My character is FINALLY complete mwaha!
Character is finally all done. Got the weapons, armor and everything I want. w00t! Cheers to Melandrus Shadow!
Wow, Sundering andFortitude? The two worst mods in the game on the same bow? awesome!
LOL....sad but true.
get a +4-5 armor grip will prevent way more than 30 dmg over the course of your battles so fortitude is outdated. 5:1 vampiric string you use barrage you hit 6 times draining 5 each hit. that's an extra 30 life for you and 5 dmg to your attacks.
but really contrages. if you ever decide to sell you can make a nice profit while you make a better bow.
get a +4-5 armor grip will prevent way more than 30 dmg over the course of your battles so fortitude is outdated. 5:1 vampiric string you use barrage you hit 6 times draining 5 each hit. that's an extra 30 life for you and 5 dmg to your attacks.
but really contrages. if you ever decide to sell you can make a nice profit while you make a better bow.
First off, not trying to defend my character, but the comments are kind of stupid. Not everyone uses barrage *raises hand*, and vampiric is WAY overrated. You'll get differing opinions on all the bow strings. If sundering is so terrible, why do they still sell for such a nice amount, and why are they sought after? Either way its a max upgrade that most people like to see (and I like to use). Poison works nice with poison arrow *duh*.
Second, +30 HP mod, whatever. I guess over the course of the battle +4 armor might help me, but with currently around 300 armor, I don't see how +4 is going to make a HUGE difference. And +30 is still extremely popular.
Now my bows may not be THE BEST; but I sense a bit of jealousy coming from you two. I know my bows are quite godly and the armor is all 15K, dyed black, with 2 nice runes. I'd like to see your current equipment.
Second, +30 HP mod, whatever. I guess over the course of the battle +4 armor might help me, but with currently around 300 armor, I don't see how +4 is going to make a HUGE difference. And +30 is still extremely popular.
Now my bows may not be THE BEST; but I sense a bit of jealousy coming from you two. I know my bows are quite godly and the armor is all 15K, dyed black, with 2 nice runes. I'd like to see your current equipment.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
you use barrage you hit 6 times
<snip> barrage? fun in pve but quite useless in pvp. so what are usefull mods?
you use barrage you hit 6 times
<snip> barrage? fun in pve but quite useless in pvp. so what are usefull mods?
Originally Posted by ZeR04U
Second, +30 HP mod, whatever. I guess over the course of the battle +4 armor might help me, but with currently around 300 armor, I don't see how +4 is going to make a HUGE difference. And +30 is still extremely popular.
Armor ratings don't stack. You actually only of 70 (+30 vs Elemental) Al across each region (arms, hands, chest, etc) of your characters body. And again popular does not mean good. Note: I edited the quotes for emphasis. Edit: Just so you know, I don't really care what items you use. As long as you're happy with them, they're good enough. ![]() Krank
Nice char, i love the bow, and such blah blah
But why black on your armor ![]() 691175002
Their right and i doubt jealously has anythig to do with it. Yay! 3-4 more dmg 10% of the time from sundering! Yay! 30 more health!. It has been proven somewhere using the calculations guild wars uses for damage that the 5+ armor is better than 30+ health. To add to the joke 5+ armor sells for under 1k. Vamperic is nice but overrated. The 5+dmg is nice but the -1 health regen actually really hurts. From experience I found that I either came even in health or lost a bit because of the vamperic. The only bonus was the extra damage.
I think that a +5 armor and poisoners is the best combo and is one of the cheapest too lol. ZeR04U
Didn't know the armor didn't stack, pretty nice info. I guess. Could always switch to that or something down the road.
Meh, guess it's just kind of rough when you work hard for something online and then people come on and laugh at what you have... *sigh* Vilaptca
Ignore them, play however you want. They'll think what they want to think.
Congratulations on completing your character the way YOU want it and not they way the Guru community thinks you should have it. High five for you. And I don't use any bow strings besides Sundering or Poisoners. Just because it isn't the "best" does not mean it isn't good. BigTru
I'd much rather have the +HP than the +Armor. How many times have we all fallen victim to Armor Pentrating, Armor Ignoring, or Degan spells?
Dont worry i would get stuff like that just to show off at people lol. Even though poisoners flat bow of shelter is better people start slobbering when they see sundering, fortitude and storm bow in the same sentence.
I'll be the first to say it then. Nice char, it can kick my chars ass anytime.
Originally Posted by ZeR04U
Second, +30 HP mod, whatever. I guess over the course of the battle +4 armor might help me, but with currently around 300 armor, I don't see how +4 is going to make a HUGE difference. And +30 is still extremely popular.
