in the UW with my Solo monk.....3 ectos......good luck bud
AND I EXPECT YOU ALL TO JOIN ME ON THIS ECONOMY PRICE LOWERING QUEST THINGY OR SOMETHING. I'm sure it only takes a few of us to start selling at cheap prices before everyone else starts turning around and slowly sees that a we've stolen their bucket and if they don't compete they'll never sell.
I'll start selling cheap as soon as i get 15k armor for my monk for PvP