All items are rare (gold)
Fiery Fellblade of Swordmanship: (1)
15-22 fire dmg(req 12)
+14%dmg vs hexed foes
+1 swordmanship (18%chance)
Price: 30p
Barbed Gladius of Shelter (4)
15-22dmg (req 9)
+15%dmg vs hexed foes
Lenghtens bleeding duration
Price: 15p
IGN: Skilgannon Demonson
Or leave a message with your ign
3 max dmg Fellblades and a gladius (gold)
Sword Number: 3 sold!
Sword Number: 2 sold!
death leim
r those prices how much ur sellin em for or how much theyre worth to a merchant? if those r wat ur sellin them for ill buy the last two numbers 1 & 4.
IGN mighty leviathan.
IGN mighty leviathan.
Hi will contact you in game sry sold gladius already that the price I sell to everybody who is interedted
death leim
i thought p stood for gp cuz im used to seein k or gp not p. srry. =P