Now my bows may not be THE BEST; but I sense a bit of jealousy coming from you two. I know my bows are quite godly and the armor is all 15K, dyed black, with 2 nice runes. I'd like to see your current equipment. I'm sorry, my point wasn't to put you down, if I did, I really am sorry. Anyway, as mentioned, guildwars uses a hit location system in combat, meaning you have armor for every hit location, not added up armor. The +5 armor mod will be added to all locations, so it really is a very useful mod. If you search around the forums you will find a few threads explaining why +5 armor is better than +30 health. As for the string, well, vampiric is very nice with bows with the same rate of fire as shortbows, as you will be firing quite fast, but with other bows I wouldn't recommend it. Same goes for Zealous. They are both very nice used in conjuction with Quick Shot or Barrage too, although the ladder isn't a very useful skill in most PvP situations in my opinion. As for my own equiptment, I really couldn't care less. I'm still running around in my Droknar's Armor, although it is coloured black, but only because vanquisher (a guildie) for some reason decided to hand me 5 black dyes. I'm also running with a smiting wand that isn't even max damage and white and with some healing symbol Shinsei (another guildie) gave me early on. In my second slot I have a +1 energy insightful staff, that's not max damage either. And on my third slot I'm running the 20/20 collectors item, purely for use when farming and my 4th slot is empty =) ZeR04U
In all honestly 691.. that's kind of what I did lol.
Oh wells... I can see how the 10/10 string could be kind of worthless (calc. only had it do an extra 3 damage when it does work lol). So you think 3 damage in 20 seconds (2 secs to refire, figure 10 shots, 1 works, etc.) vs. the extra 16 damage or something from lengthened poison. HOWEVER; if you're using barrage I'd have to think sundering is the best. Vampiric just seems kind of worthless. That constant -1 is a thorn in your boot. <THEORY OF WHY ARMOR vs. HP MOD> Then theres the armor vs. HP. On the calculator I set my armor to 70, and the base damage to 20 with 0 penetration. So with 70 armor it does 16.82 and on 75 it does 15.41. So with the HP mod it'd take 28 hits to kill you, with the armor mod it'd take 29 hits to kill you. So it's a difference but minute. However; this equation differs if you were to be healed for max health. If you lost 100 health and are fully healed by a monk, you'd be healed for 100 with the HP mod, and 70 with the armor mod. At this point it'd take 5.94 hits to widdle down the 100, whereas it'd take 4.54 to widdle down the 70 HP including armor that you had. This holds true with higher damage ratings, notwithstanding armor penetration. I also tested this with +7 mods. SO, I would say that armor and HP mods are situation dependent. If you have healing abilities or monks that can heal towards your MAX health, HP mods are better. If you have no monks, can't use healing abilities (such as your mirror) then you'd want armor mods. Therefore, I really can't say that HP is better than armor. The only major difference is price obviously. But I'd say it is totally dependent on the character. In addition, when you start using more and more runes, HP mods will help you tremendously compared to armor mods, as hits will not work on a decimal basis, but simply 1-2 to finish off. For example, 3 hits will finish off someone with +7 armor, but it will take 4 to finish off someone with the HP mod. As a percentage basis, +7 armor accounts for 10% of total armor, whereas HP accounts for roughly 6.25%. However, if you begin using monks and superior runes, that percentage is reduced. FINALLY, as a closing test, using Dryders defense adding +59 elemental defense cuts 59% of the damage. I believe the max elemental armor mod you can have is +4. +4 is roughly 6.7% of 59, and 6.7% is 0.871 prevention, or roughly 1. If you took 21 damage it would take 25 hits to kill you, which is only 22 or so life saved from the armor mod. THROUGH my tests and observations, in some scenarios both upgrades seem beneficial, but it is clear to me that armor is not better than HP, and in some instances, worse (where runes and monks are almost essential in any team; as rangers ARE definfately support characters that make use of both elements). Wow, that was long. Lord Malikai
Actually, the debate is a stalemate as it differs with each situation you are in. In some instances, having the +5 armor is better, in others, +30 health. So really, it is just your opinion. Kinda tired of heaing people say, "there are facts that prove X is better than Y", when in reality, all the facts say different circumstances call for different mods.
The same goes for the 10% sundering. With penetrating shot and certain other skills, it is a noticeable difference in damage. Nice char and grats. Sagius Truthbarron
My Chinese farmer friend could get you some bows alot nicer than that...
![]() I mean, the bow is only 13%+ and the other one is only 14%+. Any PvP character using the "above 50% health" mod will have 20%+. Atleast get the best damage. ZeR04U
Your chinese farmer friend eh? Well I have 5 from Korea and they game till they die from starvation so there.
In addition, all 20% mods are below 15%, so great call there genius. Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by ZeR04U
Your chinese farmer friend eh? Well I have 5 from Korea and they game till they die from starvation so there.
