Question about ranking

Somhairle Isis

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005


Defiant Fist


I realize that this may need to go in the Gladiator forum but there was no one viewing that particular forum and I wanted a quick answer.

How is ranking figured out? I mean, is it like college basketball where your ranking will move up more if you beat a team that is substantially higher in rank than yours is and will hardly move at all if you beat a team with a ranking similar to yours?

For instance...if the number 25 team in America were to beat the number 1 team in America, the 25th ranked teams rank would jump a lot more if they, say, beat the 24th ranked team.

Does something like this happen in Guild Wars? Does it really matter if you beat the number 30th team? It seems to me that ranking depends more on what the guilds around you are doing (winning or losing) and not so much on what YOUR guild does.

Quebec Osti

Quebec Osti

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

When you first create a guild, you are attributed a "rating" of 1000.

When fighting other guilds, you will win rating for a win and lose some for a loss.

If you beat a guild with similar rating as your's, u will get a decent number of rating pts.

If you beat a guild with a much higher rating than yours, you will win more rating pts.

If you beat a guild with a lower rating than your's you will gain only a little more rating pts.

Same goes for loosing... loose to a high rated guild, u wont lose much. But loose to a team with a low rating, you will loose much more.

The ranking is based on guild's rating so the 1st guild is the one with the most rating pts.

Somhairle Isis

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005


Defiant Fist


This is definite?

Is there a table or perhaps some math behind this that I can see that anyone may know exists?