Hi, I am auction off the following:
1) SOLD to Thanthos - trusted me with 300k up front, and was not disappointed
(I sold and delivered one to Shanejeffery less than an hour into the auction open, but don't worry I have another one!)
I'm only really interested in selling these things for gold. I will end the auction on Tuesday @ 11PM EST.
Thank you.
WTS: LONG SWORD 15>50, Req 9 // STORMBOW 11>50, Req 10 // Perfect Furious Sword Hilt
Sergio Leone
Well my counter to the bow is 60k if i get beat out no problem but i think thats a little high.
Mythology Of The Greeks
I will b/o the sword hilt!!
IGN Axe Goldenhands
IGN Axe Goldenhands
100k on sword
Jm Equinoxx
Jm Equinoxx
Blue Steel
I will trade you a 15>50 max gold longsword with 3:1 vampiric and +5 defense (req 11) (worth around 350K) for your longsword here, and toss in 50K too, if you'll take that as a buyout. IGN - Lady Blue Steel (I know you said you are looking for gold, but this sword is an easy sell, I just dont want to sell it if I don't have a replacement lined up)
LiQuId StEeL
Sundering Spatha of Warding - +15>50hp - 10/7 penetration - armor+7 vs ele
Vamipric Longbow of Enchanting (feather model) - +15>50% - 19% Longer Enchantments - 4:1 life steal
Vamipric Longbow of Enchanting (feather model) - +15>50% - 19% Longer Enchantments - 4:1 life steal
I'll buyout the Long Sword.
IGN: Thanthos Felbane
I'm online right now.
IGN: Thanthos Felbane
I'm online right now.
60k on sword hilt ign mega little
bump, auction ends tomorrow night
Semi Angel
70k on hilt
Mythology Of The Greeks
I Will B/o On Your Other Sword Hilt!!!!!!!! I Need Them Badly Lol!!!!!!!!
sorry for posting again mods, but everything has been sold!
you can delete this if you wish.
you can delete this if you wish.