Aura of the Lich details examined
Aura of the Lich (Enchantment Spell) For 24..53 seconds, your maximum Health is halved, but you take half damage and half healing from all sources. When Aura of the Lich ends, you're healed for 50..202 Health. Death magic ELITE.
With this in mind, here is a summary of the effects under AotL:
- Healing, whether regen or insta-casts, are always applied for 100% of the values indicated
- Sacrifice percentages are always 1/4th damage to you of the value indicated
- Instant damage inflicted (whether by your sacrifice or incoming attacks) is always 1/2 of the value indicated
- Degen hexes and conditions are always applied for 100% of the values indicated
So, let's say you begin your build with Aura of the Lich. At 500 health, you now have 250 health to work with. The biggest benefit is when using a sacrifice build by FAR, or you likely do not want this elite. Yes normal damage is cut in half, but you are running around with half health! No net benefit comes as a result besides the +200 health bonus after 60 seconds when AotL ends. Since degen is not affected, being at 250 health means that you begin closer to death where degens are the most harmful to you.
So what about percentage sacrificing? Spending only 25% of the sacrifice damage listed is awesome, but don't do it without being able to counter the effects of degen with other skills. Life Transfer would be perfect if not for the fact it's also an elite. You must get it from other sources, starting with Blood Renewal and Life Siphon as top candidates.
BR costs you only 8% of your current health under AotL (20 from a 500 point build reduced to AotL 250). For that 20 health donation, you get +3 regen and 160-200 health after 10 seconds (L12-L16 Blood). Combined with Life Siphon's constant, long lasting -3, you get that 20 health back in two seconds and are protected against up to -6E of degen. Add Life Siphon to another foe (recharges in two seconds) and you can be at +9 regen (with 200 point health bonus every 10 seconds) for up to 25 seconds at a time when you keep recasting BR.
Another angle for minimizing sacrifice damage is to concentrate on stealing what you need. Vampiric Gaze and Vampiric Touch give you 60/72 respectively at L12 stats - more with enhancements. The recharge is decent, so you can use them as alternates or even additional health stabilizers in your battles. So what about inflicting serious damage to the enemy? The most consistently solid damage you can inflict with sacrifices use Dark Aura with Dark Pact. Everything else is just bonus to speed up the pain.
Now, this skill used to be "eh" because before the update it only reduced physical damage. Now that it reduces all damage (instead of degen), this skill is absolutely INSANE with AotL! Here's my build that I've been using:
Dark Pact (Spell) Sacrifice up to 10% Health and deal 10..40 shadow damage to target foe. 5E/1C/2R - Blood Magic
With L12 for both, that's 81 damage every two seconds, which you can get close to 100 with the right runes. Touch of Agony causes 50 damage and recharges in 3 seconds (for 5E and a .75 cast) - that's 91-110+ combo damage depending on your stats (high attribbute numbers in Death and/or Blood and/or using ATB). ToA may turn off some people because although it's more damage than DP, it requires that the Necro move into melee range. Guess what? If you use Dark Aura, you are pretty much in melee range anyway - you can't get the bonus damage without being almost in touch range. ToA optional, but it will be used a lot. Spamming the two skills in AotL and Dark Aura costs two types of sacrifices.... percentage and direct cost. At a listed 10% sacrifice each for DP and ToA, that comes down from 50 health in normal conditions to 12.5 health each time you cast one. This is negated by +6 regen described above if you are using it (nets you +12 health per second). Therefore, ignoring outside damage to you, you are not losing any health (but you ARE still at 50% with AotL - never forget that). There is however another 17 health cost per cast with Dark Aura. this is with Blood at L12, and the cost is higher with each rank (it is 23 damage at L18 under Awaken the Blood). This is NOT a percentage sacrifice, so the damage is not cut down to 25% under AotL. Instead it is cut in half, or 8.5 per cast. In the end, each DP and ToA cast comes to about -20 in actual health to your 250 life bar. The lower your max health, the less the final sacrifice cost but the closer you are to death from degen and 50% attacks. If you add Demon Flesh for 100 point bonus (remember, you get half of the 200), you are protected better from degen and normal attacks, but your sacrifice costs go UP - one ToA cast is now 17.5 (not 12.5), because you are calculating from a 700 max health bar before AotL is calculated. Still, the 100 point bonus gives you 15 extra sacrifice casts before you are down to 250 health without DF. It may be worth it, but initially DF causes a 20% sacrifice, so you begin with -25 health or 325. That's about 10 net extra casts possible, still pretty