Please read all descriptions Carefully. Note the starting bids. They are there for a reason. If your bid is below a starting bid, it will be ignored. If you dont like my price, simply click the "back" button. Dont flame.
Auction ends on wednesday, august 17th, at 8pm.
I reserve the right not to sell.
PM me for info.
Good Luck, and thanx for stopping by.
Starting bid on #1 is 50k
Starting bid on #2 is 1.5k
Starting bid on #3 sorry... SOLD in game !!!
Starting bid on #4 is 1k
Starting bid on #5 is 15k
Starting bid on #6 is 12k
Starting bid on #7 is 700gp - 1k the_hriccane
Starting bid on #8 is 700gp - 1100 Pandora Chaotic
Starting bid on #9 is 15k
Starting bid on #10 is 1k
Starting bid on #11 is 1k
Starting bid on #12 is 2k
Starting bid on #13 is 15k
Starting bid on #14 is 15k
Starting bid on #15 is 5k
WTS Many Nice Things (come take a look)
Pandora Chaotic
700 gp on 8
24 hour bump
1k on #8 ign woo mera
Pandora Chaotic
1100g on #8
IGN: Pandora Chaotic
IGN: Pandora Chaotic
24 hour bump