In addition, all 20% mods are below 15%, so great call there genius. Below 15% what? I'm not sure I'm understanding your dialect so well. ![]() I'm talking about 20%+ damage when your health is above 50%. I have a 20% damage while health is below 50% hammer in my inventor and a one while above 50% on my PvP character. Are you trying to say above 50% only exists on PvP characters? Perhaps that 20%+ doesn't exist on bows? In any case, why not atleast get 15%? No Chinese would ever buy that stuff, I'm telling you. ![]() My Chinese friend has never turn him his game off in all the time hes been on my friends list! Ha! ![]() ZeR04U
I'm not sure you understand the game very well.
All Greater then 50% health mods, have a MAX damage % of 15. All BELOW 50% health mods have a max damage % of 20. So I don't understand where you'd get a 20%>50% of HP damage mod. If you can do that, than you truly have the best equipment in the game, which means you're a developer for anet, or simply hacked it lol. THE max a bow or any weapon can have for the above 50% of HP mod is 15. So 13 is pretty good. Couple that with a coveted storm bow, and a req. of 9, and you've got something pretty damn rare. Your Chinese friend may find a lot of godly items, but that'd still be a toughy to find. And my korean friends play for like 49 hours a day because they live on Mars so there. ![]() Sagius Truthbarron
Yeah, you're right. I always wondered what the use of having a below 50% health mod was when you could have one that's above.
Want to buy a 5/1 max vampiric hammer with 20%<50% health mod? :X Anyway, yah I wouldn't call that character "complete" exactly, but it's better than my main one ![]() Congrats on the stuff ^^ Ultimate_Gaara
Now im no fashion designer but you need to put some more clothes on...
And im pretty sure this would fit much better in the screenshot forum... trelloskilos
It's a nice character ZeRo4U...
but why the glorified posting and effort to display her here? There are several different character builds and graphic asthetics that are very good on many lvl 20 players, and I'm sure there are many members on this community who have developed their characters with 15k armour sets, gold max dmg weapons, elite skills and adornments & dyes, but none of them have the urge to post a dedicated thread for their character saying (in effect) "Gosh! Wow! Look at my Godly character! He/She is 1337!!" ZeR04U
Jee I dunno, after logging around 100 hours playing that character, the fact that she's finally 'done' according to me is kind of neat. Not EVERYONE (or even close) has the final weapons they want, the runes they need, their armor and colorings. Excuse me for being proud of my character.
Pretty sure I didn't say anything about, "this character kicks all your butts, nobody can get good items like mine, my build is better then everyone elses." Maybe I did it for some feedback, and obviously suggestions about the runes (which I asked seperately) and possible armor upgrades vs. health sure helped. You can stop trolling now. You know its kind of funny, all my friends and people on gamefaqs were like, 'congrats! thats hawt, nice, nice results for hard work, im almost there too!', last place I'd expect someone to make a comment like yours would be here. trelloskilos
Who's trolling?
I said it's a nice character, and you have every right to be proud of her.... But like I said, nobody here on these forums has gone to the point of making a thread dedicated to their character, displaying 2 gold bows, superior runes, black dye etc., and saying "My character is FINALLY complete! Mwahahahaha" - Like I said, it is EFFECTIVELY saying "Look at my 1337 character!" ALSO, if you are asking for some feedback, you have a very subtle (almost non-existent) way of doing it. Let's see...the words "Finally", and "Just how I want it" are in your first post, "Comments please" or "Do you think I should..." are not. You flame the first couple of suggestions, and say things along the lines of "My weapons are quite godly, and I'd like to see YOUR equipment!" - Your intentions of proving to the world what a superior character you have to everyone else in the game is clear as spring water. Now, I'll ask again. Who's trolling? Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by ZeR04U
Jee I dunno, after logging around 100 hours playing that character, the fact that she's finally 'done' according to me is kind of neat. Not EVERYONE (or even close) has the final weapons they want, the runes they need, their armor and colorings. Excuse me for being proud of my character.
Pretty sure I didn't say anything about, "this character kicks all your butts, nobody can get good items like mine, my build is better then everyone elses." Maybe I did it for some feedback, and obviously suggestions about the runes (which I asked seperately) and possible armor upgrades vs. health sure helped. You can stop trolling now. You know its kind of funny, all my friends and people on gamefaqs were like, 'congrats! thats hawt, nice, nice results for hard work, im almost there too!', last place I'd expect someone to make a comment like yours would be here. Someone give me a push pin, I need to deflate this man's head. You're the only person here I see "trolling". Every post you've gotten so far you directly replied to and beat to the ground O.o Really, I'm sure your friends at gamefaqs would enjoy your attitude; every time I went on a gamefaqs forum for any game I noticed that it was unmoderated and flame wars and death threats were common-ground. And that other person is right. In your first post you asked for no constructive critque, suggesting that all you were saying was "Look and be amazed at my wicked awesome character! Bwwhahaha!" ![]() Ensign
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