Guild Wars is not your typical MMO. It was made without all of the fuss associated with other MMO's and has made the gameplay in effect 'easier' on players. In keeping with this spirit, here is a list of what I don't want to see added to Guild Wars:
-Any kind of decay/condition-loss/durability-loss/corpse-run/XP-loss system implemented. This just makes PVE/PVP unattractive when you must replace busted items and/or re-earn lost XP and/or run back to your wounded corpse every few hours (or few minutes) of gameplay.
-Any kind of eating/resting/wound healing system or any kind of system that forces the player to in effect STOP playing altogether for a short or long period of time. I've seen this in other games and I do not want to see it in Guild Wars.
-Any kind of transport/boat/flying system that players are forced to use to get anywhere in the game world, and also must wait long periods of time to be transported (think SWGs shuttle system or WOWs transportation system).
*This does not include any form of Mounts or Guild Wars' current map travel system, as I don't think mounts would cause much change in Guild Wars and the instant-travel is quick and painless.
Now I know I can come up with some more, but I can't seem to think of them at the moment. I don't want to upset any of you hardcore RP'ers out there that enjoy these kinds of gameplay options, but Guild Wars was made without any of these and in fact was marketed as such. Now, if ArenaNet made RP districts that had these options, I wouldn't mind, as long as I and other players were not forced to use these districts. There would need to be a choice, not a forcible demand, for such a thing.
What this game DOESN'T need...
I enjoyed the post, and liked your ideas, I also am worried that when people post stuff like you did, it gives anet ideas we should not encourage