good. If you can fit in Awaken the Blood, that really adds to Demon Flesh and all your damaging attacks/Life Steals, but the cost is that each sacrifice costs 50% more: that's -12.75 pain to you from Dark Aura (not 8.5), and -18.75 costs per ToA and DP (instead of 12.5). Be sure you can handle this, because the average sacrifice per cast increases to -30E instead of -20E. Here's an arena NeMe build that puts a lot of this together: Blood 16 Death 12 Illusion 4 Soul Reaping 6 Aura of the Lich Demon Flesh Dark Aura Demon Pact Touch of Agony Vampiric Gaze Distortion Rez Distortion is to ward off melee and arrows at -2E per whiff. The rest is self explanitory... cast Demon Flesh, then AotL and regen energy a bit. Cast Dark Aura and begin getting in close. Cast the attacks as they recharge... you ALWAYS want to steal health with VG when you can. Back off if attacked by hexes or degen Conditions, then restart it all when you're clear. Energy can be a concern, so don't spam too much if you need Distortion in close a lot. Obviously switch in skills that protect you from perceived weaknesses. Hexes and Conditions can hurt, but I run away before they stack 'em - Vampiric Gaze at 63 health stolen every 10 seconds minimizes the effects, but Blood Renewal can be switched for something (i.e. Touch of Agony) as a way of providing extra degen protection. This is just a sample build that keeps AotL's pros and cons in mind as you mix it up on the field. *** Bonus Info *** It seems that the extra health that you receive when AotL ends is remebered by the game... if the skill recharges before the enchant ends, cast it again to reset the minute timer. You'll find that when the OLD cast was orriginally supposed to end (another 5-10 seconds usually), you'll still get a +180 - +200 bonus! Vermilion Okeanos
just one thing in the begining... how did you get that 450 right on the begining of the post?
also... I suggest people consider this skill to in solo PvE. arredondo
Let's say you are a 500/500 player and you use Blood L15 Demon Flesh with Aura of the Lich. That skill gives you an extra +200 max health with L15 stats. So Aura of the Lich takes you to 250/250 health. You cast Demon Flesh (before or after doesn't matter) and instead of giving you the +200, it only gives you +100 under AotL. You are now at 350/350. Actually you would be at 300/350 because it will need to take 20% sacrifice first.
After you regen that 20%, your max health will be 350/350 for 60 seconds. When Aura of the Lich ends after a minute, you get around 202 bonus health at L12 Death Magic. Demon Flesh also gives you 200 after a minute. During that minute, you are supposed to attack with your sacrifices to take advantage of the reduction in cost. Just watch out for degens and run if you are double teamed. You can easily recast later if you need to. Why not use Demon Flesh and sacrifice with 700 health? Because every sacrifice will be 100% of the cost. Touch of Agony at L15 Blood Magic will do 58 damage, and L12 Dark Aura adds 41 damage for a nice total of 99 damage each cast. But the DA damage to YOU is a full 17 (not 8), and the 10% cost of ToA will be 70 (not 17). It costs 87 a cast without AotL (about 7 uses) instead of 25 a cast with it on you (about 14 uses). Your health is cut in half under AotL, but sacrifice skills are not nearly as harmful. --------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Wow, I have to say that Blood Renewal in a Dark Aura/Aura of the Lich build is absolutely fantastic. Yes it costs 33% to cast, but while on a 500/500 player it's 165 point sacrifice (or .33*500), under AotL, that comes to only (.33*250)/2= 41 points. If you do this near an enemy while under Dark Aura, it damages them as a DA trigger. You now have +3 regen, but after 10 seconds of DP and ToA spamming, all that damage to yourself (and from others) will heal for 200+ as I said above. In an actual battle, this is a GREAT thing because it instantly takes you to "full" health (250/250)! In other words, you never have to worry about sacrificing too much with the attack skills without enough heals because Blood Renewal will always keep you VERY healthy. It's a fast cast and only 5E. Use it ONLY under AotL, but once you have it on, BR works so well it should be essential to any AotL build. You want to kill with a Necro like all those other power builds? Run this: Blood Magic - 16 Death Magic - 12 (the rest on whatever) Aura of the Lich Dark Aura Blood Renewal Touch of Agony Dark Pact Rez (any two defensive skills) Here you are doing like 102 or 92 damage each ToA and DP cast. That's about a cast a every other second by the way, and you are constantly being repaired as you attack. The kills are great, but I'm amazed at how much health it supports you with. Make sure to use Blood Renewal with AotL. NIB
The only problem with this is that aotl is an enchantment with 3secs casting time. Which is ok, cause you cast it like a couple secs before the battle starts, but then someone will always drop NR and the enchantment will be removed so the whole build will become useless.
