I had a rly weird id today. Maybe it would be funny 2 realese some monsters in the cities themselfs when it is crowded and let evryone there fight them 4 some XP xtra. I know it sounds weird but maybe its fun.
Please tell me what u think of this id .
Gr. Draco Hunt
The masacre
Draco Hunt
The undead Mesmer
whell if you unleash 400 minotaures its ok
Funny I was thinking that the other day to, say all of a sudden a huge lv30 bone drake came stalking through lion's arch. I tell ya though, first time you see that and you'd be caught by surprise. I'd have it go crashing through the storage or merchant district, kill all those WTS spammers who's cries of anger would be "WTS 11113333777444rrrrrrr55555" DAMN IT I CAN'T ATTACK IT!!!!
that would be cool.
Draco Hunt
I didnt know someone had the same id but still it would be funny especialy the pissed of spammers
I agree, Draco. Terrific idea except for the fact that no one could fight back (unless they coded something in that allowed town fighting only while the monsters were present/alive). However, having been said before, I'm closing the thread for the time being.
Good idea though!
Good idea though!