I have not done much in this game so far (main is level 17 at the druids #$%%@ quest where you have to be faster than the enemy, my secondary is at D'alessio seabord and I may finish with her first, at least I'm having more fun with her) so little chance to do much. Mostly at this point I will sometimes group with low level people (but then, being a terrible grouper and exlusive henchie user I can't offer much more than a lot of damage and I will live).
In other games I usually give away quite bit. I played Dark Age of Camelot for quite a bit as a crafter, gave away many bronze to silver (IIRC, been quite a while and many games in between) weapons, usually sold what I could craft at about a 5% profit (Adamantium at when I quit, at the time that was pretty high as it went, I do not know about now). I suspect that after my time actually playing this game comes to and end (almost always a PvE only player) I will spend time waiting for updates doing something similar. I'm having much more fun with Guild Wars than I did with any other online game, much closer to a single player - and I play them ad nausium.