Yes!! I knew I could ascend at lvl 14!
Artemis Bladewing
Well as said I was playing the Monk pve and this is my 5th character so I decided forget all quests and coops and just rush it, so I got someone to rush me to ToA and to Droknars and from there on I did everything by myself with henches, I rushed myself through the desert and did all 3 coops there by myself as lvl 13 or lower. I even went back and did Thirsty Rivers Bonus.
Thirsty took me 74 minutes to complete. Dunes was done quickly as I just had to guard and Elona I went there twice, once to complete mission and then to just get elite skills
I must say that monk is the class which can play this entire game by itself or atleast with henches. Great Fun. Now I am in Dragon's Lair and need 1000 more xp for lvl 20. ( I finished my doppelganger in 2:30 minutes)
I added some screenshot from my way. Cant w8 to see some ppl flame and insult rushers and stuff but GW is to easy for expirienced players and for monks especially.
(The text in the pics is all german, to lazy to switch language)
My Über monk in tombs w8ting for someone to take me.
more pics:
3 Some of those fights lasted really long because the npcs got stuck but some smiting on Stefan and the way is free
4 Just arrived in Dragons Lair and already have groups interested.
(Sorry if some pics cant load, but thats the best uploader service I have)
Thirsty took me 74 minutes to complete. Dunes was done quickly as I just had to guard and Elona I went there twice, once to complete mission and then to just get elite skills
I must say that monk is the class which can play this entire game by itself or atleast with henches. Great Fun. Now I am in Dragon's Lair and need 1000 more xp for lvl 20. ( I finished my doppelganger in 2:30 minutes)
I added some screenshot from my way. Cant w8 to see some ppl flame and insult rushers and stuff but GW is to easy for expirienced players and for monks especially.
(The text in the pics is all german, to lazy to switch language)
My Über monk in tombs w8ting for someone to take me.
more pics:
3 Some of those fights lasted really long because the npcs got stuck but some smiting on Stefan and the way is free
4 Just arrived in Dragons Lair and already have groups interested.
(Sorry if some pics cant load, but thats the best uploader service I have)
fire dragon44
where is ToA
An old guildmate of mine ascended at lvl 7, and the rest of us usually ascend around lvl 12. At least we used to, before it got changed to just 50k xp instead of auto hop to lvl 20, now I always ascend at 15 because that's just enough to get you to 20.
The PvE portion of the game is...really easy.
The PvE portion of the game is...really easy.
Artemis Bladewing
ToA = Temple Of Ages, in Kryta. Its the place where u get into UW and Fissure.
fire dragon44
so you can get to the desert from near droknars?
Originally Posted by fire dragon44
so you can get to the desert from near droknars?
only way to desert is doing sanctum cay mission
Wow lvl 14 Schutzgebete, now that takes skill
nice pictures, i really enjoyed the geman, it game me a chuckle to see GW in a diffrent language
nice pictures, i really enjoyed the geman, it game me a chuckle to see GW in a diffrent language
lol.. Divine Favor has a funny translator... I'm dutch and in Holland the game is just in English..
in that German version however it says Gunst der Gotter
meaning Favor of the Gods if you literally translate it.. >.>
for as far as my German goes neways.
in that German version however it says Gunst der Gotter
meaning Favor of the Gods if you literally translate it.. >.>
for as far as my German goes neways.
Originally Posted by Elena
only way to desert is doing sanctum cay mission
There is way from the south shiverpeaks to the desert i am not sure but it might be a mission.I know some who have gotten there from there.To the OP it would be nice to see your skill bar and there is an imageshack in Europe or UK anyway good work.
Artemis Bladewing
I will post a skillbar later but as for skills use mending and healing breeze +sprint and lots of meatshield henches and you can reach every desert city inless then 10 minutes.
For elona and dunes use healing so that you have 2 healers and 1 protector in a group.
And for Thirsty I took the SmitingPrayer line smiting on Stefan to make him do more damage whilst still healing to help alesia a bit.
For elona and dunes use healing so that you have 2 healers and 1 protector in a group.
And for Thirsty I took the SmitingPrayer line smiting on Stefan to make him do more damage whilst still healing to help alesia a bit.
I can't seem to use henchies in missions only quests.I stop useing at the Borlis Pass mission.I am haveing a hard time with ascending with real ppl and there was one good one who was walking us through it and it took us 4 times but couldn't do it this is thirsty river and with another group 3 times still no luck.It would be nice if there was an optioal miision so you can forfiet these 3 missions.You don't have to do any other missions in game except devinty coast and sactum cay you can just by pass them all.How long did it take you to get that one Rank?
Artemis Bladewing
rank one, uhm like 6 days, before that i only played PvE and GvG