Aotl is a very useful skill when combined with sacrificial skills. But till we see less NR casted, it is useless for gvg/tombs. arredondo
I've only spoke of this skill as it relates to my experiences in Arenas and said so from the beginning. Whenever Tombs are in play, it's a whole different discussion for nearly any skill. In the times where NR has been on the field... yes the fact that it disables AotL immediately is a concern since it takes a long while to recharge.
With that in mind, I don't usually cast it early anyway, to maximize its benefits when I'm ready to attack. 6 seconds to put it on under NR can seem problematic, but it's only a second longer than the Ranger out there spamming spirits. Once you get it up, the other enchants are quick to put on, and you are ready to go to work. I won't try to pretend that this is an answer to solve any Spirit build problems, but obviously that strategy screws up lots of builds. Similarly, I find that Spirit builds go down quick in random Arenas, since the team isn't built around it. But all of this is another topic altogether in figuring out how to get around the restrictions that NR brings to the fight. This is just a lot of fact finding here about how this skill actually works. ShadowStorm
Here's a big question on this skill: AotL reduces damage you recieve by half. Does that reduction come before or after armor and absorption runes take effect?
Example: I have a Warrior/Necro with Knight's armor on and a major absorption rune. Let's say my W/N takes a hit from a Bladed Aatxe in UW for 100 damage. Armor and absorption reduction without AotL 100 x 2^(( 60 - (80 + 10 vs. physical) ) / 40) = 59.46 damage -2(knights) -2(absorption) = 55 damage to my W/N Now, which of the following equations is correct for AotL? AotL applied first (100/2 for AotL) x 2^(( 60 - (80 + 10 vs. physical) ) / 40) = 29.73 damage -2(knights) -2(absorption) = 26 damage to my W/N AotL applied after 100 x 2^(( 60 - (80 + 10 vs. physical) ) / 40) = 59.46 damage -2(knights) -2(absorption) = 55.46 damage / 2 for AotL = 28 damage to my W/N The difference of 2 damage isn't that big a deal when an Aatxe only does a 100 damage hit, but I've seen them do upwards of 250 damage after armor when they score criticals and that could mean a much larger difference here. Especially if a it's not a warrior being hit. Does anyone know when AotL reduction is applied? ShadowStorm
Bump. I still need an answer to the question I posed in my last post. ^
Sorry amigo, I don't have Warrior gear to test it for you. I'll try and save up for it and test it when I can.
