Hey!, I preordered Guild Wars at target. It cost $1, and the cashier didn't write down my name or anything. I payed with cash. So, I have the preorder box and the cd keys for pre-order play...but what do I do when I want to go buy the retail since she didn't record my name? Should I bring in the box as proof or what? Any ideas are much appreciated.
Ps. I
Not wait for the
Pre-ordered at Target...please help!
$1.....no comment...life's cruel but no spare dollar?....
EDIT: You'll HAVE to pay the normal price since the BWE's are over and they're just trying to get rid of the copies..but $1
EDIT: You'll HAVE to pay the normal price since the BWE's are over and they're just trying to get rid of the copies..but $1

Bring your reciept, that's what they will need to see.
good luck lmao. only a buck tho, no worries, they will have extra copies.
Rushing Wind
As mentioned ^^, bring your receipt plus e3nough money to finish paying for the rest of the game... $49 or $79 + tax depending on which version of the game you get.
Lea Black
We bought several copies at Target, there is a $1.00 off coupon inside the box, that's all you'll need. They aren't reserving the retail game so you'll want to go in early!
Devil's Dictionary
Well, you can at least play a day earlier and get an item and a poster.
Target.... ewwww