
March Hare

March Hare

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


Knights of Ascalon


I found 3 Bugs in thew game before the Searing. Two happened Ascalon Abbey. a) there was no map, and b) whenever you were fighting any of the "giant" spider types, there were no point for their damage, just a big ed line infront of them ( by the way I'm so glad that they decided to add damage points in). The third didn't matter where I was, ocasionally when I changed my target I "jumped" to the target. I was maybe 30 yards at the time then with a single click I was right beside them?
So was this just me or everyone?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005


i didnt really report any of the bugs i saw, most of them probably just flew past me anyways without me noticing. but i did find that in the first mission out of ascalon the one where the charr chase you back to the wall, anyway on the way outhere after you come off one of the bridges there is a map screw up--on the right there was a floating rock almost right in the path, impossible not to notice.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

I think what was most annoying was getting stuck on porches, ledges, trees or behind a charmed critter or NPC. I reported it.