Blood Renewal's new +6 max regen since the patch, along with the NR nerf, makes AotL a very potent elite to build around. Here is some info on how strong it makes you on defense.... Under AotL you are always under BR if you wish. Slap a +20% enechant mod on your gear to make BR last 12 seconds. You still recharge in 10 so when you re-cast it, the game "remembers" your old BR and still gives you the 200 point bonus in a few seconds while you are under +6 regen. Even without the enchant extender, it is nothing to re-cast BR since it is 5E, takes 1 second to come out, and only takes 8.3% of a sacrifice. (33%/4) Blood Renewal at max on you now is like having an effective +12 regen. ou are at 50% max health inder AotL, but regen and degen are not affected by AotL. That means regen is double in worth (an effective max +20 regen) and degen is double in penalty (an effective max -20 degen)... you will die twice as fast with degen on your AotL build than you would at 100% max health because you start halfway closer to death. Look at the speed of life lost on the two builds to see -10 degen moves twice as fast towards your death than on a non-AotL build for proof. On a normal build, degen can only move that fast if you could get a -20 degen on you (which is impossible). So regen from BR gets you back up towards your AotL-lowered max health twice as fast than without AotL, or an effective +12 regen if you didn't have this elite. It's impossible to get +12 regen in a normal build, but you get that effective speed on your health bar in regen under AotL. Conjure Phantom is -5 degen in a normal build, but on an AotL build it acts as if you were at -10 degen... that's why you die quicker only by degen since all other damage is in half to your reduced max health. So if they put CP (-5 degen), Phantom Pain (-3 degen) and Suffering on you (-2 degen) then on a normal build you are losing health at -10 speed, but under AotL, the health bar will degen at a simulated -20 degen.... VERY fast. You counter it with Blood Renewal (which acts like +12 regen) until 10 seconds are up and you get a health bonus of +200, which is an effictive +400 health under AotL. Why do I say an effictive 400 HP bonus? The 200 point bonus that Blood Renewal and AotL give is like 400 points health without AotL. If you are at 10% health left on a normal 500 point build, you are at 50/500. If you are at 10% health left under AotL, you are at 25/250. Now, when you get a 200 health bonus from one of those skills mentioned, the normal build jumps up to 250/500. But when you get that 200 bonus for the AotL build, you jump to 225/250 (actually 200/200). With one build you are left with 50% current health, the other you are at 100% health. To get up to full health on the normal build, you actually have to recive a 400+ HP bonus since 200 is not enough. That's why I say you're getting an effective 400 HP in AotL because you jump up to max health so easily. "But your max health is only 250!" some would say. That is NOT an issue to have half max health because you only receive half-damage from all sources! That means if a Warrior combo takes ten hits to kill you in a 500 point build, the half damage rule makes him take the exact same ten hits to kill you in a 250 point AotL build. You aren't dying faster by anything under AotL except degen because it moves at double the degen speed (effective -20 max degen) on your health bar than if you were in a normal build as described above, which is easily countered with the effective +12 regen of BR plus the effective +400 extra health at the end. If your team has the rezzes covered, take Life Siphon and say hello to an effective +18 regen when also using BR under AotL for more invulnerability to degen. Another penalty to keep in mind is that sacrifices do an effective half damage to you under AotL than without it. Imagine a 500 health bar.... you take 316 damage from a Air Ele combo before he dies and are at 184 life left. That's about a 37% length of the health bar remaining (184/500), right? Under AotL, you will only take half of that damage... 158. But since you are at half max life to begin with (250 max health to start), your life bar will still be 37% long and be at 92 health remaining. That's the exact same ratio, right? The AotL version is literally closer to 0 health, but he won't die faster from normal attack damage because that always hits him half as hard. You turn on Blood Renewal in both examples. Normal build A takes a 33% damage of max health (165 is 33% of 500). He goes from 184 to 19 health immediately. That's only 4% of life left! He is regening at +6, which is 12 health a second. That's 120 health in regen he'll get for 139 total (he's at 28% max life), and then a bonus 200 as BR ends. In this example he starts at 184 life after the damage, he loses 165, then he regains 320 to be at 329/500 health after 10 seconds of casting BR. Risky, but he is in better shape. He was at 37% of max health after the damage, now he is at 68% max health. Now let's look at AotL Build B. He also is at 37% health left after the Air Ele combo... 92/250 are the current/max health values. But AotL grants a 50% reduction in sacrifices, making the -33% Blood Renewal cast hurt half as hard than the normal build. Instead of losing 33% of 250 (or 82 hitpoints) taking you to 4% health at 10 HP, you lose only half that which is 41. You now have 51 health left, which is 8% life. You are regening life at a +6 rate. That again comes to +12 every second, or +120 health after ten seconds. But the difference is that this healing isn't reduced, so you go from 51 health to 171/250 health (67%!) where above you went from 19 health to 139/500 health (or 28% health left). Again that's why the regen acts like +12 because in a normal build, only a +12 regen would leave you well over half of your life this way. Of course you still have the 200 point bonus coming, and under AotL it is not reduced. So in Build A, the normal one, you go from 139 health after the regen to 339/500 (68% of max health). In AotL Build B, you go from 171/250 health (67%) up to an impossible 371/250 that drops to 250/250. You are at full AotL health with ease. And that ele has to start all over to hurt you. 339/500 normal build vs. 250/250 AotL recieving half damage from all sources... can you see how awesome this is without a Monk needing to help? If the Air Ele rezzes and attacks both builds again, the first normal build goes to 20/500 HP! A Blood Renewal cast will take him to 1 HP because sacrifices don't kill you unless you have Awaken the Blood on. He's an easy kill unless he can survive for 10 seconds where he'll be at 321/500 health. The AotL build however is again at 92/250 after a BR cast and will zip right back to 250/250 in no time. Hopefully the details and "effective" numbers talk don't confuse you. Just check it out yourself and you'll be impressed. This is the version I run now in Arenas, with defense that help protect me vs. Rangers, Warriors, Necros, and Mesmers: ================= Blood Magic - 16 Death Magic - 12 Illusion - 4 Soul Reaping - 3 Domination - 5 Aura of the Lich Dark Aura Blood Renewal Touch of Agony Dark Pact Rez Distortion Hex Breaker ================= Shwitz
EDIT: Don't mind me... I replied to someone who's post is now gone... d'oh...
