...once the game goes live?
Wether they do or don't...will you really come back to the forums? I will probally move onto both my guild sites 98% of my forums down time. May check these boards every now and again to see if a party is being planned.
Will they be resetting the boards....
yeah, I'll be back here all the time. People will come up with new builds and strategies, and I want to be aware of them.
This is a fan-site operated board, we don't wipe
I know THX already responded. But it may not be a bad idea for them to wipe the boards once the game is released. A lot of the information will be redundant and about the BWE's .. a few months down the road and not many people will know what a BWE is/was. Anyway.. I just wanted to post and say it may not be an entirely bad idea to wipe the board after properly saving the pertinant information to restart with a plethora of information in sticky and Q&A form.
Originally Posted by THX
This is a fan-site operated board, we don't wipe
Lord Feriluce
The boards may not need a wipe as old info is usually pushed far back but the guru site needs some work. I was looking at the new players center (to refresh my memory and see what has changed) and I'm still seeing info on capture signets etc.
Because maybe capture signets still exist as far as we are concerned?