Ok 1st off i would like to add that there are currently 250+ threads containing the word requirement so please dont flame me here, i couldnt find what i was looking for.
The Cathans Targe Shield has 14 armor and requires 8 tactics.
What (if any) will this shield do if i does not have 8 in tactics ?
Does this affect anything if i increase my tactics (like from zero to four)
Or does this shield have Zero armor untill it receives a 8 in tactics.
Requirement Question
Wrath of m0o
Wrath of m0o
anyone care to share some light on this ?
only a guess now but i believe it will act much like a wepon does when u use it at a lower req. It should provide some protection but at only a percentage according to what ur attr. level is in tactics
The shield functions like a newbie shield (3 armor) until you meet its requirement. At that point it begins to function as listed.
The game does not differentiate between 0 tactics and 7 tactics - if you don't meet the req, you don't meet the req, period.
The game does not differentiate between 0 tactics and 7 tactics - if you don't meet the req, you don't meet the req, period.