Dont Look At My
actually that you only sacrify 1/4 is wrong, it has always been right, there was never a bugg. The Values showed that you sacrifice stand for you full health, without AoTL, but as you have AoTL on, they have to divide it for sure, so you only take 1/2 of it, which is correct to your current health.
So there is no realy advantage using AoTL, except from the fact that your gettin healed at the end, and to be honest, you must be very lucky that AoTL ends when you need the healing, because normally it ends when you dont need it. twicky_kid
one thing most people are forgeting is sac life is dmg delt to you. so you have your max life cut in half. then the sac life dmg is cut in half when you use the skill.
AoTL does alot more than most people think. n/mo with blood renewal, breeze and sac life skills really benifit from AoTL. Dont Look At My
PSST! dont tell!
actually you even can get way more out of AoTL, its all about Percentages and Damage Numbers cut in half taken to the squad and divided by 3, but dont tell anybody, it has to stay a secret, if anyone would bring that equation to the public it could lead to a mass spamming of nuclear weapons and destroy the western civilisation. So lets stop talking in this thread, and active our Nano-Communication-System. If you give me your frequency, I'll ring you. smurfhunter
AoTL is, as people said, very good/bad to pips of regen/degen, but things like shielding hands is actually twice more effective. its an interesting spell, but im not sure its all that usefull in tombs. if it werent elite i would give it alot more thought, but as it stands i see many more usefull elites for necros >.<
Originally Posted by Dont Look At My
actually that you only sacrify 1/4 is wrong, it has always been right, there was never a bugg. The Values showed that you sacrifice stand for you full health, without AoTL, but as you have AoTL on, they have to divide it for sure, so you only take 1/2 of it, which is correct to your current health.
So there is no realy advantage using AoTL, except from the fact that your gettin healed at the end, and to be honest, you must be very lucky that AoTL ends when you need the healing, because normally it ends when you dont need it. Wrong. The net "damage" of sacrifices (in percentage terms) on your AotL health bar is half of the damage that those same sacrifices have on your normal health bar. If you have a 300 max health bar without AotL on, using Blood is Power will take 33% away, or 100 hitpoints. If you have on AotL, your new max health is 150 and 33% of that is 50, but AotL sacrifices take off half that amount as a rule and you only lose 25 hitpoints. The 25 hitpoints lost under AotL is 1/4th of the 100 you lose in normal mode (a 8.25% sacrifice of normal max amount instead of 33% of normal max amount), but because your max health is half as well, the net sacrifice amount is 50% less than the amount listed on the skill. Bottom line: you can cast twice as many sacrifice spells under AotL than without it. arredondo
My Necro tanks with 190 health!
Dark Bond - For the next 30..54 [62] seconds, whenever you receive damage, your closest minion suffers 75% of that damage for you.
I've been working on an AWESOME AotL build for the last week. This build is really a lot of fun to play as it combines two of the Necros many talents. You take one splash of the AotL sacrifice attack spamming I've been praising here, and then mix it with a Minion Animate skill. Tadaaa! You have a playmate (or two) that is available to you as you fight. But the absolute beauty of this ability is when you add an overlooked skill in the Blood line called Dark Bond: Quote: |
Blood: 15
Death: 14
Soul Reaping: 11
(Dual Superior runes)
Aura of the Lich: 58 secs and 227 bonus at the end
Blood Renewal: +6 regen, 190 bonus at the end, 33% sacrifice (half under AotL)
Dark Aura: -19 health for an extra 47 sacrifice damage in-close
Dark Bond: 60 sec. of pain diverting
Dark Pact: 48 damage, 10% sacrifice (half under AotL)
Touch of Agony: 58 damage, 10% sacrifice (half under AotL)
Animate Bone Minions: twice the fun!
