Well I take one nightoff and look what happends . I'm gonna have t clean up all the spam and since I'm not about to sift through all the offers I will just put mine down.
8 x 15% over 50 sword/axe/bow (sellers choice)
req 11 15% enchant (30 life 10/10 sunder) Crystalline Sword
req8 15% enhcaht stormbow (30life 10/10 sunder)
req8 15% enchant and 15%>50 fellblades both have 30 life 10/10 sunder
req10 15% always fellblade -1 energy regen 30 life 10/10 furious hilt
350 ecto
150 shard
200 rubies
and I can add in some perfect upgrades based on sellers needs. mainly fort/sunder all perfect for any weapon type.
WTS Gold 15-22 Crystalline Sword 15>50, 10/10 Sundering, +30 Health
I'll offer 2,000 ectos at the value of 100 gold each.
(that means 200k, but keep 2000 ectos in mind)
(that means 200k, but keep 2000 ectos in mind)
lol heres my offer, max dmg 10 req 13% always -10 armor while attacking 10/9 furious +5 amor always........... crystallien sword, 14%^50 wingblade-10 req, 10.9 sundering +29 health, flameberg 14%^50%, +25 health -9 or 10 req, my soul, 15%^50% 10 req 5-25 >.< sephis, 14 while enchanted hand axe, 13 while enchanted fiery drgagon sword, 15%^50% axe- i forget which(spiked or great), and some more.. my last thing i would say would b worth alot is an guild wars account, yes an account so u can make a mule acccoutn or somthing, unless its against EULA, im willling 2 give an account with my offer for it..
Let's keep posts in this thread to offers only.
Xan Tritus
i will give you £20, thats about $35. i doubt people will give more than that