Rez (or Death Nova if your team has rezzes covered)
I was using double Superior runes here because I wanted maximum carnage as I attacked my prey (works fine with normal runes though). This gives you awesome damage from the sacrifice attacks AND Dark Aura's bonus. What about the low max health? Well it's really not that hard on you with AotL because the health bonuses have a stronger effect on your total health while sacrifices do less damage. And when you get a minion up, then you really forget about that low max health. I am able to tank with 190 health!
- Cast AotL... the 380 health goes to 190.
- Cast Blood Renewal
- Cast Dark Aura
- Attack with DP and ToA, using BR everytime it recharges
- Cast Animate BM when someone dies
- Immediately cast Dark Bond
Everytime you are hit, 75% of the damage goes to the minion closest to you. The reason why I say this build is so awesome is because you already take only HALF damage under AotL! So instead of a minion getting 75% damage and dying fast, they take half of that amount and live. I use Bone Minions because you get two of them, and when I tanked with this build I tanked. As long as I had Dark Bond and Blood Renewal going I was near unstoppable.
In one match I was the last player left against three hammer/axe Warriors and it took them MUCH longer than normal for them to kill me. A few were even cursing saying I was cheating (I had no Monk secondary that he could see he said

You aren't invincible, but sometimes you feel like you are. And the more you tank, the more you kill. The more you kill, the more damage absorbers you can animate. With high Soul Reaping, I was fine for energy most times. Sure, enchants can run out/be stripped, but you recover and clear the area to "recharge" when you can, then back to the action! Most enchant strips so far only take away my Blood Renewal, which comes back up in no time. Not many enemies waste Rend or Lingering on an innocent Nec it seems. Try it for yourself and it'll remind you why you love being a Necro!

Dont Look At My
damn it ... I knew it would come out some time.
In fact your build is cool arredondo, but what do you do, if theres noone of the ennemies who will die. So lets just get it, that the ennemi team focusses on you. You have no 75% removed and you will die really quickly.
And if they are a bit intelligent, they go on your minions, if you have like 5 of them left.
So nothing against your build, its good, but try to swap that skills for a few monkie ones, it makes a big difference.
Just as example with healing: 8
Mending + Watchful spirit = +5life regen
+blood renewal = +10 life regen
thats quite funny ^^
In fact your build is cool arredondo, but what do you do, if theres noone of the ennemies who will die. So lets just get it, that the ennemi team focusses on you. You have no 75% removed and you will die really quickly.
And if they are a bit intelligent, they go on your minions, if you have like 5 of them left.
So nothing against your build, its good, but try to swap that skills for a few monkie ones, it makes a big difference.
Just as example with healing: 8
Mending + Watchful spirit = +5life regen
+blood renewal = +10 life regen
thats quite funny ^^
I don't die. I have Blood renewal at +6 regen with 190 bonus health (acts like +12 regen and a 380 point bonus when under AotL). Believe me when I say I can play fine in between enchants.
hey they changed it on you; new update.
Less filling but still tastes great.

Hey fellow AotL Minion Dark Bonders! I want to try out my newest AotL build idea above in Tombs this weekend (maybe Sunday, 6:00 PM PST). I'll need at least six others with the same build to go in too (you can use normal runes)... who's with me? Send me a PM or leave your IGN here and I'll contact you. Win or lose it should be a lot of fun!
Please only reply if you have good experience with AotL in general. It's not something that can work well if you've just picked it up.
Please only reply if you have good experience with AotL in general. It's not something that can work well if you've just picked it up.
I was thinking of a N/Mo farming build...
Aura of the Lich {E}
Dark Aura
Dark Pact
Blood Renewal
Touch of Agony
Protective Spirit
Essence Bond / Balthazars Spirit (whichever you like better)
Life Siphon
Death: 12 + 1 + 3
Blood: 10 + 3
Protection: 8
Soul Reaping: 2 + 3
Scar pattern set + sup runes on every piece
One or two points can be taken from death and put into blood for some more damage from ToA + Pact. Half your health (should be low from sup runes). (185 health about with runes, half of that = 92.5 = 93) then half damage 46.5 then prot spirit 10% of 47 = about 5 damage. Watch out for your health from aura sacrifices, and renewal whenever you can for MAJOR healing. Siphon things to keep a constant 10 regen / 9 regen depending on how much time you plan to spend siphoning. Then aoe from aura should do some damage + agony + pact spam. I have not tried this build, but it sounds like it may work..
Aura of the Lich {E}
Dark Aura
Dark Pact
Blood Renewal
Touch of Agony
Protective Spirit
Essence Bond / Balthazars Spirit (whichever you like better)
Life Siphon
Death: 12 + 1 + 3
Blood: 10 + 3
Protection: 8
Soul Reaping: 2 + 3
Scar pattern set + sup runes on every piece
One or two points can be taken from death and put into blood for some more damage from ToA + Pact. Half your health (should be low from sup runes). (185 health about with runes, half of that = 92.5 = 93) then half damage 46.5 then prot spirit 10% of 47 = about 5 damage. Watch out for your health from aura sacrifices, and renewal whenever you can for MAJOR healing. Siphon things to keep a constant 10 regen / 9 regen depending on how much time you plan to spend siphoning. Then aoe from aura should do some damage + agony + pact spam. I have not tried this build, but it sounds like it may work..
Can anyone confirm if any varation of this build is solo farmable? I've tried farming minotaurs/hydras(note; this was BEFORE the update.) and I always die after I manage to kill the first mino. Once I get a DP it's almost impossible to keep farming. Maybe I'm not using it right.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Blood Magic - 16
Death Magic - 12
Soul Reaping - 7
1. Aura of the Lich {E}
2. Dark Aura
3. Blood Renewal
4. Touch of Agony
5. Dark Pact
6. Signet of Agony
7. Plague Touch
8. Unholy Feast/Demonic Flesh/Life Siphon
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Blood Magic - 16
Death Magic - 12
Soul Reaping - 7
1. Aura of the Lich {E}
2. Dark Aura
3. Blood Renewal
4. Touch of Agony
5. Dark Pact
6. Signet of Agony
7. Plague Touch
8. Unholy Feast/Demonic Flesh/Life Siphon
Xenophon Ualtar
I just tried this build for the first time this weekend. It is absolutly awesome and just crazy fun. Of course there is the issue that once you die once you are pretty much toast, but I sure had a lot of fun anyway.

I perosnally Love this build, I run it in Arenas and Teams all the time. I also love to face it when i use my mesmer, interupt mesmer completely destroys this build.
Healing Spells targeted against you are Halved however, regen effects are godly with aura.
Some Necro Skills Say Sacrifice 10% Max Hp and Some say sacrifice 10% Current Hp, some healing Skills arent considered to be a Heal Target ally spell.
Healing Spells targeted against you are Halved however, regen effects are godly with aura.
Some Necro Skills Say Sacrifice 10% Max Hp and Some say sacrifice 10% Current Hp, some healing Skills arent considered to be a Heal Target ally spell.
Originally Posted by lynxxClan
Healing Spells targeted against you are Halved however, regen effects are godly with aura.
Copy&Paste from Update notes :
Aura of the Lich – Decreased Energy to 10; decreased casting time to 2 seconds; decreased recharge to 20; decreased duration to 15..45; removed “half healing” from description.
Aura of the Lich – Decreased Energy to 10; decreased casting time to 2 seconds; decreased recharge to 20; decreased duration to 15..45; removed “half healing” from description.
Tainted Poon
I perfer:
16 blood
15 death
4 soul reap
1. res sig
2. Aotl
3. Dark Aura
4. Touch of agony
5. Dark pact
6. Death nova
7. Consume Corpse
8. Blood Renewal
16 blood
15 death
4 soul reap
1. res sig
2. Aotl
3. Dark Aura
4. Touch of agony
5. Dark pact
6. Death nova
7. Consume Corpse
8. Blood Renewal
Yo big up's to ya arredondo.Nice research on this skill;you cleared it up good for me.But i was wondering what u thoght about infuse condition to help with condition degens like poisen.I know this wouldn't be a big problem with a good healer but I think it might help in random arenas.
quick question, casting aura of the lich, will that half ur maximum possible health, or will it half ur maximum health, and the health u have currently
eg: i have 250 out of 500 health. i cast aura of the lich, will i now have 'maximum health' of 250, or will i have 125 health out of 250. if it is the former, then surely this spell is better cast once ur down to half health, or below?
to reply to the person that siad AotL is useless while working with sacrafice skills, not really, it may only half the dmg dealt to u, but remember that ur are going to get a 200 health boost at the end, so consider ur health, i u have 400 max health for example, once u use AotL it will be half (200) plus the 200 that u will gain at the end. clearly if u use this calculation then sacrifice is a mere 1/4
eg: i have 250 out of 500 health. i cast aura of the lich, will i now have 'maximum health' of 250, or will i have 125 health out of 250. if it is the former, then surely this spell is better cast once ur down to half health, or below?
to reply to the person that siad AotL is useless while working with sacrafice skills, not really, it may only half the dmg dealt to u, but remember that ur are going to get a 200 health boost at the end, so consider ur health, i u have 400 max health for example, once u use AotL it will be half (200) plus the 200 that u will gain at the end. clearly if u use this calculation then sacrifice is a mere 1/4
I'm using Faustus' build from the previous page and it works well for me. I don't like the dark pact in there (#5), I just don't think it fits right. Its cheap and spamable yes, but I think I do enough damage without it, and I think a bit more defense woul be nice. All the other skills work really well together (I'm using Unholy feast for #8).
I think that one of the following skills would probably be better for the last slot (instead of dark pact):
Perhaps a warrior stance such as Wary/shield/defensive stance.
An Elementalist ward spell.
Symbol of wrath/Balthazar's aura/other AoE continuous damage spell.
As you can change your second profession, and only need one spell from your second (if any) it shouldn't be too hard to get one of those^
Although I like Tainted's build with consume corpse, to gain back some of the energy and health lost.
Also, perhaps replace Plague touch with Plague sending. Not only will the life sacrificing trigger Dark Aura, but for example the bleeding recieved from Signet of Agony (which I must say does work very well. about 80 dmg to each nearby foe if used with dark aura) to ALL the enemies around you.
Putrid explosion might be quite nice as well when being mobbed.
I think that one of the following skills would probably be better for the last slot (instead of dark pact):
Perhaps a warrior stance such as Wary/shield/defensive stance.
An Elementalist ward spell.
Symbol of wrath/Balthazar's aura/other AoE continuous damage spell.
As you can change your second profession, and only need one spell from your second (if any) it shouldn't be too hard to get one of those^
Although I like Tainted's build with consume corpse, to gain back some of the energy and health lost.
Also, perhaps replace Plague touch with Plague sending. Not only will the life sacrificing trigger Dark Aura, but for example the bleeding recieved from Signet of Agony (which I must say does work very well. about 80 dmg to each nearby foe if used with dark aura) to ALL the enemies around you.
Putrid explosion might be quite nice as well when being mobbed.
Originally Posted by Peewee
quick question, casting aura of the lich, will that half ur maximum possible health, or will it half ur maximum health, and the health u have currently
eg: i have 250 out of 500 health. i cast aura of the lich, will i now have 'maximum health' of 250, or will i have 125 health out of 250. if it is the former, then surely this spell is better cast once ur down to half health, or below? As far as I can tell... neither. It actually subtracts half your maximum health from your current health, leaving you with a minimum of 1. Basically the same as receiving a deep wound, except for 50% instead of 20%. So, uh, be careful when you cast it, I guess. I got myself killed a couple times last night using it incautiously.
eg: i have 250 out of 500 health. i cast aura of the lich, will i now have 'maximum health' of 250, or will i have 125 health out of 250. if it is the former, then surely this spell is better cast once ur down to half health, or below? As far as I can tell... neither. It actually subtracts half your maximum health from your current health, leaving you with a minimum of 1. Basically the same as receiving a deep wound, except for 50% instead of 20%. So, uh, be careful when you cast it, I guess. I got myself killed a couple times last night using it incautiously.

Watch out for life-stealing spells. i was using a AotL build during a jungle mission and got vamp touched to death by the moss scarabs. I believe life-stealing spells do full damage to you.